Raw food

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What is Raw food ?

The dictionary definition says it all : Raw /

uncooked; being natural condition; not processed

or refined. Since uncooked, unprocessed and

unrefined foods are alive until the moment we

eat them, they give us that same energy, that vital

life-force that increases our health and make us

strong and vibrant.

Dunja Gulin. (2012) Raw Food Kitchen: naturally vibrant recipes for breakfast, snacks,

main & desserts. UK: Ryland Peters & small

Page 3

Raw food contain enzymes and vitamins that are

destroyed when exposed to high temperatures.

That is why the raw food “rule” is not to heat

food above 40-47C / 104-117F if you want to

protect all thermally unstable (heat sensitive)


Dunja Gulin. (2012) Raw Food Kitchen: naturally vibrant recipes for breakfast, snacks,

main & desserts. UK: Ryland Peters & small

Page 4

Raw foodism (or following a raw food diet) is the

dietary practice of eating only uncooked,

unprocessed foods.

Depending on the exact philosophy or type of

lifestyle and results desired, raw food diets may

include a selection of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds,

eggs, fish, meat and dairy products.It may also

include simply processed foods such as various

types of sprouted seeds, cheese, and fermented

foods such as yogurts, kefir, kombucha or

sauerkraut, but generally not foods that have been

pasteurized, homogenized, or produced with the

use of synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers,

industrial solvents or chemical food additives.


Page 5

Raw food diets are not anything new. Popular health

concepts often re-cycle in history and re-appear in a

different era as a "new" idea. Sylvester Graham

promoted raw food diets in 1839. He condemned

cooking and claimed that illness could be prevented by

eating only raw foods. Ellen White, however,

recommended the use of both raw and cooked foods.

She emphasized that some foods needed to be

thoroughly cooked. Her writings make it abundantly

clear that in her household they baked or boiled the

potatoes and beans, cooked their grains and baked

their bread thoroughly.

Winston Craig (2014). Raw Foods - Claims and Reality. Retrieve from


Page 6

In all variants of the raw food diet, food is

consumed predominantly or exclusively as

uncooked and unprocessed raw food; the main

components of the diet are fruits, nuts, seeds, and

sprouted grains and beans.

Messina V., Mangels A. R., Messina M. J.What is a raw foods diet and are there

any risks or benefits associated with it?. The Dietitian’s Guide to Vegetarian

Diets: Issues and Implications. Jones and Bartlett Publishers Boston, MA.

Page 7

By simply incorporating more raw food in your

diet you are providing your body with an

abundance of essential enzymes, nutrients in

fibre, all of which are needed for the body to

process food, detoxify, create energy and

perform at its optimum.

Christine Bailey (2012), The Raw Food Diet. London: Duncan Baird Publisher

Page 8

The Raw Food Diet, according to the food variety,

can be divided into:

1. Raw veganism,

2. Raw vegetarianism

3. Raw animal food diet.

Raw veganism considered to be mostly widespread.

Healthy Lifestyle (2012). The Raw Food Diet – good or bad? Retrieve from http://www.healthylifestyleart.com/the-raw-food-diet-good-or-bad

Page 9

Raw veganism is a plant-based diet that involves no

cooking. No food is heated above 104 degrees

Fahrenheit (40 degrees Celsius). Foods are eaten

fresh, dehydrated with low heat or fermented.

Christopher Wanjek (2013) Reality Check: 5 Risks of Raw Vegan Diet. Retrieve from


Page 10

Enjoying delicious raw foods that optimize your health by alkalizing your body. At that rate your elimination system can get rid of the toxins created when you cook. But when you eat more cooked food you are consuming acidic toxins faster than your body can eliminate them so they back up, disrupting your body's delicate acid/alkaline balance, a major cause of excess weight and disease.

Heating food above 118 degrees F. causes the chemical changes that create acidic toxins, including the carcinogens, mutagens and free-radicals associated with diseases like diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Cooking also destroys the live enzymes that aid in digestion and health.

Robert Alan Ross (2009). Why Alkalizing Raw Food Is The Key To Health. Retrieve from http://www.rawfoodlife.com/#ixzz3PMill7Ii

Page 11

Your body is actually sort of an alkaline battery, running on electrons. All life-giving chemical reactions only happen when electrons or energy flows between atoms. Cooking or processing causes food to lose electrons - the source of the energy your body needs. Things that are healthy 'contribute" electrons/energy, and are called alkalizing or "reducing." Things that are unhealthy steal electrons/energy, and are called acidic or “oxidizing” (which means to burn up, rust, break down or decay).

Your body is designed to be alkaline, like the battery! Because the pH scale is logarithmic even a fraction of a point can create huge changes to health! One hydroxyl molecule (-OH) in 550 million is enough to make water conductive. In fact, most important processes in your body only work within a very narrow pH range. For example, if the pH of your blood falls to the low end of its normal range (~7.35-7.45), a .10 difference, it could reduce the oxygen levels in your blood by as much as 300%!

Robert Alan Ross (2009). Why Alkalizing Raw Food Is The Key To Health. Retrieve from http://www.rawfoodlife.com/#ixzz3PMill7Ii

Page 12

Fruit and vegetables, especially raw leafy greens,

which are full of chlorophyll, have the added benefit

of being incredibly alkalizing.

Eating cooked, processed foods and animal products,

this increases the body acidity. Too many acid can

promote inflammation, lower immune function and

reduce levels of alkaline minerals, such as calcium

and magnesium.

Christine Bailey (2012), The Raw Food Diet. London: Duncan Baird Publisher

Page 13

Processed vegetables comprised mainly

cooked vegetables. Cooked vegetables also

have a generally lower dietary fiber content

than raw ones, vitamin C can be lost in

cooking water

Rickman JC, Barrett DM, Bruhn CM (2007) Nutritional comparison of fresh,

frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. Part 1. Vitamins C and B

and phenolic compounds. Journal of the Science of Food and

Agriculture 87: 930–944.

Page 14

Our immune system also becomes stronger and we

have more energy and stamina. Many people

experience intense mental clarity and better focus

after introducing more natural foods into their diet.

Clear complexion, strong hair and nails can also be

side effects of eating this way.

Dunja Gulin. (2012) Raw Food Kitchen: naturally vibrant recipes for breakfast, snacks,

main & desserts. UK: Ryland Peters & small

Health benefits :

Page 15

Dietary guidelines recommend a high intake of

vegetables and fruits and a low intake of SFAs and

cholesterol to reduce cardiovascular morbidity. In

this context, a large body of evidence indicates

that predominantly plant-based diets (vegetarian)

can effectively contribute to the prevention of

cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Hu F. B. Plant-based foods and prevention of cardiovascular disease: an overview. Am. J.

Clin. Nutr. 2003;78:544S-551S.

Health benefits :

Page 16

The nutrient-rich raw food is high in antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats (such as omega-3 fatty acids), so it maximizes health and vitality.

Raw food rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, and vitamins that protect the body from free radicals, which attack healthy cells--and people who are well nourished tend to feel good and maintain a healthy body weight well into their golden years.

Fats, especially heat-processed oils, slow you down because they require long periods of digestion, which steals energy from your body. Light foods, such as fruits and vegetables, digest easily.

Dan Ladermann & Cherie Sorie. (2013)Raw Food For Dummies. USA Today Magazine.

Vol. 141 Issue 2816, p60-61. 2p.

Health benefits :

Page 17

less sleep is required when you eat foods that are fresh and light. When you consume heavy, cooked foods, especially in the evening, several hours of sleep time are spent digesting food rather than moving you to the deep sleep zone that is required to reach beta levels and the dream state.

Whole, ripe, raw organic plant foods provide the power needed for strong mental acuity. The essential fats that the brain requires, such as omega-3 fatty acids, are in leafy greens, flaxseed, chia, hemp, and walnuts as well as many other raw plant foods. The human brain also should get plenty of water, magnesium, and organic sodium; whole raw foods offer an abundance of these nutrients.

Dan Ladermann & Cherie Sorie. (2013). Raw Food For Dummies. USA Today Magazine. Vol. 141 Issue 2816, p60-61. 2p.


Health benefits :

Page 18

When nutrient- and water-deficient foods--including pasta, pizza, and other fare that is laden with hydrogenated, saturated, and cooked fats and salt--are replaced with nutrient-dense whole plant foods and healthy fats, brain function improves.

Reduces or even eliminates their respiratory problems, colds, flus, and allergies. A raw diet especially is effective for people who are intolerant of dairy, wheat, and soy because raw foods virtually have no hidden ingredients. Apples and carrots, for instance, are dairy- and lactose-free, wheat- and grain-free, soy-free, egg-free, and even corn free. A raw diet would eliminate a lot of allergy-related worries.

Dan Ladermann & Cherie Sorie. (2013). Raw Food For Dummies. USA Today Magazine. Vol. 141 Issue 2816, p60-61. 2p.

Health benefits :

Page 19

When our liver overworked and we cant’s detoxify effectively, waste products and toxins will be stored in our fat cells – so there more toxins that are in our bodies.

By nourishing the liver with raw foods, we also enable it to carry out other important tasks more effectively, such as balancing blood sugar, reducing cravings, eliminating excess hormones and producing bile to break down fats and keep cholesterol levels healthy.

Christine Bailey (2012), The Raw Food Diet. London: Duncan Baird Publisher

Health benefits :

Page 20

The present study, found that raw fruit and vegetable consumption was inversely related with CHD (Coronary Heart Disease) incidence. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first prospective cohort study that examined raw fruit and vegetables using an integral approach raw fruit and vegetables are rich sources of nutrients and bioactive phytochemicals that may have beneficial effects on CHD incidence.

Oude Griep LM, Geleijnse JM, Kromhout D, Ocke´ MC, Verschuren WMM (2010) Raw and Processed Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and 10-Year Coronary Heart Disease Incidence in a Population-Based Cohort Study in the Netherlands. PLoS ONE 5(10): e13609.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013609

Page 21

It is well-known that processing improves the

bioavailability and bio accessibility of bioactive

compounds in fruits and vegetables. Heat treatment

enhances the bioavailability and strengthens the

beneficial health effects of lycopene as well as carotenes

and folate. Lycopene, for example, the main carotenoid in

tomatoes, accounts for ,50% of the carotenoids in human

blood and is suggested to protect against CVD

(cardiovascular disease).

Oude Griep LM, Geleijnse JM, Kromhout D, Ocke´ MC, Verschuren WMM (2010). Raw

and Processed Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and 10-Year Coronary Heart

Disease Incidence in a Population-Based Cohort Study in the Netherlands.

PLoS ONE 5(10): e13609.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013609

Page 22

To release all the valuable nutrients from within

the cells, the cell walls need to be ruptured. It is

not easy. This is why eating greens without

masticating the thoroughly would not satisfy on

nutritional needs. In simple words, we need to

chew our greens to a creamy consistency in

order to get this benefits.

Victoria Boutenko (2007). How to End your dependency on cooked Food .

California: North Atlantic books

Page 23

There are five main types of nutrients:

carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

In addition to the big five, water and fiber are also

essential for our body to function properly. The

staple ingredients of a largely raw-food diet are rich

in carbohydrates, water, ‘good‘ fats, fibre, vitamins

and minerals

Dunja Gulin. (2012) Raw Food Kitchen: naturally vibrant recipes for breakfast, snacks, main &

desserts. UK: Ryland Peters & small

Page 24

However, some foods cannot be eaten raw: some

vegetables, grains, grain sprouts and most bean and

bean sprouts

Dunja Gulin. (2012) Raw Food Kitchen: naturally vibrant recipes for breakfast,

snacks, main & desserts. UK: Ryland Peters & small

Page 25

Vegetables in the markets and restaurants had higher total coliforms and E. coli counts than the vegetables at the vegetable cultivation fields. it was found that vegetables are washed in nearby canals after harvesting. Those canals are contaminated with human and animal excreta, which in turn may contaminate the vegetables.

Nguyen Thi Van Ha, Masaaki Kitajima, Nguyen Vo Minh Hang, Koichi Matsubara, Satoshi Takizawa, Hiroyuki Katayama, Kumiko Oguma and Shinichiro Ohgaki (2008). Bacterial contamination of raw vegetables, vegetable-related water and river water in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Water Science & Technology— WST 58.12/2008

Page 26

Cooking is a preventive measure against lethal

and harmful bacteria.

A number of major food poisonings have been

caused by raw or improperly cooked foods

contaminated with Salmonella and E. coli

07:H157. Sufficient heat is required to destroy

these dangerous organisms.

Winston Craig (2014). Raw Foods - Claims and Reality. Retrieve from


Page 27

Low mineral absorption.

Many nutrients are locked within the tough fibrous matrix of vegetables. These are bio unavailable if eaten raw because:

a) Human beings cannot digest cellulose and other fibrous starches. Humans lack the enzymes to digest cellulose and other vegetable fibers. This is a fact, even if one does not like it. Taking a cellulose enzyme might help a little, but will not overcome this problem.

b) Many people also have very weak digestion, making it even harder to digest vegetable fibers. Cooking breaks down the starch and cellulose and other fibers, releasing the minerals, in particular, and perhaps other phytonutrients. While raw food provides more of a few vitamins such as vitamins C and E, this is more than offset, in most cases, because we cannot digest vegetable fibers very well.

Lawrence Wilson (2014). Raw Food and Juicing. The Center For Development. Retrieve from http://drlwilson.com/articles/Raw%20Food192.htm

Page 28

Raw foods are somewhat irritating to the digestive tract.

Sugars found in fruit and other sweets are also irritating. One reason for this may be that they feed improper intestinal microorganisms such as yeasts and parasites.

Lawrence Wilson (2014). Raw Food and Juicing.The Center For Development. Retrieve from http://drlwilson.com/articles/Raw%20Food192.htm

Page 29

Raw food fills up the stomach, reducing the amount

of other food that one can eat.

This may sound like a silly reason to avoid raw foods.

However, the bodies today are so nutrient-deficient

that filling your stomach with large salads, for

example, is not healthful at all. One does not obtain

enough minerals from salads, and there is little room

left for other more nutrient-dense foods.

Lawrence Wilson (2014). Raw Food and Juicing. The Center For Development. Retrieve

from http://drlwilson.com/articles/Raw%20Food192.htm

Page 30

Food Poisoning

Eating raw foods, such as meat or fish, contaminated with bacteria, parasites, viruses or harmful chemicals can cause food-borne illnesses. Diarrhea is a common symptom of eating contaminated foods that can interfere with absorption of nutrients from foods. Research conducted by scientists at the Federal University of Bahia in Brazil and published in the "Journal of Pediatrics" in August 2001 discovered that diarrhea can cause incomplete absorption of carbohydrates, such as fruit juice.

Jeffrey Traister ( 2012). Digestion Problems From Raw Food. Retrieve from http://livewell.jillianmichaels.com/digestion-problems-raw-food-5519.html

Page 31


This is a problem today with some raw foods, including even salads at salad bars. It is mainly a problem in restaurants, where one does not know how clean the vegetables are.

It is also a serious problem with all meats, fish, eggs and seafood. Please do not eat these raw, no matter what anyone claims! They contain bacteria, parasites and other microorganisms, many of which are killed by proper cooking.

Jeffrey Traister ( 2012). Digestion Problems From Raw Food. Retrieve from http://livewell.jillianmichaels.com/digestion-problems-raw-food- 5519.html

Page 32


Eating raw foods can increase your risk of bacterial infections that can affect your gastrointestinal tract and your ability to digest and absorb nutrients. Helicobacter pylori, or H. pylori, is a bacterium that can cause stomach and small intestinal ulcers. Research by scientists at that Department of Health and Animal Welfare in Valenzano, Italy and published in the "International Journal of Food Microbiology" in May 2008 discovered that raw goat milk may contain H. pylori DNA. The scientists conclude that raw goat milk may increase the risk of H. pylori infections in humans who consume it.

Jeffrey Traister ( 2012). Digestion Problems From Raw Food. Retrieve from http://livewell.jillianmichaels.com/digestion-problems-raw-food-5519.html

Page 33


Eating plentiful amounts of vegetables each day can help you reduce your risk of chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, eating raw vegetables may cause gas and bloating. Raw vegetables contain enzymes that may help you digest the food, but they also contain an insoluble fiber called cellulose that humans are unable to digest. Unlike cows, human intestines do not have bacteria that produce an enzyme called cellulase to help you digest cellulose into sugars. However, fermenting raw vegetables can pre-digest the fiber before you eat them.

Jeffrey Traister ( 2012). Digestion Problems From Raw Food. Retrieve from http://livewell.jillianmichaels.com/digestion-problems-raw-food-5519.html

Page 34

Although published techniques for recovering

parasites from fruit and vegetables are generally

inadequate, with low and variable recovery

efficiencies, this scarcity of scientific information is

probably a reflection of the surveillance systems in

place, rather than there being particular problems

with fruits and vegetables.

C. J. UNEKE BSC MSC (2007). Potential for geohelminth parasite transmission by raw fruits and vegetables in Nigeria: Implication for a risk profile. Journal of Nutritional &Environmental Medicine February 2007; 16(1): 59–68

Page 35

improving washing habits and raising the awareness of the hygienic conditions of raw vegetables and the awareness of microbial health risks of eating raw vegetables are also important tasks for the better health

C. J. Uneke (2007). Potential for geohelminth parasite transmission by raw fruits and vegetables in Nigeria: Implication for a risk profile. Journal of Nutritional &Environmental Medicine February 2007; 16(1): 59–68

Page 36

Physical pH of raw foods.

You’ve probably heard of foods being “alkaline” or “acidic”—that is, some leave an alkaline residue after digestion, while others leave an acidic one. But when it comes to dental health, you’ve also got to consider the actual pH of food when it first enters your mouth and hits the surface of your teeth. Regardless of what happens to food after metabolization, the initial contact is what can cause the most damage.

Here’s a list of the pH of some raw foods taken from FDA measurements. The lower the number, the more acidic the food; 7 is considered neutral, although anything with a pH of 5 or greater is less likely to damage your teeth. Citrus often gets a bad rap, but notice that some other fruits—especially berries, plums, and grapes—have an even lower pH than oranges. And bear in mind that unripe fruit will typically have values lower than the ones listed.

Denise Minger (2010). Dental Drama: Tooth Problems on the Raw Diet (Part 1). Retrieve from http://rawfoodsos.com/2010/01/24/dental-drama-tooth-problems-on-the- raw-diet-part-1/

Page 37

Aloe juice: 6.0 – 6.8 Apple, Red Delicious: 3.9 Apple, Golden Delicious: 3.6 Apple, Jonathan: 3.3 Apple, McIntosh: 3.3 Apricots: 3.3 – 4.8 Asparagus: 6 – 6.7 Avocado: 6.3 – 6.6 Bananas, red: 4.6 – 4.8 Bananas, yellow: 5.0 – 5.3 Beets: 5.3 – 6.6 Blackberries: 3.9 – 4.5 Blueberries: 3.1 – 3.3 Broccoli: 6.3 – 6.5 Cantaloupe: 6.1 – 6.6 Carrots: 5.9 – 6.4 Cauliflower: 5.6 Celery: 5.7 – 5.9 Cherries, Royal Ann: 3.8 Chives: 5.2 – 6.3 Coconut meat: 5.5 – 7.8 Corn: 5.9 – 7.3 Cucumbers: 5.1 – 5.8

Dates: 4.1 – 4.9 Eggplant: 5.5 – 6.5 Fennel: 5.5 – 5.9 Figs, Calamyrna: 5.2 – 6.0 Garlic: 5.8 Ginger: 5.6 – 5.9 Gooseberries: 2.8 – 3.1 Grapes, Concord: 2.8 – 3.0 Grapes, Lady Finger: 3.5 – 3.6 Grapes, Malaga: 3.7 – 3.8 Grapes, Muscadine: 3.2 – 3.4 Grapes, seedless: 2.9 – 3.8 Grapefruit: 3.0 – 3.8 Honey: 3.7 – 4.2 Jackfruit: 4.8 – 6.8 Jujube: 5.2 Kale: 6.4 – 6.8 Kelp: 6.3 Kumquat: 3.6 – 4.2 Leeks: 5.5 – 6.2 Lemon juice: 2.0 – 2.6 Lettuce, Boston: 5.9 – 6.1 Lettuce, iceberg: 5.7 – 6.1

Denise Minger (2010). Dental Drama: Tooth Problems on the Raw Diet (Part 1). Retrieve

from http://rawfoodsos.com/2010/01/24/dental-drama-tooth-problems-on-


Page 38

Potential effects of cooking

Thyroid Health

Many vegetables in the cruciferous family such as kale,

broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, mustard greens and

brussel sprouts contain what are known as goitrogens.

Goitrogens are naturally occurring compounds in some

foods that may block thyroid function and can

eventually lead to goiter and hypothyroidism. For

people with an already weakened thyroid function, or

for those who have a propensity to thyroid disorders,

goitrogens can worsen the ability of your thyroid to

produce important hormones. Goitrogens can be

deactivated by heat. So, cooking your vegetables can

deactivate a good amount of goitrogens.

Caroline La (2014). 3 Reasons No One Should Be On A Raw Foods Diet. Retrieve from



Page 39

Potential effects of cooking

Digestive Health

Plants and vegetables have cellulose and other fibrous structures that our stomachs have a hard time breaking down. Human stomachs are not like other vegetarian animals such as cows. Many of these animals have extra stomachs to help break down and digest the tough plants and grasses they eat. Humans, unfortunately, don’t have these extra stomachs to break down all the fibrous cellulose contained in plants. This makes it especially difficult to digest vegetable fibers. When we’re constantly eating foods that our bodies cannot digest, our ability to digest foods in general is weakened. A weakened digestive system can cause bloating, indigestion, constipation or loose stools, weight gain, malnutrition, food allergies and a lowered immune system. Our digestive system is a key element to good health, so it’s important to ensure it is healthy and functioning properly.

Caroline La (2014). 3 Reasons No One Should Be On A Raw Foods Diet. Retrieve from



Page 40

Potential effects of cooking

Nutrient Absorption

If we are unable to digest our foods, there's a good

chance that we're not absorbing many of the nutrients

in the foods we eat. A lot of the nutrients in vegetables

are stored in its tough fibers. Unless we break down

these vegetable fibers, our bodies will not be able to

use these nutrients.

Caroline La (2014). 3 Reasons No One Should Be On A Raw Foods Diet.



Page 41

Potential effects of cooking

Fresh vegetable is characterized by high antioxidant activity, because of its composition. The cooking process of vegetable in meaningful way, lowering of antioxidant activity of its antioxidants especially of vitamin C, polyphenols and to the lesser extent of β-carotene what confirms that vegetable should be eaten as raw or low processed eg. after blanching Elżbieta Sikora, Izabela Bodziarczyk (2012). Composition And Antioxidant Activity of Kale (Brassica Oleracea L. Var.Acephala) Raw and Cooked. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Technologia Alimentaria. Jul-Sep2012, Vol. 11 Issue 3, p239-248. 10p.

Page 42

Cooking, especially for long periods, can damage some vitamins. Boiling and steaming causes some vitamins and minerals to seep out of the food. Chemicals thought to cause cancer are formed when food is burned or oils are heated above the point at which they smoke. Deep-frying foods causes trans fats to form.

On the plus side, cooking can break down food components that would otherwise bind minerals and prevent their absorption. It can soften fiber, which allows more food to be eaten. Cooking liberates some nutrients, such as beta-carotene and other antioxidants, for easier absorption

Jack Norris, Ginny Messina, MPH, RD. (2010) Vegan For Life. Retrieve from http://www.veganhealth.org/articles/cooking

Page 43


Caroline La (2014). 3 Reasons No One Should Be On A Raw Foods Diet. Retrieve

from http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-13454/3-reasons-no-


Christine Bailey (2012), The Raw Food Diet. London: Duncan Baird Publisher

Christopher Wanjek (2013) Reality Check: 5 Risks of Raw Vegan Diet. Retrieve

from http://www.livescience.com/26278-risks-raw-vegan-


C. J. Uneke (2007). Potential for geohelminth parasite transmission by raw

fruits and vegetables in Nigeria: Implication for a risk profile.

Journal of Nutritional &Environmental Medicine February 2007;

16(1): 59–68

Dan Ladermann & Cherie Sorie. (2013)Raw Food For Dummies. USA Today

Magazine. Vol. 141 Issue 2816, p60-61. 2p.

Denise Minger (2010). Dental Drama: Tooth Problems on the Raw Diet (Part 1).

Retrieve from http://rawfoodsos.com/2010/01/24/dental-drama-


Dunja Gulin. (2012) Raw Food Kitchen: naturally vibrant recipes for breakfast,

snacks, main & desserts. UK: Ryland Peters & small

Page 44

Elżbieta Sikora, Izabela Bodziarczyk (2012). Composition And Antioxidant

Activity of Kale (Brassica Oleracea L. Var.Acephala) Raw and

Cooked. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Technologia Alimentaria.

Jul-Sep2012, Vol. 11 Issue 3, p239-248. 10p.Jack Norris, Ginny

Messina, MPH, RD. (2010) Vegan

Healthy Lifestyle (2012). The Raw Food Diet – good or bad? Retrieve from



Hu F. B (2003) Plant-based foods and prevention of cardiovascular disease: an

overview. Am. J. Clin. Nutr, 78:544S-551S.

Jack Norris, Ginny Messina, MPH, RD. (2010) Vegan For Life. Retrieve from


Jeffrey Traister (2012) Digestion Problems From Raw Food. Retrieve from



Lawrence Wilson (2014). Raw Food and Juicing. The Center For Development.

Retrieve from http://drlwilson.com/articles/Raw%20Food192.htm

Messina V., Mangels A. R., Messina M. J. What is a raw foods diet and are

there any risks or benefits associated with it?. The Dietitian’s

Guide to Vegetarian Diets: Issues and Implications. Jones and

Bartlett Publishers Boston, MA.

Page 45

Nguyen Thi Van Ha, Masaaki Kitajima, Nguyen Vo Minh Hang, Koichi

Matsubara, Satoshi Takizawa, Hiroyuki Katayama, Kumiko Oguma

and Shinichiro Ohgaki (2008). Bacterial contamination of raw

vegetables, vegetable-related water and river water in Ho Chi

Minh City, Vietnam. Water Science & Technology— WST


Oude Griep LM, Geleijnse JM, Kromhout D, Ocke´ MC, Verschuren WMM

(2010) Raw and Processed Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and

10-Year Coronary Heart Disease Incidence in a Population-Based

Cohort Study in the Netherlands. PLoS ONE 5(10):


Rickman JC, Barrett DM, Bruhn CM (2007) Nutritional comparison of fresh,

frozen and canned fruits and vegetables. Part 1. Vitamins C and B

and phenolic compounds. Journal of the Science of Food and

Agriculture 87: 930–944.

Robert Alan Ross (2009). Why Alkalizing Raw Food Is The Key To Health

Retrieve from http://www.rawfoodlife.com/#ixzz3PMill7Ii

Victoria Boutenko (2007). How to End your dependency on cooked Food.

California: North Atlantic books

Wikipedia (2015). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raw_foodism

Winston Craig (2014). Raw Foods - Claims and Reality. Retrieve from
