Dream Dinners Franchise Reviews How to End the Picky Eater Power Struggle

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Dream Dinners Franchise Reviews How to End the Picky Eater Power Struggle

The Picky Eating Power Struggle Do you have a picky eater on your hands? If so, chances are that their eating habits may be driving you crazy. Picky eaters can turn even the most rational and loving parents into obsessed, battle-weary, bargaining, pleading lunatics. Getting your child to eat his or her vegetables, fruits or other seemingly scary foods can be time-consuming and exhausting.

No mother likes to give their kid tough love, but children’s eating habits form from a young age, so it’s important to tackle the issue of picky eating before it becomes ingrained in them.

"The longer a child continues to be picky, the more likely it is that they’ll always be picky. However, parents shouldn't feel helpless," says Dr. Mark Fishbein, a pediatric gastroenterologist at Children's Memorial Hospital and coauthor of Food Chaining: The Proven 6-Step Plan to Stop Picky Eating, Solve Feeding Problems, and Expand Your Child's Diet.

Although very cute, picky eaters are typically the ringleaders of the dinnertime power struggle. Your child might be winning the battle now, but later on picky eating can lead to finicky habits and poor nutrition. Today, Dream Dinners franchise reviews three tips to help guide you through the picky eating power struggle.

The Picky Eating Power Struggle

Although your child shouldn’t have complete power in the situation, giving them some freedom can lead to trying new foods. Try letting them choose their dinner sides from the colorful fruits and vegetables in the produce section of the grocery store. You can also try letting them help you with meal planning or selecting your Dream Dinners If they know that they’ve picked out a certain part of the meal you’re serving, they may be more inclined to try it because they had a part in the preparing and planning. Once the meal is served, avoid negotiations with your child.

1. Give them some choices

To avoid overwhelming your child with too many new, unknown and seemingly “icky” things at once, introduce them to new foods gradually. When giving your kid a new food item to try, make sure that you’re serving it alongside something that they like. If your child’s favorite food is macaroni and cheese, then have them try new vegetables like peas, carrots or green beans by adding it to the macaroni. That way, they’ll be more likely to try the food because it’s associated with the macaroni and cheese.

2. Introduce the new gradually

As a parent, it’s your job to introduce and offer a variety of food items to your kids. This doesn’t always mean that they’re going to like everything the first time they try it. Parents shouldn’t give up when they serve a menu item once only to find out that their child has rebelled against eating it. According to Dr. Tamar Kahane, a child psychologist who has developed a program to treat selective eaters, it can take a kid between 10-15 tastes before a child accepts a new food as something they like. This may mean that you will have to serve the same food many times before your child accepts it as something they like.

3. Serve it, don’t force it

When it comes to ending the picky eating power struggle for good, patience is key. Your child’s eating transformation won’t happen overnight. It will likely be a long and drawn-out process, but in the long-run it will only benefit your child’s nutrition. Eventually, your children will surprise you with the vast variety of foods that they’ll be open to trying. Hey, someday they may introduce you to a new food!

End The Battle For Good
