121 Week 9 Endocrine




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• Recognize glands and hormones produced by each gland of the endocrine system

• Recognize common symptoms of endocrine diseases

• Recognize common laboratory and diagnostic tests of the endocrine system

• Differentiate various diseases of the endocrine system

Cushing’s DiseaseGrave’s DiseaseDiabetes MellitusDiabetes Inspidus

Common Symptoms

• Mental abnormalities• Unusual change in energy level• Changes in skin, nails, or hair• Muscle atrophy• Growth abnormalities• Urinary frequency• Cold or heat intolerance• Unusual weight gain or loss


• Near the base of the skull is the pituitary gland, which releases hormones influencing body chemistry.

Pituitary Gland

• Hyperpituitarism (acromegaly)

• Hypopituitarism (dwarfism)

• Hormones Produced: TSH, GH, ACTH, LH, FSH, PRL, ADH

Pineal Gland

• The pineal gland lies deep within the brain and produces melatonin.

Pineal: the Third Eye

• the human body has another physical eye whose function has long been recognized by humanity. It is called the 'Third Eye' which in reality is the Pineal Gland. It is long thought to have mystical powers. Many consider it the Spiritual Third Eye, our Inner Vision

Thyroid Gland

• On either side of the larynx is the thyroid, producing thyroxine, which controls the rate at which the body converts food into useful energy.

Thyroid Gland

• Hyperthyroidism (Grave’s Disease)

• Hypothyroidism (Cretinism)

• Goiters

TSH, T3, T4, RIA, Iodine Uptake Scan

Grave’s Disease

• Overactivity of thyroid gland

• Affects primarily women 20-40

• Diagnosed by simple blood tests

• Treatment with radioactive iodine

• Treatment can cause hypothyroidism

Thymus Gland

• The thymus is located above the heart and produces lymphocytes, which form a vital part of the body's immune response.

Thymus Gland

• A person with an underactive thymus gland will be prone to getting sick often. Infection will be common and will often be chronic andprolonged

Islets of Langerhans (pancreas)

• The pancreas secretes substances for the digestion of food, such as insulin.

• Can cause problems with excess blood sugar, the major cause of diabetes.

Diabetes Mellitus

• Type 1, Type 2 and gestational DM

• Affects all body systems

• Can be treated, but not cured

Adrenal Glands

• At the top of the kidneys are the adrenal's that produce several hormones including adrenalin, which stimulates the "fight or flight" response

Cushing’s Disease

• Cushing’s Disease (hypersecretion of cortisol)

• Cohn’s Syndrome (hypersecretion of aldosterone)

Cushing’s Disease due to Pituitary Tumor

Diabetes Insipidus

• Insufficient secretion of vasopressin and ADH which regulate kidneys to release urine

• Polyuria of 4-16 liters/day 9normal output: 2 or less liters/day

Ovaries and Testes

• The ovaries control sexual development and egg creation as well as controlling the levels of oestrogen and progesterone.
