The Making Of Chocolate


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The Making Of Chocolate

Chocolate is gathered from the cacao plant. The plant itself produces pods or fruits that contain beans from which cocoa is produced. These cacao plants thrive well in tropical to dry areas in the world. Thus the Ivory Coast in Africa is the foremost producers of the cacao beans in the world. There are other areas that have a huge say in the world's market for cocoa beans but none of these beat Africa.

In the chocolate factories

In the chocolate factories, the dried cocoa beans are roasted to achieve their famous brown color and to bring to fore the smell and taste of chocolate. Most factories keep their roasting duration and process a secret so as to have a unique taste or flavor of their product. After the roasting process, the beans are shelled and then cut down or crushed to chocolate nibs.

Packaged and labeled for sales

The remaining cocoa butter is mixed with some sugar and some of the solids at exposed to high temperatures, a process called conching. The tempering process then follows, which is a cooling process. The correct cooling process is vital in the consistency of the product. The result is then poured in to moulds to produce a chocolate bar or other forms and then packaged and labeled for sales.
