Introductions to smartbins


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Eliminate the generation of wet waste altogether

20 litres 10 litres

Introduction to smartbins

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Smartbin in every house

magic potion for your plants!

There is GOLD

hidden in your food waste.

Smartbin unlocks it!

A smart kitchen dustbinthat transforms your food waste to nutrition for plants & cleans our planet.

Composts all kinds of food waste

Veg peelsNon-VegOily SpicyDairyCitrusCookedUn CookedTea/Coffee grounds

Two Stage Process - Extreme ease of use!

Replaces the kitchen dustbinPickles your food leftovers instead of letting it rotGives you smartbrew - liquid organic fertilizer & drain cleaner

Stage 1

Pickle is allowed to cure with compost or soil in a separate containerGives you dark rich compost

Stage 2

smartbin in every house

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3 4

Collect waste & sprinkle Bio Bloom(1 tea spoon for every handful of waste) & give it a mix

Empty into your smartbin Press down with smartpress to remove air gaps & close the lid

Harvest your smartbrew twice a month

Smartbin Stage I(In individual kitchens)

Fill like this and set aside for 2 weeks.

Alternate with next bin.

Smartbin Stage II(Anywhere in the house protected from rain & sun)

Layer compost with pickle generated in smartbin & leave aside for 3 - 6 weeks

1 2 3

4 5 6

The Smartbin Advantage

Neat & clean, non-messy operationNo insects, flies, maggots or stinkEasy to use, low maintenance & forgiving systemDoesn’t need dry leaves or saw dustLifetime support & handholding through FacebookNo electricity or mechanical parts to break downLong lasting, lightweight & sturdy product

Kit options

10 liters each

1 - 2 member families

10 liters each

3 - 5 member families

10 liters each

2 - 3 member families

20 liters each

2 - 5 member families

Smartbin MiniSet of 2

Smartbin MiniSet of 3

Smartbin MiniSet of 4

SmartbinSet of 2

Feedback From Users on FacebookBountiful organic veggies

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Feedback From Users on FacebookBountiful organic veggies

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Feedback From Users

Joys of composting

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Feedback From Users

Joys of composting

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Feedback From Users

Revives Dying Plants

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