10 Ways to Promote a Healthy Retirement Experience for the Elderly



Here are some ideas for seniors and the elderly considering retirement for staying active and social during their retirement.

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10 Ways to Promote a Healthy Retirement Experience for the Elderly

Retirement is commonly the “next step” after years and years of being in the workforce. You’ve raised your family and you might be slowing down health-wise or just wish to spend time doing other things you enjoy. Around 65 or so, many tend to start evaluating life and developing an exit strategy for retirement.

But with retirement can come inactivity and less social opportunities so it’s important to explore ways to maintain these areas of life to stay as active, healthy and sharp as possible.

How will you spend your time, and what do you want to do on a typical day? What do you want to learn, and what do you want to teach?

Most importantly, how can you stay healthy even though you may have a clean slate. According to an article from sparkpeople.com, here are a few ways to stay healthy during retirement:

Limber your limbs Try to walk or jog 20 to 30 minutes, three to five times a week.


Get a hobby Bowling, fishing, gardening, biking or community projects that require some physical activity can keep you on the go.


Make strength training a priority This benefits seniors, as it increases energy levels, reduces stress and anxiety, delays or prevents age-related disorders and enhances sleep, balance, endurance and flexibility.


Eat a variety of foods Avoid cholesterol and limit your total and saturated fats. Also, increase fiber intake, and especially if you’re a woman, calcium. Finally, drink at least eight glasses of water every day.


Sleep Make sure to get a good night’s sleep on a regular basis.


Learn something new Experts say intellectual stimulation is one of the basic needs of human beings. Make a list of all the things you’ve always wanted to learn or try, then pick out something that’s feasible now.


Read If you don’t already, picking up reading can be a great way to stay “current,” pass the time, learn something new and even to keep your cognitive skills sharp.


Help around the house If your partners is the one who cooks, make dinner tonight. Take a healthy cooking class, then show off your new skills.


Exercise with your partner Tennis, ballroom dancing, mini-marathons, even yoga are fun activities you can do to stay connected and fit.


Exercise while traveling When planning a trip, look for ways to be active, like swimming, walking or boating. Limit calorie-rich meals to maybe once a week. Focus on healthful foods througout your trip.


Have you or has someone you know retired? How do they spend their time? It’s very helpful for anyone considering retirement to also consider their plan for post-retirement living to continue thriving.

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