WW2 in Color - #2


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PowerPoint Show by Andrew

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Adolf Hitler, Along with Mussolini's son-in-law, Count Galeazzo Ciano (to Hitler's right), and Joachim von Ribbentrop, attend a NSDAP (Nazi Party) rally, some time in the 1930s.

Adolf Hitler (right) prepares to fly to the polish front, 1939.

Captured Polish soldiers, 1939.

Kazimiera Mika, a ten-year-old Polish girl, mourns the death of her older sister, who was killed in a field near Jana Ostroroga Street in Warsaw during a German air raid by German Luftwaffe.

Heinrich Himmler (right), one of the chief architects of the Holocaust, speaks with an unidentified officer in Warsaw after German invasion of Poland, 1939.

American troops push a medical jeep carrying casualties from the 53rd Armored Infantry Battalion and the 4th Armored Division. Asch, Luxembourg, 26 January, 1945.

An American medic tends to a seriously injured German soldier who appears unconscious or dead, Normandy, Saint-Lo, June 1944.

Frightened children take cover in a ditch during the Bombing of Minsk, Belorussia, June 1941

German soldiers socialize with Ukrainian women. Poltava. Ukraine. September 21, 1941

Five American flying tigers.

Supreme Commander Dwight Eisenhower talking with U.S. paratroopers of the 502nd Parachute Infantry Division on D-Day.

D-Day: The crowds celebrating the landing of troops on the beaches of France in Times Square on June 6, 1944.

Finnish infantryman, with his K31 Suomi sub-machine gun during the Battle of Vuoslami 23-24 July 1944

A Finnish soldier trains in the winter snow with a dog during February 1941, during the Finnish-Soviet Continuation War.

American bomber crew.

Members of the flight and ground crews of a B-17 bomber make adjustments to their plane prior to a mission, Polebrook, Northamptonshire, England, 1942.

World War 2 bomber cockpit.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko who, by the end of World War II, was credited with 309 kills, making her the most successful female sniper in history.

Private First Class Rez P. Hester, 7th War Dog Platoon, 25th Regiment, takes a nap while Butch, his war dog, stands guard. Iwo Jima, February 1945.

RAF spitfires flying in formation, 1940

Soviet Prisoner of war, Pyotr Palnikov, watches as the corpses of Soviet POWS and concentration camp inmates are exhumed in Seelhorst Cemetery, Hanover, Germany 1945.

Two U.S. soldiers seek shelter behind a M-4 Sherman tank at Geich, near Düren, Germany, on 11 December 1944.

Young German soldier who was taken prisoner by US troops near Forbach, Germany in March 1945.

A squad leader points out a suspected Japanese position at edge of Baleta Pass, near Baugio, Luzon, P.I., where troops of the 25th Inf. Div. are in fierce combat with the enemy. 23 March 1945.

A breeches buoy is put into service to transfer from a U.S. destroyer to a cruiser survivors of a ship, November 14, 1942.

Preparing bombs to be loaded onto a flying fortress to be used on Tokyo.