The story of Nigerian girls


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Nigerian Islamist terrorist organization Boko Haram abducted 276 girls from the south-east province of the country Chibok. They

were attending exams at the school building, when the terrorists attacked.

This triggered huge social media campaign in the world

#BringBackOurGirls, which was joined by politicians and celebrities.

After the spring 2014, in the search operation of the abducted girls, there were involved different countries, like USA, Great

Britain and France.

Only three videos of kidnaped girls have been released so far, which proofs the fact that

they are still alive. First video was uploaded in May, 2014, which shows up to 130 girls.

Second video was released in April 2016. After the month there was found one kidnapped girl in the woods, who

managed to escape from captivity.

In its latest video, published in 2016, Boko Haram is asking for release of the terrorist

prisoners as an exchange for kidnapped girls.

On October 13, 2016 via mediation of the Red Cross International Committee, Boko Haram

released 21 girls at the border of Chad Republic. This is the first group release in 2 years.

Western media doubts that this release had its price – the girls were eventually

exchanged to prisoners. But the government of Nigeria denies it.

Country’s Vice President stated that in future they might negotiate for exchange of

prisoners to 197 Chibok girls, who still remain under the captivity of terrorists.
