12 Warning Signals of Heart attack


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Heart Attack??? 12 Warning Signs Never

to Ignore

Do you know that you may suffer

heart attack without any chest pain?

Do you know that symptoms of heart failure or heart attack differ from person to person?


Understanding early signs and symptoms of the heart attack today will help you lead a healthy life tomorrow.....

Understanding Heart Attack

•Heart attack- medically referred as myocardial infarction takes place when there is obstruction in the blood flow to the heart muscles.•The reasons can be many-age, heredity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, alcoholism, obesity, unhealthy dietary habits, lack of physical inactivity and mental stress all contribute to the risk of heart attack.

Understanding Heart Attack•It might be confusing to sense the symptoms as most of the heart attacks augment slowly unlike they are often portrayed dramatically in the movies.

•Taking for granted chest pain the indicator of heart attack, people end up waiting for the symptoms to wean off or hold stress, indigestion or other non-cardiac causes responsible for the symptoms resulting massive damage to health or even costing life.

Time is the essence.......The sooner you get the treatment, greater are the chances of your survival and lesser will be the damage to your heart and health...

To prevent the complications and identify the potential heart attack at the earliest, learn the 12 warning signs to protect your heart.

Chest pain and discomfortNeither all heart attacks cause chest pain nor all chest pain means a heart attack. Pain is usually the typical sign of the movie heart attacks. But in actual life, person may feel tightness, heaviness, fullness or pressure in the chest rather than pain.

AnxietyHeart attack may trigger anxiety. The survivors of heart attack often address their cardiac event being lead by the unusual sense of apprehension.


Severe fatigue may occur especially in women during or days or weeks prior the heart attack episode.

DizzinessYou may feel light headedness due to heart rhythm abnormalities. Occasionally you may lose consciousness.


Constant and stubborn cough and wheezing can be one of the symptom of heart attack.

Nausea and upset stomach

You may experience nausea and feel unwell in your stomach during the episode.

Brisk and irregular Pulse

It is not bothersome if at rarely the heartbeat/pulse is missed. But if the pulse is fast, brisk and irregular especially in adjunct with shortness of breath, dizziness, or weakness then it can be a signal of heart attack or a heart failure.


One of the common symptom of heart attack is sudden excessive cold and damp sweating.

Pain in different parts of body

Chest pain and discomfort may radiate and extend to shoulders, arms, back, neck, jaw, or abdomen. In males, pain may radiate down to their left arm while in females it may radiate in either or both arms or in upper back at the middle.

Shortness of breath

Feeling out of breath even at rest or after minimal exertion may indicate a heart attack. It feels alike you have climbed up a mountain even if you haven’t moved.


You may experience severe and unexplained weakness days prior an episode of heart attack


Fluid accumulates in the body due to heart failure resulting in swelling which is often seen on feet, legs, or even abdomen. It may lead to sudden weight gain sometimes even though there is loss in appetite.

If you or your loved one is suffering from one or many of these symptoms

and is trying to comprehend if the

symptoms could be heart associated, seek medical

help right away.  

 IndiCure is associated with few of the best heart hospitals in India and best cardiac surgeons in India to provide affordable and trustworthy medical treatment. We offer the best medical care to the international traveller seeking low cost surgery options overseas.

To get a free medical opinion from experts in India for best heart treatment in India, please e-mail medical history and diagnostic reports of the patient to info@indicure.com or call us at +91 93200 36777 or +1 877-270-2448 or talk to us at Skype @ IndiCure
