SUN CSN - Learning Route Start-up meeting 2016 -3. learning routes background


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How did we get here?

1. A global network of Civil Society Alliances and members that has continued to grow… You!

2. Requests for information on:1. Advocacy planning 2. Budget analysis and advocacy3. Governance and management of civil society alliances.4. Working with government and other stakeholders.

3. Need for innovative ways of learning, sharing and building on civil society alliance impact and activity.

4. We learn from best from experience and from each other

Aims of learning route

• CSAs become stronger nutrition advocates and support the delivery of national nutrition priorities

• CSAs increase national government understanding and prioritisation of nutrition

• CSAs hold governments accountable for delivering on nutrition commitments

Countries with established civil society alliances Countries with civil society alliances in the process of being established (Cote d’Ivoire, Mauritania and Togo)

In 2014/5 CSAs established or in the process of establishing in 33 countries


In 2015/16 CSAs established in 39 countries globally

Figure 2. Number of Civil Society Alliances in each region including those in process of establishment

2014/15 CSA regional composition

Year of Civil Society Alliance Establishment

Year CSA established Number

2006 Peru1

2009 Ivory Coast1

2011 Tanzania, Niger, Mali3

2012 Bangladesh, Ghana, Zambia3

2013 Ethiopia, Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Laos, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda

112014 Burundi, Cameroon, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guinea, Nepal,

Pakistan, Rwanda, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe10

Total responses from survey 29

2014/15 CSA Membership Local vs. International NGOS

2014/15 Number of CSAs engaged in advocacy initiatives at different scales

Learning from each other – West Africa Advocacy Workshop

2014/15 % of CSAs contributing to key national processes

2014/15 Key needs expressed No.Capacity development 11

Institutional development (ways of working/ToR etc.) 10Financial support (linked to sustainability in long-term & financial management) 10

Advocacy, communications, strategies & approaches 9

Experience sharing 6

Sustainability planning 5

Knowledge management & dissemination 4(55 total as could mark more than one option)

2015 Evaluation of SUN identified need for

• Technical support and expertise to be shared between CSAs and their participating CSOs.

• Civil society learning routes as a means of sharing lessons about how to be an effective CSA.

• Agreeing global level policies and policy guidance particularly around the following;– Rights-based and food sovereignty approaches;– Governance of natural resources, global trade, biodiversity, food

waste, shortage, obesogenic products, business engagement;• Making multi-stakeholder platforms really functional and

building capacity to deliver scaled up actions.

Support requests received 2013 - 2015

Vision for country support to civil society alliances

1. Provide predictable, coherent systematic support to CSAs2. Effective, efficient knowledge management and sharing within the

network3. Tailored technical assistance from within and ensuring links with

external providers where required4. Understand formal and informal support processes currently in place5. Support capability efforts within the SUN movement6. Provide useful, timely documentation to CSAs7. Enable & strengthen cross learning through linking CSAs8. Minimise duplication of efforts9. Strengthen documentation of progress and evidence of impact10. Improve mechanisms for enabling accountability at all scales within

the network

Learning from observation & experience – walk in the night market of Yangon, Myanmar CSA

Learning visually. Through individual reflection and shared communication – Bangladesh CSA children’s drawing competition
