Rotary District 9465: 2014 15 Assembly President Elect & Club Service Handout



The handout given to presidents-elect at Rotary District 9465 assemblies in 2014.

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District 9465 ASSEMBLY MAY 2014BREAK OUT SESSION -- DGN Melodie Kevan


Welcome – thank you for attending, and giving your time

Introduction- each person to introduce themselves and their Club

Please fill-in your first name on sheet provided [ tri fold demo ]

Format – Club Service Session to be run in a facilitator style followed by

general information on preparing for your year as President in 2015-16

Club Service – Who is a President Elect for 2014-15? Show of hands …

Club Service – what are the roles and duties that form part of Club Service

1. Sergeant at Arms

2. Attendance Officer

3. Bulletin Editor

4. Program officer

5. Raffle master

6. Webmaster

7. Fellowship

8. Rosters

What other tasks fall under the Club Service Directors responsibilities?

1. Conduct activities associated with effective running of the club

2. Organise weekly meetings and special events

3. Rotary Information – related to Rotary Calendar / RDU Magazine

4. Work with Club President in planning club assembly* / forums *

5. Find a replacement for committee members who due to absence / ill

health cannot undertake on their responsibilities


Responsibilities of members of the club service committee

Sergeant at Arms Duties

1. Meeting setup

2. Opens the meeting

3. Says grace

4. Toasts the Queen and Australia

5. Introduces the President

6. Program chairman – introduce guest speaker

7. Vote of thanks – thank guest speaker

8. Runs fines session and heads and tails

9. Announces rosters for next week at the meeting

10.Closes the meeting – says the charge

11.Maintains decorum

12.Runs rosters

13.Reminds those on roster that they are on duty

Attendance Officer Duties

1. Advices Caterer of number meals required

2. Runs attendance register for all events

3. Collects attendance fee at every meeting

4. Maintains an accurate record of attendance

5. Reconciles attendance against who has paid for a meal

6. Pays the caterer

7. Proceeds to treasurer

8. Advices meeting of attendance percentage including makeup’s

9. Advices district of attendance figures ( or club secretary)

(Why is advising district important?) (Falling attendance sign of a problem club)


(Attendance statistics of each member are important as RI requires minimum

attendance requirements to be a member of Rotary and your club)

Bulletin Editors Duties

1. Create and issue a bulletin on a one per meeting basis which includes

information on

1. Presidents Report

2. Director Reports

3. Club and District Calendar of events

4. Guest Speakers presentation

5. Report on any social events

6. Rotary information particularly on RI focus of month

7. Future events

8. Fines session / humour

9. Raffle information on winners

10.Birthdays and anniversaries


12.Attendance figures

2. Send copy to each member prior to next meeting and DG DGE DGN AG and

bulletin award committee member.

3. Ensure content meets Rotary’s standards of decorum particularly with

regard to jokes.

4. Judging of Bulletins is based upon

Content [Up-coming events / past events / Rosters / next meeting ]

Design [Club banners / RI theme for year ]

Club information / District information / RI Information /

Program Officer duties

1. Arrange for guest speakers


Focus on monthly theme

Rotary content

Matters of interest to members

Social events

Conference attendance

2. Work with president and club directors on co-coordinating the

program ( avoid double up of guest speakers)

3. Remind guest speaker of commitment to attend on an agreed date

4. Welcome and introduce the speaker to meeting

Raffle Master duties

1. Have PRIZE on hand

2. Hold stock of raffle ticket books

3. Announce raffle and prices to members

4. Circulate raffle books

5. Arrange for drawer of raffle [correct procedure is to draw 1st prize FIRST]

6. Announce winners

7. Count the proceeds

8. Advice meeting of proceeds

9. Give funds to treasurer for banking [if tickets only sold to members

then proceeds can go to “Club Funds”]

10. Pay for prizes when required out of proceeds


Webmaster duties

1. Keep website up to date [VIP]

2. Update RI annual themes

3. Use current RI logos

4. Include club bulletin

5. Included club records


1. Allow for at least 15 mins of Fellowship time at each meeting

2. Plan a Fellowship event about every 6 weeks

3. Join with other nearby Rotary Clubs and community organizations

4. Include partners, family and friends

5. Encourage participation in Rotary Fellowships – these are

international groups of Rotarians, Rotarian spouses, and Rotaractors

who share a common recreational or vocational interest

6. Establish a Facebook page to promote your activities – adding photos

when you can.

Rosters Officer

1. Prepare rosters a minimum of 4 weeks ahead

2. Work with Rotarians on availability

3. Share duties around Club members

4. Other duties ?

Planning for 2015-16 – what needs to be done

Read club manual supplied by RI

Review clubs bylaws and constitution

Select committee members in conjunction with PE

Prepare your team for 2015-16


Develop goals

Develop a communications plan

Review goals with current President

Manage budget

Conduct regular meetings of committee

Monitor status of committee goals particularly with regards to

1. Attendance

2. Sergeant at Arms

3. Bulletin Editor

4. Program officer

5. Webmaster

Report to Club board at regular meetings

Start preparing for 2015-16 with particular focus on

1. Your team

2. Your goals

3. Club leadership plan

4. Membership

5. Foundation support

6. Regular contact with your Assistant Governor

7. Work with other Clubs, when appropriate

Q. What are the characteristics of an effective committee ? Can you give me examples of effective committees in your club ?

Suggested responses:

Committee has a clear purpose

Chairperson appointed and committee roles defined

Meeting structure defined with desired outcomes

Minutes or action plans resulting from meetings

Team effort/roles and responsibilities shared


Promotes active participation, the pooling of ideas, more efficient use of expertise and interest, cooperation, shared ownership etc

Promotes learning and training within clubs


RI President will be K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran, a member of the Rotary Club of

Colombo, Western Province, Sri Lanka.

District Initiatives

Strategic Plan

The three priorities of the Rotary Strategic Plan are:

• To support and strengthen clubs

• To focus on and increase humanitarian service

• To enhance public image and awareness

Strategic planning involves creating a vision, with supporting goals that

can be regularly measured and adjusted as needed.

Club Initiatives

Ensure the president-elect attends the president-elect training

seminar and the district assembly.

Ensure all committee chairs attend the district assembly.

Appoint a club trainer to develop club members’ knowledge and skills.

Conduct a leadership development program.

Tap the expertise of the assistant governor.

Develop a New Member orientation program

Encourage new members to assume leadership positions through

participation in club committees.

Ask members to visit other clubs to exchange ideas, and then share

what they have learned.


Review current programs – are they working well? Improve /


Ask committee Chairs to give regular [weekly or monthly] reports at the

Club Meeting

Work with nearby Clubs in your Assistant Governor Group –

[see list of Club Groups]

“Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs”

[One on hand]

“Rotary Basics”

[One on hand]

“Rotary Down Under” magazine

[One on hand]

Role of Partners in Rotary

[One on hand to read from]

What is a Rotary Club ASSEMBLY?

Most clubs hold four to six assemblies per year to ensure clear communication between club leaders, club members, and district leaders. Encourage all members to attend, especially new members, and invite your Assistant Governor. The President or PE should preside at club assemblies. Before planning assemblies, seek input from members to ensure the meetings address their interests and concerns.Time Frame –

Immediately before the District Assembly [usually held in May] - To describe, review, and discuss plans developed and suggested at the district assembly and to discuss how the club will incorporate the RI theme and emphases

After 1 July -- To discuss goals for the year Two weeks before the governor’s visit - To prepare for the governor’s visit During the governor’s visit -- To discuss the club’s status with the district governor Midpoint of Rotary year (January/February) - To review the club’s progress toward

goals and determine the club’s plan for the rest of the year April or May - To provide an opportunity for open discussion (Ideas and suggestions

may be implemented to help bring club plans toward completion.)

What is a Rotary Club FORUM? This term is no longer used in the President’s Manual.

