Feed restriction on broiler performance


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ByDr. Mohammed Abo Gabal




ا�ل  ر�س�ا�ل�ةع�ن�و�ا�ن�

اللحم دجاج أداء على الغذاء تحديد تأثيرالحرارى اإلجهاد ظروف تحت

Effect of feed restriction on broiler performance under heat stress


Heat stress

الحرارى Body Heat balanceاإلتزان


Intensive Selection

Decreased broiler ability to cope with heat stress

1- Heat stress in tropic and subtropics countries

Such as Egypt 2- Continuous intensive selection for fast growth:

- Decreased broiler ability to cope with heat stress

- Increased body fat

- Increased mortality %

- Increased metabolic diseases (SDS, Ascites & Heart disease)

- Increased Skeletal disorders & leg abnormalities

Problem statement

Methods to reduce Heat stress:

1- Behavioral & Physiological Responses

2- House design, Housing method & Equipments

3- Management & nutritional practices

Nutritional practices

Increase dietary protein

Essential amino acids

Increase dietary fats

Feeding calcium carbonate

Supplements such as minerals and


Feeding management Introduce good quality of feed

Feed should not be stored for longer time

Encourage eating at cooler times of the day

Dim the lights to reduces activity and

reduces heat load

Remove feed for 4 to 6 hours

(Yalcin et al., 2005 and Daghir, 2008)

Aim of the study

This study was planned to: Examine some managerial methods to alleviate

the negative effects of

Heat Stress as well as to

overcome of some problems resulting from the Rapid Growth

during the early ages in broiler chicks

Early Acclimation method:

- Repeated & Short- daily

- exposure to a hot- &

- humid climate

- (e.g., 35 – 37 C, 60 % RH)

Early Heat Acclimation (EHA)

- Feed Restriction defination.

- Methods of FR:1. Quantitative feed restriction 1. Physical F.R.2. Lighting

2. Qualitative feed restriction1. Diet dilution 2. Low-nutrient density3. Feed texture 4. Chemical methods

Feed Restriction (FR)

1- Reduce heat stress and its bad effects

2- Reduce feed intake, feed cost & maximize the profit of the production

3- Improve feed conversion

4- Decrease metabolic Diseases (SDS, Ascites, Heart disease, Leg abnormalities ...... etc).

5- Reducing abdominal fats & blood lipids

6- Improve carcass quality

7- Reduce death losses (mortality)

8- Improve birds activity (motivation).

9- ............................ , etc.

Feed restriction advantages

Materials and Methods

This present study was carried out at

Poultry Research Station, Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar

University, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt.

This study was performed during the summer months

(from June to September) under Egyptian conditions.

Location and duration of the study

Total number of 500 Cobb500

1 day old


Experimental diets(Starter & Finisher)

Birds and diets

Table ( 1 ): Composition and analysis of experimental diets of broiler chicks.



Starter (7-28 days)

Finisher ( 29-42 days)

Ground yellow corn (8.5%). Soybean meal (48.0%). Gluten meal (60%) Di-Calcium phosphate (CaHPO4) Calcium carbonate (Caco3). Sodium chloride (Nacl). Sun flower oil. Pre-mix* DL-Methionine L-Lysine(Hcl) Anti tox. Anti cocci.

60.41 22.0 12.6 2.0

1.29 0.3 -

0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3

66.45 18.8 8.0 0.1 2.2 0.1 3.4 0.25 0.07 0.03 0.3 0.3

Total (Kg) 100 100

Calculated diet composition: Crude protein (%). Metabolizable energy (Kcal .ME/Kg). Lysine (%). Methinine %. Methionine + Cystine(%). Calcium %. Available phosphorus (%).

23.09 3007 1.30 0.86 0.90 1.0


19.01 3236 0.87 0.58 0.92 0.93 0.41

Analyzed: Crude protein%. Crude fat %. Crude fiber %. Price of diet (LE/kg).

22.96 2.79 4.51 3.75

19.00 6.24 3.82 3.60

This experiment was carried to evaluate the effect of different treatment

HS, EHA & different FR periods

on Productive, Economic and Physiological Performance


Broiler Chickens under

Chronic Heat Stress

First Experiment: Chronic Heat Stress

Experimental design

Treatment Feeding systems Fasting (hrs.)

Feed restriction




T1 Control Fed ad-libitum - - -T2 EHA Early heat acclimation - - -T3 FR4W1 Fasting 4 h daily from 8th to 14th days 4 7 28

T4 FR4W2 Fasting 4 h daily from 8th to 21st days 4 14 21

T5 FR4W3 Fasting 4 h daily from 8th to 28th days 4 21 14

T6 FR6W1 Fasting 6 h daily from 8th to 14th days 6 7 28

T7 FR6W2 Fasting 6 h daily from 8th to 21st days 6 14 21

T8 FR6W3 Fasting 6 h daily from 8th to 28th days 6 21 14

Total number of experimental birds 480

Environmental Data

Dry and wet bulb ambient temperatures

Ambient Temperatures and RH %

were recorded daily every 6 hrs.  

The THI equations:

THIbroilers = 0.85 Tdb + 0.15 Twb

Where: THI = temperature-humidity index, °CTdb = dry-bulb temperature, °CTwb = wet-bulb temperature, °C

Live body weight (LBW).

Body weight gain (BWG).

Feed intake (FI).

Feed conversion ratio (FCR).

Mortality rate (%)Recorded every week

Economic efficiency European Production Efficiency

Index (EPEI)

Growth Performance

• Respiration Rate (RR)

• Rectal temperature (RT)

• Skin temperature (ST)Measured every week from 1 - 6

wks. of age at the same day

Twice a day at 2 a.m and 2 p.m


Slaughter test & Chemical Analysis

Slaughter testwas done at 42 day old

6 Birds(2 birds/Rep./Treatment)

Chemical Analysis(meat & liver)

Moisture, Crude protein, Ether extract and Ash

Association of Official Analytic Chemists (A.O.A.C, 2000).

At 42 day blood samples collected• Total Protein (TP)• Albumin (Alb.) • Globulin (Glob.)• A/G ratio• Triglycerides (Tri-G)• Cho.• HDL and LDL• ALT and AST• Potassium and Sodium • PCVUsing suitable kits.

Blood Analysis

Histologywas done at 42 day old

6 tissue samples from jejunum (2 birds/Rep./Treatment)

Tissues were:Fixed , Washing , Dehydration , Embedded ,

Sectioning , Stained and Photographic.

Using an image capture and analysis system IT3

Villi height, villi width, crypt depth and muscularis layer thickness

Were measured in jejunum sections

Histo-morphological observations

Data were analyzed by usingSPSS program for Win.7 ( SPSS 2007 )

Model:Yij= M + αi + ℮ij

Duncan’s multiple rang test (Duncan, 1955).

Statistical analysis


First Experiment:

Chronic Heat Stress

Metrological Data

Ambient Temperature ( oC )

Relative Humidity (RH %)

Temperature Humidity Index

( THI )


Experimental Period


Ambient temperature (oC) RH


Temperature Humidity Index

Mini. Max. MeanTHI

8 a.mTHI

14 p.mTHI

20 p.mTHI

2 a.mMini THI


Mean THI

1 Week 26.34 34.79 28.50 51.31 77.39 79.49 73.89 76.59 70.80 79.70 76.83

2 Week 25.70 34.44 29.13 51.57 76.61 79.16 77.37 75.56 75.90 78.70 77.17

3 Week 27.04 36.16 30.66 49.54 77.47 81.21 79.51 77.04 77.90 79.70 78.81

4 Week 27.37 36.51 30.77 53.36 78.66 81.49 80.74 77.19 78.20 81.10 79.53

5 Week 26.54 35.36 27.54 54.97 77.83 81.89 73.60 77.39 70.80 79.40 76.60

6 Week 27.03 36.14 30.54 55.46 79.11 81.09 79.96 78.44 77.80 83.00 79.67

Table ( 4 ): Metrological data during experimental period :

Figure (1): Ambient Temperature during experimental period:

Figure (2): Temperature Humidity Index (THI) during experimental period :

Effect of different treatment ) HS , EHA and FR(

Live body weight (LBW)

Body weight gain (BWG)

Feed intake (FI)

Feed conversion (FCR)

DuringChronic Heat Stress


Table (5): Live Body Weight at different ages (1 - 6 wks.):



Body Weight 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week

T1: Control 173.25a±2.53 435.83a±4.89 848.00a±8.70 1350.00a±14.12 1852.20ab±25.15 2230.63bc±32.75

T2: EHA 172.38a ±2.28 425.28ab±3.95 831.75ab±8.14 1336.95ab±14.26 1862.80a±24.33 2268.37ab±25.64

T3: FR4W1 172.50a±2.16 432.08ab±5.82 845.83a±7.05 1341.98a±13.79 1873.88a±22.59 2318.19a±30.34

T4: FR4W2 172.05a±2.40 434.18ab±4.26 832.54ab±7.24 1328.98ab±13.91 1855.59ab±24.00 2243.02ab±28.21

T5 : FR4W3 172.82a±1.99 433.47ab±4.97 834.32ab±10.53 1318.67ab±12.38 1837.46ab±23.58 2201.56bc±27.98

T6: FR6W1 172.42a±2.04 421.72b±4.39 809.75bc±8.23 1295.68bc±17.22 1818.19ab±23.53 2188.78bc±25.87

T7: FR6W2 172.62a±1.74 423.61b±4.69 804.67c±7.17 1268.77cd±13.55 1789.34cd±20.92 2152.06cd±21.83

T8: FR6W3 173.15a±2.65 425.74b±3.81 804.51c±7.01 1242.79d±12.44 1750.00d±20.80 2094.27d±32.22

Figure (1): Live body weight (g) of broiler at 1st week of age:







T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8


ght (



Live body weight at 1st week


Table ( 6 ): Body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion:



 Body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion

Initial BW Final BW BWG Total FI FCR

T1: Control 173.25a ±2.53 2230.63bc±32.75 2057.09ab±52.14 4078.00a±35.01 1.98a±0.03

T2: EHA 172.38a±2.28 2268.37ab±25.64 2097.48ab±53.38 4051.67a±14.43 1.95a±0.06

T3: FR4W1 172.50a±2.16 2318.19a±30.34 2142.21a±39.34 3889.67b±49.16 1.82b±0.04

T4: FR4W2 172.05a±2.40 2243.02ab±28.21 2072.76ab±40.64 3776.00c±19.16 1.82b±0.03

T5 : FR4W3 172.82a±1.99 2201.56bc±27.98 2027.60abc±19.82 3678.33c±24.17 1.81b±0.01

T6: FR6W1 172.42a±2.04 2188.78bc±25.87 2017.00abc±26.74 3648.00d±33.13 1.81b±0.02

T7: FR6W2 172.62a±1.74 2152.06cd±21.83 1979.48bc±43.93 3607.33d±16.51 1.82b±0.04

T8: FR6W3 173.15a±2.65 2094.27d±32.22 1921.05c±37.88 3436.67e±12.72 1.79c±0.03

Fig. (9): Feed conversion ratio of broiler during the experiment period (1-6 week):

Figure (8): Total feed intake (g) of broiler during the experiment period (1-6 week):


T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8


ght (



Total Feed Intake


Effect of different treatment ) HS , EHA and FR(

Mortality Rate


DuringChronic Heat Stress


Table ( 7 ): Mortality rate during chronic heat stress:



No. of birds/treatment

No. of dead birds

Mortality% Livability%

T1: Control 60 4.0 6.67a±1.67 93.33c±1.67

T2: EHA 60 2.0 3.33b±1.67 96.67b±1.67

T3: FR4W1 60 1.0 1.67c±1.67 98.33a±1.67

T4: FR4W2 60 0.0 0.00c±0.00 100.00a±0.00

T5 : FR4W3 60 0.0 0.00c±0.00 100.00a±0.00

T6: FR6W1 60 1.0 1.67c±1.67 98.33a±1.67

T7: FR6W2 60 0.0 0.00c±0.00 100.00a±0.00

T8: FR6W3 60 0.0 0.00c±0.00 100.00a±0.00

Figure (18): Mortality (%) of broiler during the experiment period (1-6 week):


T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8



Mortality %

Effect of different treatment ) HS , EHA and FR(

Economic Efficiency( REE )


European Production Number ( EPEI % )

DuringChronic Heat Stress


Table ( 8 ): Economic efficiency during CHS: Treatment



T1: Control


T3: FR4W1 T4: FR4W2

T5 : FR4W3

T6: FR6W1 T7: FR6W2 T8: FR6W3

Total FI (g) 4078.0a±35.0 4051.6a±14.4 3889.6b±49.1 3776.0c±19.1 3678.3c±24.1 3648.0d±33.1 3607.3d±16.5 3436.67c±12.7

Price of feed (L.E) 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75

Cost of FI 15.29a±0.13 15.29a±0.05 14.58b±0.18 14.16c±0.07 13.79d±0.09 13.68d±0.12 13.52d±0.06 12.88c±0.04

LBW (kg) 2.23ab±0.05 2.27ab±0.05 2.31a±0.04 2.25ab±0.02 2.20abc±0.03 2.19abc±0.04 2.15bc±0.04 2.09c±0.02

Price of 1 kg meat (L.E) 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00

Income of market meat 26.76ab±0.62 27.24ab±0.64 27.78a±0.48 26.94ab±0.51 26.41abc±0.23 26.27abc±0.31 25.82bc±0.45 25.13c±0.54

Cost of chick + management 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

Total cost 20.29a±0.13 20.19a±0.05 19.59b±0.18 19.16c±0.07 18.79d±0.09 18.68d±0.12 18.53d±0.06 17.89e±0.05

Total income 26.76ab±0.62 27.24ab±0.64 27.78a±0.48 26.94ab±0.51 26.41abc±0.23 26.27abc±0.31 25.82bc±0.45 25.13c±0.54

Net income (L.E) 6.47b±0.49 6.95ab±0.69 8.19a±0.51 7.78ab±0.42 7.62ab±0.15 7.59ab±0.26 7.30ab±0.53 7.24ab±0.41

E. Efficiency 0.32c±0.02 0.34bc±0.03 0.43a±0.02 0.41ab±0.02 0.41ab±0.01 0.41ab±0.01 0.40ab±0.02 0.39ab±0.01


Relative E.E% 100.00 c 107.56 bc 133.84 a 127.46 ab 127.17 ab 127.60 ab 125.87 ab 123.27 ab

Fig. (11): Cost of feed intake (L.E) of broiler during the experiment period (1-6 week):

Fig. (13): Price of meat (L.E) of broiler:

Figure (17): Relative Economic Efficiency (%) of broiler:


T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8



Relative Economic Efficiency


Table (9): European production number EPEI % of broiler.



 European production number EPEI % Meaning of

EPEIBW (kg) P.P . FCRMortality



T1: Control 2.230ab±0.05 42 1.98a±0.03 6.67a±1.67 93.33c±1.67 250.09d±10.72 Weak

T2: EHA 2.270ab±0.05 42 1.95a±0.06 3.33b±1.67 96.67b±1.67 268.78c±10.91 Accept

T3: FR4W1 2.314a±0.04 42 1.82b±0.04 1.67c±1.67 98.33a±1.67 292.13a±5.68 Very good

T4: FR4W2 2.245ab±0.04 42 1.82b±0.03 0.00c±0.00 100.00a±0.00 293.56a±9.76 Very good

T5 : FR4W3 2.200abc±0.02 42 1.81b±0.01 0.00c±0.00 100.00a±0.00 288.84a±3.55 Very good

T6: FR6W1 2.189abc±0.03 42 1.81b±0.02 1.67c±1.67 98.33a±1.67 283.62a±9.82 Very good

T7: FR6W2 2.152bc±0.04 42 1.82b±0.04 0.00c±0.00 100.00a±0.00 286.99a±6.58 Very good

T8: FR6W3 2.094c±0.04 42 1.79c±0.03 0.00c±0.00 100.00a±0.00 278.86b±9.46 Good

Fig. (20): European production number (EPEI %):

Fig. (19): Livability (%) of broiler during the experiment period (1-6 week):

Effect of different treatment ) HS , EHA and FR(

Carcass Traits 

Absolute weight (gm)&

 Relative weight (%)

DuringChronic Heat Stress


Table (10): Absolute weight (g) of broiler carcass and organs:



 Absolute weight of body parts

LBW carcass Giblets Edible parts Inedible parts A. Fat

T1: Control 2240.0ab±41.31 1538.1ab±30.66 97.8a±5.98 1636.0ab±29.65 534.3ab±20.5 46.3a±1.99

T2: EHA 2285.0ab±59.54 1563.0ab±35.12 88.6ab±3.05 1651.6ab±37.74 548.8ab±22.2 42.6ab±2.43

T3: FR4W1 2363.3a±55.40 1621.0a±37.00 92.4ab±3.11 1713.4a±37.73 590.1a±19.79 37.6bc±2.33

T4: FR4W2 2285.0ab±42.37 1566.8ab±29.96 88.8ab±2.39 1655.7ab±30.08 534.6a±9.41 35.8c±1.54

T5 : FR4W3 2241.6ab±48.63 1564.3ab±39.05 86.1ab±1.21 1650.5ab±39.94 506.3b±9.46 34.0cd±1.81

T6: FR6W1 2297.5a±62.71 1555.3ab±36.81 90.7ab±4.27 1651.1ab±36.15 555.1ab±26.9 33.1cd±2.41

T7: FR6W2 2221.6ab±34.15 1533.3ab±31.87 87.5ab±4.14 1620.8ab±32.57 504.8b±11.54 33.3cd±1.65

T8: FR6W3 2135.8c±38.48 1468.3b±23.84 84.3b±3.01 1552.6b±23.19 516.0b±17.96 28.8d±2.30

Figure (31): Carcass weight (g) of broiler:







T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8


ght (



Carcass weight


Figure (33): Abdominal fat weight (g) of broiler:


T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8


ght (



Abdominal Fat weight

A. Fat

Table (11): Relative weight (%) of broiler carcass and organs :



 Relative weight of body parts

LBW carcass Giblets Edible parts Inedible parts A. Fat

T1: Control 2240.0ab±41.1 68.69ab±0.93 4.37a±0.27 73.05a±0.84 23.81ab±0.72 2.05a±0.13

T2: EHA 2285.0ab±59.4 68.44ab±0.54 3.87ab±0.7 72.31a±0.55 23.90ab±0.47 1.82ab±0.09

T3: FR4W1 2363.3a±55.40 68.60ab±0.27 3.92ab±0.5 72.52a±0.31 24.82a±0.30 1.54bc±0.12

T4: FR4W2 2285.0ab±42.7 68.58ab±0.33 3.88ab±0.2 72.46a±0.35 23.40abc±0.5 1.55bc±0.11

T5 : FR4W3 2241.6ab±48.3 69.76a±0.52 3.77b±0.04 73.54a±0.49 22.48bc±0.33 1.37c±0.08

T6: FR6W1 2297.5a±62.71 67.73b±0.67 4.17ab±0.1 71.91a±0.62 24.13ab±0.61 1.47bc±0.08

T7: FR6W2 2221.6ab±34.5 68.98ab±0.40 3.94ab±0.0 72.92a±0.43 24.01ab±0.69 1.42bc±0.09

T8: FR6W3 2135.8c±38.48 67.77b±0.39 3.97ab±0.7 72.73a±0.41 21.86c±0.67 1.26c±0.10

Figure (37): Carcass relative weight (%) of broiler:






T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8





Carcass Relative weight


Figure (39): Abdominal fat relative weight (%) of broiler:


T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8


ght (



Abdominal Fat Relative weight

A. Fat

Table ( 12 ): Lymph organs (Absolute weight, g ):Parameter



 Absolute weight of lymph organs

LBW Bursa Thymus Cecal tonsil Spleen

T1: Control 2240.00ab±41.31 1.20a±0.19 7.00a±0.75 0.53a±0.06 1.83b±0.25

T2: EHA 2285.00ab±59.54 1.56a±0.35 8.15a±0.49 0.57a±0.06 2.13ab±0.22

T3: FR4W1 2363.33a±55.40 1.41a±0.22 7.98a±0.36 0.52a±0.07 1.96ab±0.08

T4: FR4W2 2285.00ab±42.37 1.30a±0.13 7.21a±0.85 0.53a±0.04 2.13ab±0.23

T5 : FR4W3 2241.67ab±48.63 1.34a±0.24 7.86a±0.58 0.47a±0.08 2.54a±0.24

T6: FR6W1 2297.50a±62.71 1.74a±0.60 8.78a±1.42 0.62a±0.09 2.68a±0.23

T7: FR6W2 2221.67ab±34.15 1.38a±0.44 9.41a±0.99 0.66a±0.09 2.23ab±0.30

T8: FR6W3 2135.83c±38.48 1.31a±0.28 6.95a±0.50 0.59a±0.07 2.08ab±0.12

Effect of different treatment ) HS , EHA and FR(

Meat and liver

Chemical Composition 

DuringChronic Heat Stress


Table ( 13 ): Chemical composition of broiler meat: Parameter


 Meat chemical composition

Moisture Dry matter C.P. E.E Ash

T1: Control 66.79b±0.66 33.21a±0.66 18.78c±0.52 10.90a±0.88 1.46a±0.09

T2: EHA 67.82ab±0.60 32.18ab±0.60 19.50ab±0.60 9.72a±0.67 1.54a±0.08

T3: FR4W1 68.12ab±0.75 31.88ab±0.75 19.76ab±0.64 8.57ab±1.01 1.55a±0.10

T4: FR4W2 69.47a±0.30 30.53b±0.30 20.05ab±0.49 7.76b±0.67 1.55a±0.05

T5 : FR4W3 68.55ab±0.88 31.45ab±0.88 20.72a±0.46 7.57c±0.94 1.56a±0.08

T6: FR6W1 67.88ab±0.82 32.12ab±0.82 20.49a±0.52 8.40b±0.92 1.71a±0.12

T7: FR6W2 67.64ab±0.81 32.36ab±0.81 21.10a±0.76 8.18b±0.69 1.63a±0.12

T8: FR6W3 68.00ab±0.37 32.00ab±0.37 21.20a±0.50 7.49c±0.49 1.75a±0.07

Fig. (22): Crude protein (%) of broiler meat: Fig. (23): Ether extract (%) of broiler meat:

Table ( 14 ): Liver chemical composition of broiler:



 Liver chemical composition Moisture Dry matter C.P. E.E Ash

T1: Control 69.67ab±0.52 30.33ab±0.52 14.53b±1.54 13.14a±1.21 1.03c±0.06

T2: EHA 70.64ab±0.59 29.37ab±0.59 15.44b±0.46 11.13ab±0.59 1.17bc±0.03

T3: FR4W1 69.23ab±0.26 30.77ab±0.26 16.21ab±0.90 11.40ab±0.88 1.35a±0.04

T4: FR4W2 69.91ab±0.63 30.09ab±0.63 16.43ab±1.34 10.69b±0.80 1.31ab±0.06

T5 : FR4W3 70.39ab±0.52 29.61ab±0.52 16.52ab±0.83 10.20b±0.52 1.46a±0.07

T6: FR6W1 68.75b±0.92 31.25a±0.92 17.70a±0.83 10.64b±0.55 1.30ab±0.03

T7: FR6W2 70.00ab±0.73 30.00ab±0.73 17.97a±0.86 9.59bc±0.29 1.16bc±0.05

T8: FR6W3 71.18a±0.55 28.82b±0.55 17.15ab±0.33 9.04c±0.55 1.37a±0.04

Fig. (27): Crude protein (%) of broiler liver: Fig. (28): Ether extract (%) of broiler liver:

Effect of different treatment ) HS , EHA and FR(

Serum Blood constitution 


Chronic Heat Stress(CHS)

Table ( 15 ): Serum blood analysis:



Total protein fractions Total lipids fractions

Total proteins

( g/dl)Albumin

( g/dl)Globulin

( g/dl ) A/G RatioCholesterol




(mg/dl )

T1: Control 5.68b±0.12 2.45bc±0.06 3.23ab±0.15 0.77a±0.05 262.43a±6.21 171.12a±3.25 70.58b±2.41 149.63a±3.30

T2: EHA 6.04a±0.11 2.57a±0.04 3.47a±0.13 0.75a±0.04 242.89b±4.82 162.60ab±3.31 71.66b±1.81 138.71ab±4.94

T3: FR4W1 5.72b±0.11 2.55ab±0.03 3.17ab±0.11 0.81a±0.03 231.65bc±5.83 159.35bc±4.69 75.24ab±2.66 124.54bc±5.20

T4: FR4W2 5.60b±0.09 2.52abc±0.03 3.08b±0.10 0.82a±0.03 221.75c±6.27 152.07cd±2.62 76.38ab±1.80 114.95c±7.30

T5 : FR4W3 5.47b±0.12 2.47abc±0.02 2.99b±0.11 0.83a±0.03 216.66c±5.70 149.75cd±2.39 78.74a±1.47 107.97c±6.45

T6: FR6W1 5.67b±0.09 2.51abc±0.03 3.16ab±0.11 0.80a±0.04 228.44bc±6.97 155.48bc±3.69 76.95ab±2.39 120.39bc±6.27

T7: FR6W2 5.54b±0.10 2.46abc±0.02 3.08b±0.11 0.81a±0.03 221.34c±5.88 151.76cd±3.29 80.04a±1.44 110.95c±6.97

T8: FR6W3 5.51b±0.12 2.43c±0.03 3.08b±0.12 0.79a±0.03 216.13c±5.41 144.63c±2.98 79.31a±1.95 107.89c±5.70

Cont. Table ( 15 ): Serum blood analysis:



Liver function enzymes Sodium and Potassium Packed Cell Volume




AST(Iu/ml )






T1: Control 37.14a±2.41 86.14a±3.47 162.33a±4.93 4.03b±0.06 19.67d±1.51

T2: EHA 35.29ab±2.56 77.29ab±3.90 142.82b±4.40 4.42a±0.10 22.52cd±1.25

T3: FR4W1 30.14c±1.06 73.71ab±4.07 146.18b±3.67 4.48a±0.06 24.47bc±1.43

T4: FR4W2 30.29c±1.89 72.43b±3.15 142.14b±4.52 4.44a±0.04 24.38bc±1.18

T5 : FR4W3 28.14c±1.18 71.29b±5.18 141.58b±6.27 4.47a±0.05 26.94ab±0.85

T6: FR6W1 31.86bc±1.01 76.57ab±3.35 146.43b±2.79 4.55a±0.05 25.68abc±0.54

T7: FR6W2 30.71bc±1.41 73.14b±2.68 148.24b±3.20 4.57a±0.07 24.85bc±1.33

T8: FR6W3 29.14c±1.50 73.00b±3.82 145.15b±4.30 4.50a±0.08 28.42a±0.64

Fig. (50): Blood total cholesterol of broiler: Fig. (51): Blood tri-glyceride of broiler:

Fig. (52): Blood HDL of broiler: Fig. (52): Blood LDL of broiler:

Fig. (52): Blood GPT of broiler: Fig. (53): Blood GOT of broiler:

Fig. (54): Blood potassium of broiler: Fig. (55): Blood sodium of broiler:

Fig. (56): Blood P.C.V of broiler:

Effect of different treatment ) HS , EHA and FR(

ThermoregulationRespiration Rate (RR)

&Body and Skin Temperature

(Tc & Ts) 

DuringChronic Heat Stress


Table (16): Thermoregulation : Respiration Rate (RR)Parameter



Respiration Rate at 2a.m. Respiration Rate at 2 P.m. ±

2 Wks 3 Wks 4 Wks 5 Wks 2 Wks 3 Wks 4 Wks 5 Wks  

T1: Control 68.0a±0.90 70.9a±1.10 67.6a±2.21 63.2a±1.82 87.0a±1.90 89.5a±3.64 75.2a±3.79 75.7a±2.86  

T2: EHA 66.3ab±1.29 66.6bc±1.34 59.3b±1.55 58.3b±1.31 82.4a±4.21 87.7a±2.80 71.5ab±2.97 71.7ab±1.64  

T3: FR4W1 65.1ab±0.73 68.3abc±1.06 61.7ab±1.57 59.6ab±1.67 62.2b±1.86 83.6ab±3.86 74.0a±2.79 70.1ab±2.25  

T4: FR4W2 65.8ab±0.90 69.5ab±0.94 62.8ab±2.06 59.5ab±1.91 58.0b±4.81 74.6bc±2.45 75.9a±3.60 71.6ab±1.93  

T5 : FR4W3 65.4ab±0.54 66.1c±0.80 63.2ab±2.01 58.7b±1.10 61.7b±1.39 74.0bc±1.55 70.3ab±1.96 72.5ab±2.52  

T6: FR6W1 65.8ab±1.09 66.9bc±0.78 66.0a±0.93 63.3a±1.09 63.8b±1.49 82.1ab±3.10 70.2ab±2.84 71.6ab±1.86  

T7: FR6W2 65.2ab±0.71 67.6abc±1.11 58.6b±1.13 57.9b±0.74 62.1b±2.02 72.0c±2.47 70.7ab±3.76 67.3b±2.61  

T8: FR6W3 64.5b±0.90 66.3c±0.69 59.3b±1.12 56.3c±1.49 59.2b±1.42 69.7c±1.47 64.2b±0.98 71.0ab±2.10  

Fig. (58): Respiration rate of broiler at 2nd week of age:

Fig. (59): Respiration rate of broiler at 3rd week of age:

Fig. (60): Respiration rate of broiler at 4th week of age:

Fig. (61): Respiration rate of broiler at 5th week of age:

Table (17): Thermoregulation: Rectal Temperature(Tc)Parameter



Rectal Temperature at 2 a.m. Rectal Temperature at 2 P.m. ±

2 Wks 3 Wks 4 Wks 5 Wks 2 Wks 3 Wks 4 Wks 5 Wks  

T1: Control 40.8a±0.07 40.9a±0.05 41.8a±0.13 41.5a±0.15 42.3a±0.48 41.3a±0.12 42.2a±0.12 42.6a±0.20  

T2: EHA 40.6b±0.08 40.9a±0.04 41.3ab±0.09 41.2ab±0.13 41.4b±0.12 41.3a±0.13 42.2a±0.11 41.9b±0.12  

T3: FR4W1 40.5b±0.06 40.8a±0.08 41.7a±0.11 41.1ab±0.10 40.8b±3.02 41.2a±0.14 42.1ab±0.16 42.2ab±0.19  

T4: FR4W2 40.5b±0.04 40.8ab±0.13 41.3ab±0.11 41.0ab±0.11 40.7b±0.06 40.9b±0.08 42.2a±0.13 42.5ab±0.19  

T5 : FR4W3 40.6b±0.06 40.5c±0.05 41.4ab±0.09 41.1ab±0.15 40.7b±0.04 40.4b±0.09 41.7c±0.12 42.2ab±0.19  

T6: FR6W1 40.5b±0.05 40.6bc±0.06 41.7a±0.13 41.3ab±0.11 40.8b±0.05 41.3a±0.11 42.3a±0.17 42.0ab±0.17  

T7: FR6W2 40.6b±0.06 40.5c±0.03 41.4ab±0.11 41.0ab±0.11 40.4b±0.05 40.8b±0.08 42.0abc±0.1 42.1ab±0.16  

T8: FR6W3 40.5b±0.04 40.5c±0.04 41.1b±0.11 41.1ab±0.09 40.7b±0.04 40.7b±0.05 41.8b±0.11 42.3ab±0.25  

Fig. (63): Rectal temperature of broiler at 2nd week of age:

Fig. (64): Rectal temperature of broiler at 3rd week of age:

Fig. (65): Rectal temperature of broiler at 4th week of age:

Fig. (66): Rectal temperature of broiler at 5th week of age:

Table (18): Thermoregulation: Skin Temperature (Ts)Parameter



Skin Temperature at 2 a.m. Skin Temperature at 2 P.m. ±

2 Wks 3 Wks 4 Wks 5 Wks 2 Wks 3 Wks 4 Wks 5 Wks  

T1: Control 40.3a±0.07 39.6bc±0.05 41.0a±0.13 40.9a±0.17 41.1a±0.05 40.3a±0.10 41.4a±0.09 41.4a±0.17  

T2: EHA 40.2b±0.08 39.8a±0.05 40.8b±0.09 40.3ab±0.11 41.0a±0.09 40.1a±0.23 41.2ab±0.12 41.3ab±0.08  

T3: FR4W1 40.2b±0.04 39.6bc±0.09 40.9ab±0.10 40.4ab±0.07 40.2b±0.11 40.1a±0.20 41.3a±0.10 41.2ab±0.19  

T4: FR4W2 40.1b±0.02 39.8a±0.06 40.9ab±0.11 40.3ab±0.09 40.3b±0.04 40.1a±0.14 41.2ab±0.10 41.1ab±0.16  

T5 : FR4W3 40.2b±0.03 39.5c±0.07 40.9ab±0.10 40.4ab±0.15 40.4b±0.04 39.6ab±0.11 40.8c±0.12 41.1ab±0.13  

T6: FR6W1 40.2b±0.05 39.8ab±0.05 41.1a±0.11 40.5ab±0.08 40.3b±0.05 40.0a±0.10 41.2ab±0.16 41.1ab±0.13  

T7: FR6W2 40.1b±0.04 39.5c±0.06 40.8b±0.08 40.3ab±0.08 40.3b±0.05 39.6ab±0.11 40.9abc±0.08 41.1ab±0.14  

T8: FR6W3 40.1b±0.03 39.5c±0.05 40.8b±0.11 40.1b±0.07 40.3b±0.02 39.4b±0.10 40.9bc±0.10 41.0b±0.18  

Fig. (68): Skin temperature of broiler at 2nd week of age:

Fig. (69): Skin temperature of broiler at 3rd week of age:

Fig. (70): Skin temperature of broiler at 4th week of age:

Fig. (71): Skin temperature of broiler at 5th week of age:

Effect of different treatment ) HS , EHA and FR(

Histomorphological Observations

Villi height & width

Crypt depth

Muscular layer

DuringChronic Heat Stress


Table ( 19 ): Histomorphology of intestine: Parameter


No. of VilliVilli height Villi width Villi space

Crypt depth

)μm( )μm( (mm2) )μm(

T1: Control 51.4 a±1.69 355.2 f±10.6 44.6 a±1.4 16.03 ab±0.80 49.0 c±1.7

T2: EHA 54.8 a±2.08 363.2 de±4.3 42.4 ab±1.8 15.36 bc±0.64 50.1 c±1.6

T3: FR4W1 56.0 a±2.45 366.4 de±5.5 38.1 c±1.4 13.90 c±0.50 53.8 b±1.7

T4: FR4W2 56.6 a±2.64 375.3 cd±4.4 41.9 abc±1.2 15.76 ab±0.53 54.6 b±1.6

T5 : FR4W3 53.2 a±1.02 406.7 ab±5.3 42.9 ab±1.4 17.41 a±0.55 54.2 b±1.2

T6: FR6W1 53.4 a±1.36 391.7 bc±3.9 40.8 abc±1.0 15.96 ab±0.42 52.4 bc±1.2

T7: FR6W2 55.4 a±1.21 417.6 a±7.2 39.4 bc±1.2 16.63 ab±0.69 61.3 a±2.4

T8: FR6W3 54.4 a±1.25 420.5 a±3.7 41.7 abc±1.0 17.57 a±0.48 61.8 a±1.5

Fig. (76): Villi height of broiler intestine: Fig. (77): Villi width of broiler intestine:

Histo-morphological observations of intestine as affected by different treatment.

T1 Control T2 EHA T3 FR4W1 T4 FR4W2

T5 FR4W3 T6 FR6W1 T7 FR6W2 T8 FR6W3

Histo-morphological observations of intestine as affected by different treatment.

Second Experiment:

Acute Heat Stress

Experiment was designed to investigate the effect of different treatment

HS, EHA & FR on

Productive, Economic and Physiological Performance of

Broiler Chickens under

Acute Heat Stress

Second Experiment: Acute Heat Stress

Age of birds 40 day

10 Birds/Treatment

Ambient temperature increased gradually

( from 32 oC to 42 oC)

Acute heat stress remained from 10:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m or until 50 % of the control group died from heat stress.


Thermoregulation: • Rectal temperature

(RT)• Respiration Rate

(RR) Measured

before, during and after AHS

Productive Performance:• Mortality rate (%)• Economic efficiency• European Production

Efficiency Index (EPEI %)were calculated

after AHS

Acute Heat Stress Parameters

Effect of different treatment ) HS , EHA and FR(

ThermoregulationRespiration Rate (RR)

&Body Temperature (Tc) 

DuringAcute Heat Stress


Table (20): Thermoregulation during Acute heat stress Parameter



Respiration Rate  P. 

Rectal temperature

P.Before AHS During AHS After AHS Before AHS During AHS After AHS

T1: Control 71.30a±1.67 120.67a±6.79 88.67a±4.41 *  41.34a±0.14 44.78a±0.34 43.00a±0.15  *

T2: EHA 67.64bc±0.92 103.78b±11.87 83.88b±9.20  * 41.51a±0.14 43.89b±0.61 42.71b±0.67 * 

T3: FR4W1 70.73ab±1.62 96.44b±7.58 81.90b±8.86  * 41.35a±0.09 43.88b±0.97 42.19b±0.15 * 

T4: FR4W2 68.82bc±1.34 87.00b±7.43 82.30b±8.70  * 41.21a±0.09 43.56b±0.01 42.36b±0.17 * 

T5 : FR4W3 67.36bc±1.64 85.40b±7.21 79.50b±8.23  * 41.25a±0.21 43.54b±0.95 42.59b±0.73 * 

T6: FR6W1 68.55bc±1.63 91.44b±7.70 79.00b±8.30  * 41.35a±0.14 43.47b±0.94 42.11b±0.14 * 

T7: FR6W2 67.64bc±1.47 87.60b±7.00 78.40b±7.98  * 41.19a±0.08 43.29b±0.92 42.50b±0.73 * 

T8: FR6W3 65.27c±1.54 83.80b±7.10 78.00b±8.02  * 41.24a±0.05 43.47b±0.24 42.73b±0.75 * 

Figure (74): Respiration rate of broiler at acute heat stress:

Figure (75): Rectal temperature of broiler at acute heat stress:


T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8






Respiration Rate at Acute Heat Stress

Before AHS

During AHS

After AHS


T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8

(o C)


Rectal temperature at Acute Heat Stress

Before AHS

During AHS

After AHS

Effect of different treatment ) HS , EHA and FR(


Mortality (%)

DuringAcute Heat Stress


Table ( 21 ): Mortality rate during acute heat stress:Parameters


Total numbers of birds in each

treat.No. of dead

birdsMortality% Livability%

T1: Control 10 7 70.0 30.0T2: EHA 10 3 30.0 70.0

T3: FR4W1 10 1 10.0 90.0T4: FR4W2 10 0 0.0 100.0

T5 : FR4W3 10 0 0.0 100.0

T6: FR6W1 10 1 10.0 90.0T7: FR6W2 10 0 0.0 100.0

T8: FR6W3 10 0 0.0 100.0

Figure (73): Mortality (%) and of broiler after Acute Heat stress:


T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8



Mortality %

Figure (74): Livability (%) and of broiler after Acute Heat stress:


T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8



Livability %

Fig. (76): Mortality % of broiler after acute heat stress:

Fig. (77): Livability % of broiler after acute heat stress:

Effect of different treatment ) HS , EHA and FR(

Economic Efficiency( REE )


European Production Number ( EPEI % )

DuringAcute Heat Stress


Table ( 22 ): Economic efficiency after acute heat stress:




T1: Control


T3: FR4W1 T4: FR4W2

T5 : FR4W3

T6: FR6W1 T7: FR6W2 T8: FR6W3

Total FI (g) 4078 4077 3889 3776 3678 3648 3607 3436Price of feed 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75

Cost of FI (L.E) 15.29 15.29 14.58 14.16 13.79 13.68 13.53 12.89LBW (kg) 2.23 2.27 2.31 2.24 2.20 2.18 2.15 2.09

Livability% 30.00 70.00 90.00 100.00 100.00 90.00 100.00 100.00 Price of 1 kg meat (L.E) 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00

Income of market meat 802.80 1906.80 2494.80 2688.00 2640.00 2354.40 2580.00 2508.00Cost of chick +

management 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

Total cost 2029.25 2028.88 1958.38 1916.00 1879.25 1868.00 1852.63 1788.50Total income 802.80 1906.80 2494.80 2688.00 2640.00 2354.40 2580.00 2508.00

Net income (L.E) -1226.45 -122.08 536.43 772.00 760.75 486.40 727.38 719.50E. Efficiency -0.60 -0.06 0.27 0.40 0.40 0.26 0.39 0.40


Relative E.E% 100.00 237.56 322.01 354.62 355.10 318.59 352.01 354.46

Figure (78): Price of total marketing meat (L.E) of broiler :

Figure (79): Total Cost (L.E) of broiler:

Figure (80): Total revenue (L.E) of broiler : Figure (81): Net revenue (L.E) of broiler :

Figure (89): Relative Economic Efficiency (%) of broiler:

Table (23): European production number EPEI % after acute heat stress:



European Production Efficiency Index  LBW (kg) Production

period FCRMortality


% EPEI% Meaning of EPEI

T1: Control 2.230ab±0.05 42 1.98a±0.03 70.0 30.00 80.43 Very Very Weak

T2: EHA 2.270ab±0.05 42 1.95a±0.06 30.0 70.00 194.02 Weak

T3: FR4W1 2.314a±0.04 42 1.82b±0.04 10.0 90.00 271.98 Good

T4: FR4W2 2.245ab±0.04 42 1.82b±0.03 0.0 100.00 293.04 Excellent

T5 : FR4W3 2.200abc±0.02 42 1.81b±0.01 0.0 100.00 289.40 Very good

T6: FR6W1 2.189abc±0.03 42 1.81b±0.02 10.0 90.00 258.09 Good

T7: FR6W2 2.152bc±0.04 42 1.82b±0.04 0.0 100.00 281.27 Very good

T8: FR6W3 2.094c±0.04 42 1.79c±0.03 0.0 100.00 278.00 Good

Figure (90): Mortality (%) of broiler during acute heat stress:

Figure (91): Livability (%) of broiler during acute heat stress:

Figure (92): European production number (EPEI %) after acute heat stress:

Conclusion and Recommendations

General Conclusion Short period of feed restriction appear to be beneficial in improving productive, economic performance and carcass quality.

Feed restriction of heat stressed broilers is responsible for increase heat resistance and improves the heat tolerance of growing broilers especially when exposed to acute heat waves.

Long period of feed restriction are not only responsible for poor performance and reduce final body weight, but also, it improves the survivability of growing broilers when exposed to hot waves during summer season.

Long period of feed restriction may be:Reduced weight gain

Longer growing period Delay the marketing age

But also it:Reduced mortality during acute heat stress

Therefore, the producer has to weigh the benefits of Faster growth rate

vs. Greater mortality risk

Under the conditions of these studies it could be recommended:

Feed Restriction during the hottest hours of the day could be

the best method for application in broiler farms

as a common practice to alleviate the negative effects of

chronic & acute heat stress especially in tropic and subtropic countries

وهدايته توفيقه على القدير العلى الله أشكرل بالفضل ىوإعانته ً وعرفانا البحث هذا إتمام فى

عليه الله صلى الله رسول بقول ً وعمال بالجميل ً واعترافاوسلم

الناس " يشكر ال من الله يشكر " العرفانى وعظيم وتقديرى بخالصشكرى أتوجه فإنى

العظيم إو أستاذى إلى الدكتور / متنانى األستاذشما عبدالعزيز طريف

الدكتور / و خليفة األستاذ حسين هشامالدكتور /و الشافعى األستاذ أحمد عبدالرفيع

ا وبالغ الشكر جزيل منى متنان إلفلهمعن تعالى الله بموفور ىوجزاهم ومتعهم الجزاء خير

والعافي .ةالصحة

وا الشكر آيات بأسمى أتوجه متنانإلكما/ إلى الدكتور عامر األستاذ عامر عبدالهادى

محمد / ة الدكتور ةاألستاذوكذلك رسمى فاطمةالرسالة هذه قراءة عناء تحملهما على

الكثيرة مشاغلهما رغم عليها الحكم لجنة في واالشتراكب يعطر أن يشرفنى هذه إفكم رسالتى جبين سميهما

سيتفضالن بما الكريمين شخصيهما من طيف ويكسوهاوتقييم ونقد وتصحيح توجيه من به

من عنى ىفلسيادتهما الله وجزاهما واإلحترام الشكر كل. والعافية الصحة بموفور ومتعهما الجزاء خير


