Fuel poverty-London, UK focused- what is it how it can be tackled by energy efficiency etc



Health effects of fuel poverty,things to bear in mind when in a home, priority services register, additoional finacial assistance, grants to pay fuel debts, Home Heat Helpline

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Keeping Warm Keeping Well

Fuel poverty in London and what to do about it

Alex Hartley, EnergySE London

Date 04/12/2013


A person is to be regarded as living in fuel poverty if he is a member of a household living on a lower income in a home

which cannot be kept warm at a reasonable cost

poor energy efficiency in the home rising fuel costs

low household total income

fuel poverty

Definition of Fuel Poverty

The UK Fuel Poverty Strategy published in 2001 sets the targetof eradicating fuel poverty as far as reasonably practicable by 2016


Fuel Poverty in London & UKIssues affecting all in or at risk of fuel poverty

– Energy bills have risen by 37% in three years – http://www.theguardian.com/money/2013/nov/16/energy-prices-rise

– Fuel poverty not static and relates to changes in circumstances; retirement; baby; loss of a partner or job.

In 2011/12 there were an estimated 24,000 excess winter deaths in England and Wales.

Best estimated contribute about 8000 of these related to fuel poverty directly but depends on who you ask!

Health Effects of Fuel Poverty

Cardio-vascular disease• A rise in blood pressure during the cold increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Respiratory Illness• The cold lowers resistance to respiratory infections. • Coldness impairs lung function and can trigger broncho-constriction in asthma and COPD. • Dampness is associated with cold houses; damp increases mould growths which can cause asthma and

respiratory infections. • School sickness in children with asthma or recurrent respiratory infections

Mobility, increased falls and non-intentional injuries• Symptoms of arthritis become worse in cold damp houses.• Strength and dexterity decrease as temperatures drop, increasing the risk of non-intentional injuries.• A cold house increases the risk of falls in the elderly

Mental and social health • Damp, cold housing is associated with an increase in mental health problems.• Some people become socially isolated as they are reluctant to invite friends round to a cold house.• In cold homes where only one room is heated, it is difficult for children to do homework, affecting

educational and long-term work and health opportunities.

Room Temperatures


Above 18°C (64oF) : No adverse health effects

Below 16°C (61oF) : Risk of respiratory infections

Below 12°C (54oF) : Increased blood pressure

Below 9°C (48oF) : Deep body temperature falls

Ideal room temperatures:

Living room 21oC Kitchen 18oCBathroom 22oCBedrooms 18oCHall / Stairs 16oC

(World Health Organisation statistics)

Following cold weather an increase in heart attacks, stroked and respiratory illness can be predicted after 2, 5 and 12 days respectively.

(Eurowinter Group, 1997)

Health Effects of Fuel Poverty

Things to bear in mind when in a home

If appropriate when you visit a client take a minute to consider...

• Has there been a change in circumstance? • Do you feel cold when you enter the home? • Can you see damp or mould growth? • Is the whole home heated? • What is your client wearing?• What is the main heating source? • Is this a client that would be susceptible to the cold?

If appropriate ask them if they are keeping warm, if they feel that they are managing their heating costs...


Energy Efficiency Advice


Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) DECC has produced an advice leaflet about saving energy in the home, the grants and

assistance available for consumers: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/254487/


Priority Service Register

The Priority Service Register provides a range of support services for vulnerable utility customers who are:● over 60● chronically sick● disabled● people with hearing or visual impairments

The free services are:● password protection scheme● conveniently located prepayment meters● regular meter readings● bill nominee scheme● advance notice of electricity supply interruption● services for those with hearing and visual impairments


Priority Service RegisterThese services are only available if you have a domestic mains gas or electricity supply. To sign up contact your supplier.

British Gas Home Energy Care Register 0800 072 8625EDF Energy Priority Service Register 0800 269 450 NPower Warm Response Service 0800 022 220 E.ON Priority Service Register 0800 051 1480Scottish Power CareFree 0800 027 1122Southern Electric Careline 0800 622 838Good Energy 0845 601 1410 or 01249 766 090

If you buy your gas or electricity from a utility company not listed above contact your utility company using the number provided on your bill to enquire if they offer the priority service register.


Additional Financial Assistance

The Warm Home Discount Scheme 2013/14 provides eligible recipients with a £135 rebate on their electricity bill. To check if you qualify contact your utility for electricity or visit: http://www.gov.uk/the-warm-home-discount-scheme

The Winter Fuel Payment 2011/12 provides the over 60s with a payment of £200 and the over 80s will receive £300. For information call the Winter Fuel Payment Helpline on:08459 151515 or visit: http://www.gov.uk/winter-fuel-payment

Benefit Entitlement Checks and rantsTurn2us 0808 802 2000


Grants to pay fuel debts

Fuel debt grants are awarded to: • Clear domestic gas and electricity debts• Clear other priority debts, including water and sewerage (known

as Further Assistance Payments (FAP)• Purchase essential household items (FAP)

To apply for a fuel debt grant contact CharisTel: 01733 421 021 E-mail: admin@charisgrants.comWeb: http://www.charisgrants.com/

The Citizens Advice Energy Fuel Debt Advisor in local areascan assist with grant applications. Phone: 08444 771 611



The helpline advises British energy customers worried about paying their fuel bill and keeping warm during the winter. It also gives advice to low-income households in urgent need of heating help and advice.

The Home Heat Helpline is open from 9am-5.30pm Monday to Friday To speak to an advisors call freephone: 0800 33 66 99

If you have difficulty hearing you can use the minicom service on:0800 027 2122

Alex HartleyEnergySE London Coop

E-mail: solar.coop.se@gmail.comTelephone: 07717050705

