10 Holiday Eating Tips (Part I)



Many people tend to gain weight during festive holidays. This presentation provides the first of 10 tips to avoid adding the pounds.

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The Holiday Season is one in which we all indulge ourselves in


especially when it comes to food!

10 Holiday Eating Tips

To Help You Watch Your Weight

During The Holidays

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Part 1


Stop Eating

When You Feel Full

Many people

don't like to leave food

on their plates


There is no shame

in leaving something

on your plate

When your tummy

feels full...

push yourself away

from the table

and say...

"No More For Me Thanks!"


Take A Walk.


can be a great



If you already

do some walking…

go for an

extra walk,or take

longer walks


Use Reduced Fat,

Sugar Substitutes,

or Fat Free Ingredients

in Your Recipes

Do fat-free or reduced fat ingredients change the flavor of

your favorite recipes?

In most cases...

there is

barely a hint of difference

in flavor

In fact…

if one did not know,

for example, that

sour cream

had been replaced with a

fat-free or reduced fat substitute...

you would never hear

a peep

about the taste

If there really is a

taste difference


or if you have

picky family members

simply make

two versionsof the same dessert or snacks and let your family opt for their own



Know Your Eating Boundaries And Don't

Cross Them

… especially if you’re

already dieting


trying to lose weight

Even though that cake or pie might taste wonderful…

you may want to

not opt for seconds

if you are on a strict diet

If you just can't help yourself and must have another bite...

then take a


than normal portion


Go For The

Healthy Food Choices

If there are

healthy food choices



eat more of the

plain fruitsand

vegetablesinstead of the

pies, cakes and



some dips

also add to the pounds

Don't be afraid to ask

what the dips are made from

so you can make a more informed judgment

Another tip:

bring healthier food dips

for fruits and veggies such as yogurt or reduced calorie

veggie dips

10 Holiday Eating Tips



The REAL reason you're flabby,

out of shape or just plain fat:
