15 Tips to Live a Healthier Life



Many of us, when we think of weight loss, exercise and living a healthy lifestyle: “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.” Think of your body as your physical shell to take you through life. These are 15 Tips to Live a Healthier Life :)

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Healthy Lifestyle

Presented by: Mai El Hadidy

B.SC. In Pharmaceutical Science,2010

Trainee at ITI Intake 33 –User Interface

Many of us, when we think of weight loss, exercise and living a healthy lifestyle:

“The only way to keep your health is to eat

what you don’t want, drink what you don’t

like, and do what you’d rather not.”

Do you know?!!

Shocking over 65% of Americans are either obese or overweight.

• How healthy are you?

• Do you have a healthy diet?

• Do you exercise regularly?

• Do you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day?

• Do you get enough sleep every day?

Think !

of your body as your physical shellto take you through life.

Life is beautiful

Good Health

• Isn’t just about healthy eating and exercise

• It also includes having a positive mental health, healthy self-image and a healthy lifestyle.

15 Tips To Live A Healthier Life

Tip #1:

Drink More Water

1. Stay Slimmer With Water

1. Stay Slimmer With Water

Helps you feel full.

Replace calorie-filled beverages with water.

Drink a glass before meals to help you feel fuller.

Helps amp up metabolism - especially if your glass is icy cold.

2.Water Boosts Your Energy

Dehydration makes you feel tired.

Water help your heart pump your blood more effectively.

Water helps blood transport oxygen and other essential nutrients to your cells.

2.Water Boosts Your Energy

3. Lower Stress With Water

If you're dehydrated, your body and your mind are stressed.

To keep stress levels down: Keep a glass of

water at your desk .

Or carry a bottle bottle and drink regularly.

3. Lower Stress With Water

4. Build Muscle Tone With Water

Drinking water helps prevent muscle cramping and lubricates joints in the body.

When you're well hydrated, you can exercise longer and stronger.

4. Build Muscle Tone With Water

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Most of us get enough to drink by letting their thirst guide them.

The exact amount you need depends on your size, level of activity, the weather, and your general health.

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Tip #2:

Eat More Fruits & Vegetables

Apples, oranges, and other fruits have fewer calories for a larger portion.

And they keep you feeling full longer.

1. Eat More Fruit Guilt-Free

White (Bananas, Mushrooms)

Yellow (Pineapples, Mango)

Orange (Orange) Red (Apple,

Strawberries, Tomatoes, Watermelon)

Green(Guava, Avocados,Cucumber)

2. Pick Bright Colored Foods.High in Anti-oxidants

Fill your palate with these 10 most nutritious fruits:

• Watermelon• Apricots• Avocado• Apple• Cantaloupe• Grapefruit• Kiwi• Mango• Guava• Strawberries

Do you know that oranges offer more health benefits than Vitamin C pills?

Kiwi70 caloriesGreat source of potassium and fibersTwice the vitamin C of an orange

MangoPacked with antioxidant, vitamins A and C, potassiumand fibers

GuavaExcellent source of vitamin CAlso containing vitamin A, fiber,potassium and phosphorus.

3. Look for Water-Rich Foods

Try swapping out dry foods with water-rich ones to feel fuller.

For example, a whole, juicy tomato has the same calories as five dry pretzel sticks.

3. Look for Water-Rich Foods

4. Try Beans, Peas, and Lentils

Packed with powerful nutrients and energy for growing bodies.

Have similar amounts of proteinas meat but less fat.

Their high fibercontent can also makes you feel full.

4. Try Beans, Peas, and Lentils

Sardines may be small, but they're big fish when it comes to calcium, heart-healthy fats, and robust flavor.

Sardines (3 oz.): 325 mg calcium

5. Delicious Calcium-Rich Dishes.

Grilled Sardines

The olive-green leaves have some calcium, and dipping them in non-fat Greek yogurt boosts the total.

Six stuffed leaves with 1/4 cup of yogurt sauce add up to 147 mg of calcium – about 15% of what you need in a day.

5. Delicious Calcium-Rich Dishes.

Stuffed Grape Leaves

Prompt the brain to make more serotonin.

Includes whole-grain breakfast cereals, breads, and pastas.

Also help you feel balanced by stabilizing blood sugar levels.

6. Stress-Reducing Foods

Complex Carbs

Carbohydrates raise the level of serotonin in your brain.

Low-fat carbs such as popcorn, a baked potato.

6. Stress-Reducing Foods

Low-fat Carbs

Oranges make the list for their wealth of vitamin C.

Studies suggest this vitamin can curb levels of stress hormones while strengthening the immune system.

6. Stress-Reducing Foods


Too little magnesium may trigger headaches and fatigue, compounding the effects of stress.

One cup of spinach goes a long way toward replenishing magnesium stores.

6. Stress-Reducing Foods


Helps you recover from stressful events more quickly

The tea drinkers reported feeling calmer and had lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol after stressful situations.

6. Stress-Reducing Foods

Black Tea

Eating a handful of pistachios every day may help lower your cholesterol, and help protect you against the effects of stress.

Don't overdo it, though: Nuts are rich in calories.

6. Stress-Reducing Foods


Contains vitamin E, B vitamins, which may make you more resilient during bouts of stress such as depression.

To get the benefits, snack on a quarter of a cup every day.

6. Stress-Reducing Foods


Crunchy raw vegetables can help ease stress in a purely mechanicalway.

Carrot sticks helps release a clenched jaw, and that can ward off tension.

6. Stress-Reducing Foods

Raw Veggies

Bedtime stress-buster is the time-honored glass of warm milk.

Research shows that calcium eases anxiety and mood swings.

Recommended skim or low-fat milk.

6. Stress-Reducing Foods


Tip #3:

Cut Down on Processed Food

Tip #4:

Avoid Trigger Foods

Tip #5:

Eat Small Meals

Tip #6:

Stop Eating When You Feel Full

Tip #7:

Say No To Oily Food

Tip #8:

Cut Out Sugary Foods

Tip #9:

Cut out soda and caffeine

Tip #10:

Go for low calorie, low fat alternatives

Tip #11:

Get Enough Sleep

Tip #11: Get Enough Sleep

Tip #12:


Tip #12: Meditate

Tip #13:


Tip #13: Exercise

Tip #14:

Pick Exercises You Enjoy

Tip #14: Pick Exercises You Enjoy

Tip #15:

Purge Negativity From Yourself

Tip #15: Purge Negativity From Yourself


• http://summertomato.com/great-thinkers-10-inspiring-quotes-for-healthy-living/

• http://personalexcellence.co/blog/healthy-living/

• http://www.webmd.com/diet/healthy-water-9/slideshow-water-health

• http://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-diet-for-stress-management

• http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/ss/slideshow-gourmet-calcium

