Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 7



Wynn gets married. Finally.

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The Incredible Hunk

Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC

Chapter Seven

Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC! We have the kids!

In the last chapter, life was pretty normal for the Kinseys. Kids were born (Jace, Kale, Levi), kids moved out (Donovan,

Eric, Fiona), there were a ridiculous number of birthdays, etc. etc. Famous legacy sims were brought in to be fathers for

this batch, including Hex of Sam’s Wrongway Legacy, Bruges of Jessie’s Night Legacy, and Rhys of Marina’s classic

Fitzhugh Legacy. Exciting, right? Right?

Since I’ve got you here, why don’t you go visit boolprop.net, if you’re not already there? It’s a pretty great sims-

dedicated forum with lots of friendly, supportive people. All the simselves in my game come from there. *nod nod*


Ivan (holding Kale)


Wynn (holding Levi)


Um, Wynn?

Wynn: “Mmm… what is it, Author? Kinda busy here…”

Well, there’s, uh, something you should know about this pregnancy.

Wynn: “Busy.”

Mailman: “Disgusting.”

Alan: “I’m an Aquarius. Sexy, right?”

What’s up with the crowd? Go away, crowd.

Elderly Townie: “I heard this rumor about this pregnancy. Can I be the daddy of the next one? Pleeeease?”

Mailman: “Disgusting.”

Wynn. Really. We need to talk.

Wynn: *SIGH* “What is it, Author? What could possibly be so important?”

This is the last pregnancy you’re allowed to have as a single woman. You need to get married as soon as this baby is


Wynn: “…”

Wynn: “Wait, marriage? Really!?”


Wynn: “FINALLY! I’m getting married!! Family Sim likes!! YES!!”

Wynn: “Boo-yeah! Who’s the greatest? I’m the greatest! HOO-RAH!”

Wynter Kinsey, Head of SCIA. That feels good. That’s TEN more points for me, and several refurnished rooms for you!

Wynn: “Really? Some new furniture? Sweet! This has been SUCH a good day!!”

Hey, look. The changing table does work on an angle.

Ah. Maybe not, then.

Wynn. Really. Please don’t hide the baby.

I like the changing table as it is, but I also don’t want to lose any children back there… so… maybe sticking a lamp

back there will fill the tile and prevent accidents. Maybe?

Hazel: “Isn’t it nice having breakfast together like this? All at the same table, without having to fight over stools?”

Garrett: “It would’ve been better if the Author had thought about camera angles when she put the dining table against

the wall.”

*affronted sniff*

Wynn: “Kids, please don’t antagonize the Author at the table.”

Wynn: “You know what? I think I’m starting to get the hang of this ‘parenting’ thing.”

We’ll just conveniently ignore the picture of Kale’s head impaled on the ceiling, shall we?

Wynn: “Whoa! Why, hello there, Little M!”

Ivan: “Mom, do you have to pop in the kitchen? Some of us are trying to come to terms with ourselves, and your

continuous round of pregnancy is killing my self esteem.”

Garrett: “Mmm, something smells good!”

Ivan: “Real or not, I am one incredible hunk. In fact, that should be my nickname. The Incredible Hunk.”

At least from the chin up.

Ivan: “Self esteem… plummeting… dwindling… forever downward…”

Hazel: “Awww, look how special you are, Levi! You got Garrett to cheer!”

GASP! It’s a miracle!

Garrett: “Never. Again.”

Yes he’s cute, but did he get Rhys’s famous nose?

…I fail as a simmer. I can’t tell. Is this Wynn’s nose, or is it the start of The Nose?

By the way, Hazel, I like the expression. You look very tortured and angsty.

Hazel: “’Tortured’? ‘Angsty’? I don’t think I know what those words mean…”

Kale’s turn! Poor guy; no cake, no siblings with noisemakers, just a rotten bottle. At least his mother is watching.

Wynn: “Meh. What’s that through the window?”

Holy cow, Wynn. Your kids are so good at picking transition outfits.

Kale: “Look at me! LOOK AT ME!!”

We’re looking, we’re looking! What is it?

Kale: “I’m cute! Give me attention!”

Oh boy.

Aha, here we go! Let’s compare noses!

Hmm… mm-hmm… I think Levi might have Rhys’s nose, not Wynn’s. The angle of the bridge and the shape of the tip

seems wrong. Plus, it’s already bigger than hers.

Ehehehe, he has the NOSE!

Kale: “BANG! BANG! You’re dead!!”

Jace: “Hey! You can’t kill the cop! Not fair!”

Wynn: “Play nice, boys.”

I don’t know if it’s because they were just the only two awake at the time or what, but immediately after Kale grew up,

he and Jace became very fast friends. I love natural friendships. It’s just so cute!

Hey, how do you like the new room? Yours was one of the ones at the top of the priority list for refurnishing, you know.

And I found an excuse to use the egg chair!

Wynn: “I’d like my room better if Ivan would get out of my bed. Can’t I just lock the kids out?”

Not without also locking out your partners.

Wynn: “Dang…”

Hazel: “Alright, Levi! Say ‘Hazel’! Come on, you can do it!”

Levi: “Hasel stinky! EWWW!!”

Hazel: *sigh* “Full neat points and one nice point is not a good combination.”


Jace: “Mommy, what do babies smell like?” *sniff sniff* “Sheesh, all I smell is grilled cheese.”

Kale: “You’re stupid, Jay. You’re supposed to ask where babies come from, not what they smell like.”

Jace: “Well if you’re so smart, what do they smell like, huh?”

Kale: “Like poop.”

Wynn: “Boys!”

Ivan: “Hi. Yeah. One scholarship, please. I forgot to call sooner than this.”

Someday, I’ll remember to have them call the instant they age up. SOMEDAY.

Ivan: “Headmaster Robertson. Of the teens currently in the house, I have the most charisma points, and so I was elected

to the position of greeting and entertaining you. Let’s get this tour over with quickly so you can move into the kitchen,

where Garrett is cooking dinner.”

Headmaster Robertson: “Nice to see you too, Ivan.”

Wynn: “Uh, shoo flee? The baby’s coming?”

What, now? Can’t it wait? The headmaster’s here…

Wynn: “No, it can’t WAAAAAAAIIIIIIT!!”

Hazel: “It’s okay, Mr. Headmaster! Really! She does this all the time!”

Headmaster Robertson: “Hm. Fascinating.”

Hm. Ew. Freak out like a normal sim, okay, Robertson?

Look, another boy! The score is now 3 to 10!

Wynn: “I think Maximilian is a perfect name, isn’t it Max?”

I was hoping for a Mina, but this will work. Both names pay dues to some of my favorite fictional characters, though

Mina is from a video game and Maximilian, of course, is not.

Although, this is probably the last slide you will ever see him referred to by his full name. “Maximilian” is five syllables

in a world where three is too long for a name. Linguistics is fun. Shorten that sucker!

Max is a special little baby for three reasons. 1) He is the thirteenth baby, and unofficial halfway point of the challenge;

2) Wynn can’t have any more children without getting married, or else I break the rules, and of course, 3) he has red hair

and gold eyes. Three very good reasons, I think.

Okay, back to the headmaster visit.

Ivan: *burp*


Headmaster Robertson: “Hm.”

He accepted Jace and Kale into his school, but the second he finished eating dinner, he just booked it out of there.

Didn’t bother shaking hands with Wynn or anything.

I see we made an impression.

Well, now that that’s taken care of…

Garrett: “Finally, I am escaping this house.”

Wynn: “Garrett leaving means there’s a slot for my soon-to-be husband! Yay!”

Jace, Ivan: “Meh.”

*snicker* A belly shirt. No worries, G, we’ll get this fixed.

Garrett: “You better.”

Anne of Boolprop: “Keika. He’s not reacting to me.”

Garrett: “Reading. Not paying attention. Blah blah blah.”

Why did you turn out to be a jerk, Garrett? Your father was Wynn’s only three bolt match to date. What gives?


Anne: “Nice job on this one, Keika. Sarcasm intended.”

Thanks a lot, Anne. Sarcasm also intended.

Garrett: “So. I get my own house, like Eric and Fiona, right?”


Garrett: “What was that?”

I like you, but it doesn’t twist my guts to send you to Townie Land. Off you go now. We’ll be seeing you.

Goodbye, Garrett Kinsey. You will be missed. Just not as much as some of your other siblings.

Garrett: “And you wonder why I’m grumpy. Hmph.”

Believe it or not, that leaves Hazel as the senior teenager around here. She really takes to the role of big sister, though.

Hazel: “Guys, please clean up after yourselves so I don’t have to do it…”

Jace: “You’ll never get away with this! I’m speeding after you on my stallion!”

Kale: “HA! Ponies are no match for my YACHT!”

Jace: “Shows what you know! My stallion is a PEGASUS! We can FLY, and we will STOP YOU!!”

Kale: “NEVER! My yacht is actually a ROCKET SHIP!!”

Hazel: “Hey, Author? How come you always show up with a camera when we’re teaching a kid to study? All those

pictures would get kind of boring, wouldn’t they?”

I get points for it, and I gotta prove it’s happening. Now hush.

Kale: “Jace better appreciate the points I’m getting him in school. Because this is his homework.”

Hazel: “Hush.”

Wynn: “Alright, Author.”


Wynn: “Oh, relax. If I’m going to be getting married, I have a few qualifications I want in my future husband.”

Wynn: “For example! He needs to be handsome. He needs to like to cook and clean. He needs to like kids. He can’t be

on my scavenger hunt list, except as my husband. And he needs to have a good job, so I don’t have to work anymore.”

Sorry, you’re not quitting your job. We can put him to work, though. Anything else?

Wynn: “Yep! Most importantly… he needs to be dumb. Very dumb. Because I still have thirteen kids to get through,

and you said they can only be one per father.”

Very true. Let’s head down to the town square then, huh? There’s bound to be a handsome-but-dumb townie man around

here somewhere.

Well? See anyone promising yet?

Wynn: *sigh* “No. Most of the people here I’ve either already had a kid with, or I’m related to them.”

Arie: “Love you, Wynn!”

Bay: “Don’t worry, baby girl, we’ll keep an eye on you!”

Wynn: *siiiiigh*

Alright, then. Let’s try somewhere else.

Wynn: “What… is this.”

Ichor Lounge. The neighborhood vampire hangout.

Wynn: “…um?”

Oh, don’t worry. You’re perfectly safe. There’s a rule—no biting on the premises. They sell Type K, you know. An

artificial blood substitute.

Wynn: “Still…”

Wynn: “…I just don’t feel comfortable with this. I walk in, and there’s a vampire playing the violin.”

Oh hey, why not Perseus? He’s a catch.

Wynn: “Er… I was hoping for a regular townie. Not a vampire, you know.”

Alriiiight. At least add him to your contact book, okay?

Wynn: “Can do.”

Bryan? What are you doing here?

Bryan: “Hi, Author. I’m getting a drink.”

Bartender: “We only sell Type K here, sir.”

Bryan: “Shame…”

Hoo boy, both Larch and Cypress (courtesy DocNerd’s Vetinari Dualegacy) are here. Stay downstairs, Wynn. There’s

going to be fireworks.

Wynn: “Don’t have to tell me twice…”

Unsavory Charlatan: “Lady Kinsey? The offer is still open, I presume?”

Wynn: “No. Go away, you bother me.”

The temptation… the temptation… oh, the temptation…

Oh, fine. I’ll make a backup of the `hood, and then if something bad happens, I’ll reboot and abort the pregnancy. But

you HAVE to get married BEFORE the baby is born, you hear me!?

Wynn: *rolls eyes* “Yes, Author.”

After all, Grim doesn’t have character data either, and having kids with him doesn’t seem to be a problem. Right?

Unsavory Charlatan: “Is that a tombstone that just appeared out of nowhere, Lady Kinsey?”

Wynn: “Probably. That means I’m about to get pregnant, isn’t it?”

Unsavory Charlatan: “Excellent. Then you won’t mind if I take your wallet while I’m at it?”

Unsavory Charlatan: “Of all the people in aaaall the world, Wynn—can I call you Wynn?—us two happened to be on

this lot at exactly the same time. What is this, if not… fate?”

Wynn: “Unwanted physical contact…”

Wynn: “I had a kid with a pirate ghost and with bigfoot. You, sir, are the creepiest person I have ever met.”

Unsavory Charlatan: “The pleasure is mine.”

Perseus: “I’ll be around, Wynn. Maybe for Baby O?”

Baby O gets to belong to Wynn’s husband. Maybe for Baby P.

Perseus: “I can get behind that. Perseus for Baby P!”

Unsavory Charlatan: “Have a good evening, Lady Kinsey.” *pat pat pat*

Sorry for the pic spam. I got just a little excited that they were finally interacting, know what I mean?

$150 is kind of important in a WYDC, though, so…


That’s the first time I’ve ever gotten to use this interaction! Mr. Charlatan, I love you and your pie menu labels.

Unsavory Charlatan: “I’m not so sure that’s good for the baby, Wynn.”

Failure. Wynn just lost another $100. SIGH.

Bartender: “That wasn’t very nice, Mr. Charlatan.”

Unsavory Charlatan: “Meh. Where’s the next sucker?”

Alright Wynn. This is kind of your last shot for the night. Your needs are getting low, and you need to pick someone


Wynn: “Alright, alright, I will. Don’t worry. Yeesh.”

Wynn: “Hey there, great-great-great-grandpa Hyde.”

Keep moving.

Hyde: “Eh, I think I’ll go home and play a game.”

Wynn: “Hi there…”

Landon: “Landon. Landon Deiryme.”

I’m not a big fan of the Komei face template, but we’ll keep him in mind. In the meantime, keep looking, Wynn.

Landon: “Pushy.”

Wynn: “Yeah.”

Anne, I have a question. How come you always show up at the video game store?

Anne of Boolprop: “It’s entirely coincidental, I assure you.”

The video game store and the clothing store. And suspiciously enough, only when a Kinsey is there.

Anne: “Coincidence.”

Anyway, I’m sending Wynn home. I don’t need her starving out here.

Well well well, look who showed up again the very second Wynn’s house loaded.

Landon: “Hi, my name is Landon. What’s yours?”

I’ll take this as fate then. Somebody catch him while Wynn gets some food and rest, okay?

Thanks, Hazel.

Hazel: “No problem, Author. Does this guy ever smile?”

Not that I’ve seen.

Landon: “Wait, come back, red-haired teenager! My name is Landon! What’s yours?”

Hazel: “Now I have a problem. I don’t want to be rude, but he’s a little…”

Oh don’t worry, he doesn’t mean anything by it. He’s just trying to be friendly, that’s all.

Landon: “Hi, little itty bitty toddler-man. I’m Landon. What’s your name? There sure are an awful lot of kids in this

house! Does Wynn run a foster home?”

Um… yes. Actually, no. Maybe? Eh, I’ll let her come up with an excuse. This isn’t my battle.

Landon: “Battle? Where? Battles are bad. Why can’t they just be friends?”

Oh, you’re going to be so much fun.

Landon: “You stink, baby toddler guy. You need a bath.”

Um, please put that toddler down, Landon. It’s kind of his birthday, and his big sister needs him in the kitchen for cake.

Landon: “Ooh, cake? I love cake!”

Landon: “Yaaay cake!”

Hazel: “Author, who is this?”

He’s about to become your new step-father.

Hazel: “…what.”

Yep. Wynn picked a winner. Get it? Wynn? Winner? Wynter? Ahaha, I am so funny…

Me: *scared*

Landon: “Are her arms supposed to move like that?”

Hazel: *muffled* “Nothing to see here.”

Landon: “Ooh, cake!”

Levi: “Just so you know, Hazel, this is creepy and it’s going to scar me for life.”

Hazel: “Shh.”

Levi: “I’m going to turn out to be a villain because of this. Like my dad. You know, Rhys Fitzhugh?”

Hazel: “Levi, we’ve got company.”

Levi: “So?”

Jace: “I’m just going to grow up in here and avoid the scary glitches downstairs, `kay Mom?”

Wynn: “zzz”

Guess who grew up in the bathrobe?

Jace: “Awww yeeeeah.”

Levi: *deep breath* “HIIIII MOOOOOOM!!”

Wynn: “zzzzgoawayzzzz”

Pleasure it is.

Jace: “Ah. Hi there, random guy.”

Landon: “Hi! My name is Landon! What’s yours?”

Hazel: “SHOCK and DISMAY! My baby brother is a teenager!”

Wynn: “So, Landon. Now that I’ve had a nap and a plate of porkchops, let’s talk.”

Landon: “Oh. I’m not very good at talking. I’d rather play with kids than talk. I’m not very smart, you see.”

Wynn: *swoon*

Hey look, a smile! Aww, he is cute! And he’s not a soulless automation incapable of smiling, either! Go get ‘em, Wynn!

*sigh* And so it begins. Levi just walked in on Wynn and Landon having a date.

Levi: “That man is not my daddy!!”

Jace: “Trust me, Lee. This won’t be the last time you’ll see Mom with someone who’s not your daddy.”

Levi: “WAAAAAH!!”

And so we move the date to Wynn’s bedroom, which is not in the middle of the road where all her kids will see her, and

also has a lockable door.

Landon: “You, you like me? Really? Nobody’s ever liked me before…”

Wynn: “Oh, Landon. You’re perfect. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.”

Wynn: “Landon? Landon. I have a question for you…”

Landon: “Name it. I’ll get it for you. Even if I have to fly up to the moon for it.”

Wynn: *giddy* “Will you marry me?”

Landon: “GASP! That’s not fair! I was going to ask you!”

Wynn: “So… yes?”

Landon: “YES!!”

Wynn: “Score!”

Landon: “Okay, now I have to go to work! Bye!”

Wynn: “…I guess the wedding can wait till he gets home, then…”

By the way, he brought in $11,000, and he’s a State Assemblyperson. Double score!

Um, shouldn’t you two have brought the kids with you to the wedding, rather than sneaking out the instant Landon got

back from work?

Wynn: “Naw. Someone needed to stay home with Max, and if I left one kid home and brought the rest, that wouldn’t be

fair, would it?”

I guess not…

Wynn: “Besides, I invited someone more important than my kids.”

Snow: “Neck… ribbon…” *twitch*

Maybe I’m just not remembering, but I’m pretty sure this is the first time Snow’s shown her face around here, and she

happens to walk onto this particular lot at this particular moment. I call it… fate. Again. How’re you doing, you old

legacy founder you?

Snow: “Seriously, Author? The neck ribbon? For all eternity? Why.”

And she hasn’t changed at all, I see.

Wynn: “Just so you know, honey, I haven’t bought a wedding dress, and I’m guessing you haven’t bought a tux, so I

guess we’re getting married in whatever our formal wear happens to be! Aren’t you excited?”

Landon: “I’m very excited! I can’t believe it! We’re getting married! I don’t think it matters what we get married in, so

long as we get to get married! Married married married!”

I may have assigned Wynn a wedding dress in CAS back in September when I put her in the neighborhood, but I don’t

remember. I guess we’ll get to see, huh?

Ooh, nice choice, me-in-September. A white dress that looks like it can function as a wedding dress, but not one that

will look out of place at non-wedding formal functions. Excellent. *pats self on back*

The great thing about having weddings on community lots is that the lot supplies you with random guests, rather than

you having your sims get married alone or having to bother inviting people. Our guests this time, who ended up not

sitting down because I went and put the wedding arch on a stage (curses!), ended up being Snow… two townies I didn’t

bother taking pictures of…

…Bruges Wallace (from Jessie’s Night Legacy, and also Kale’s father)… Rhea White (Wynn’s grandmother)… Rhys

Fitzhugh (from Marina’s Fitzhugh Legacy, and also Levi’s father)…

…and Aunt Arie.

Arie: “Of course. I wouldn’t miss this. Pop quiz, Author: remember how many ‘greats’ I am to Wynn’s kids?”

Eight. You are their eight-times-great-aunt. Ha ha.

Arie: “Cheater! You peeked at the family tree!”

Did not! (totally did)

Anyway. Wedding. Do you realize how long this is in coming? It’s been long in coming. I waited until the very last

possible second before marrying Wynn off. Because points.

And now, she finally gets to fulfill that “get married” want she’s been rolling so regularly ever since she fell in love for

the first time. That is, thirteen kids and nearly two months real-time ago. *sniff* I’m so proud.

Rings and vows are exchanged… and with a kiss, this marriage is sealed!

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr. and Mrs. Kinsey!

Snow: “What, was there no flower wallpaper for the stage dropoff?”

None that matched that rug. Quit trying to ruin my wedding scene, Snow.

Snow: “Psh. I got married in a legacy shack. With exposed sink pipes for a backdrop. These kids have it far too good.

Spoiled rotten, each and every one of ‘em, I say.”

Yes, thank you, grandma. Let’s get on with the reception.

Oh hey, look. Someone did sit down. I knew I could count on you, Arie.

Arie: “I wouldn’t miss this for the world. It’s the wedding of my great-great-great-”

Stop right there.

Snow: “Suck-up.”

Arie: “Thanks, Mom.”

Oh look, it’s twilight. I recently reinstalled spookymuffin’s lighting mod, and let me tell you, I am loving it.

Wynn: “Open wide!”


What!? Wynn is a feeder!? I thought for sure she’d be a stuffer! …and there’s Rhys and Bruges in the background,

there. I’d better make sure these two don’t kiss. Or flirt. At all. Although you’d think they would get the picture,

witnessing her wedding and all… sims.

Problem solved. They decided to sit at different tables. As per usual sim custom.

Now, I know you have a lot of questions. How will Wynn adjust to married life? Will Landon figure out what challenge

she’s a part of? What will the Unsavory Charlatan’s baby look like? Will it look like a fiery ball of flaming hood

corruption doom? You want to know, right? Well, too bad. I’m calling it here. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to find out if

my game survives in the next chapter.

Considering my game survives long enough for there to be a next chapter.

Scores now?

New Fathers:

13: Alan Whitley (logged as Witch)

New Points

Each child with a different father +1

Pregnancies concluded before founder marries +0.5

NPCs used as fathers +1

Children in private school +2

Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a



Founder reaches the top of any career +10

Total Points: 98.5
