The kingdom of aveonlea chapter 9: The Gable Family Round 2


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The Kingdom of Avonlea

Chapter Chapter 9: Gable Household Round 2

We begin the second round at the Gable house to find resident generation 2 spouse Marisa in better spirits. Which everyone is

most happy about.

Better spirits means Marisa is back to helping the family maintain the fields

for Lord Hamilton.

Marisa though does not seem to have taken to parenting very well. A fact which Anne finds most alarming. What kind of woman doesn’t know how

to care for children?

Speaking of Anne, she and Gilbert are still as sweet a couple as ever and they often spend their

evenings together enjoying what little peace and quiet that can be found in their busy little home.

Matthew Gable Anne and Gilbert’s youngest is still around and he’s WONDERFUL with his little niece and nephew. He’s always spending time with both

John and Marilla.

Little John absolutely adores the families newest wolf Otis.

Actually John loves old Snuggles too. You know what he just loves to snuggle the wolves in general.

His twin sister Marilla just seems to enjoy following her Uncle Matthew about the house begging for hugs

and tickles.

He doesn’t seem to mind doing that one bit.

If poor Matthew has a flaw it’s that he’s fallen head over heels in love with Princess Eowyn, a match which of course he knows can never be. She’s made for a much better man than him. Perhaps the Prince of Arkadia. Well if he has

sense about him, he’ll choose his lovely Eowyn the moment he sets eyes on her.

“I’m telling you Izzie I don’t know what to do about Marisa. Matthew and Charlie both spend more time

with the babes than she does.” “Now don’t fuss Anne. The girl just needs a bit more

time to settle in.”

“She’s a fine cook at least. Why poor Diana still burns almost everything she lays her hands on.”

Anne winced. “I suppose you’re right. It’s just Marisa worries me. She’s so delicate.”

Isabella smiled softly, “Admit it, you’re worried because she’s expecting again.”

“Well, yes. But you saw what happened the last time she was with child.”

“Marisa will be just FINE.”

“Anne, she’ll be fine. I promise.”

Anne certainly hoped Isabella was right. Perhaps she did worry too much. Maybe bringing in

lemons and making a nice lemon pie would take her mind off things.

After all, Marisa was actually spending time with Marilla this

morning. And it didn’t seem like the effort was too taxing on her.

Gilbert was entertaining John today to help split the workload. He did

seem to love spending time with his grandson.

Of course Anne adored spending time with Marilla. It was so hard to believe

the two were nearly children!

“Well brother, hard to believe these two are going to be starting to help in the fields huh?”

“Yes, it feels like only yesterday these two were born.”

One last look at the twins before they age. *sniff*

Marilla had barely changed into her new dress before she was clearing

the table.

Meanwhile John was already starting to learn all about the family

traditions from his father Charlie.

The next day was family day which means the Shahan family and Isabella were invited over. Catherine and Anne

hit it off right away.

With Isabella insisting on watching ALL the kids and watching over Marisa for the day, Anne and Gilbert got in a

private little date.

But really there wasn’t that much to do. Mostly the cousins spent the day lounging in the grass. Poor John must have felt so


Although he and Emma seemed to strike it off pretty well. His sister seemed to

favor spending time with cousins Catherine and Maria.

Marisa spent the afternoon not lifting a finger. It couldn’t hurt to leave the children with Isabella one afternoon did it? Though she did admit she felt guilty at times about not being of a hardy enough disposition not to require taking it so


Her poor brother in law Matthew had to feel like some kind of live in servant. She did wonder why he

hadn’t found a home of his own yet. Surely there were nice girls that would have him.

The following day Marisa decided to make it up to everyone for all the lazying about she did the day

before. She invited Thane Shahan, my he’d done well for himself. Gardiner had not been able to come the

day prior due to obligations at the palace. But he was here now along with his wife Diana.

Sure she felt as big a whale and a little tired, but she was determined to do at least some of the work around

the place.

“Mrs. Shahan? Why didn’t Grandmother Anne want Mama to cook dinner for us tonight?”

“I suppose because she’s just worried about your Mother since she’s going to have another baby

soon.” “Should I worry too?”

“No, dear. Of course not. Why would you say that?”

“Yes, Ma’am. It’s just everyone seems to worry about Mama all the time.”

“Well, you’re mama got very sick a few years ago. But she’s much better now. Don’t worry Marilla.

She’ll be fine.” “Mrs. Shahan?”

“Yes?” “I can see why Grandmother says you are her best


“Thanks for coming over Catherine. Sorry John’s not home.”“It’s okay Rilla. I know he’s got to help your Papa and Grandfather in

the fields now.” “Emma doesn’t mind waiting. Knowing her she’s probably already

started chasing butterflies around.” “Do you think your new brother or sister will be here soon?”

“I hope so.”

“Papa is the new baby gonna be here soon?”“It should be any day now Marilla. Why?”

“I’m just tired of waiting.” Charlie laughed. “It can be hard to be patient I know, but

you’ll just have to okay?” “Okay.” And hopefully once the baby was here everyone

would stop worrying so much.

As it turned out Rilla didn’t have to wait long at all. “Mystery this is completely unacceptable. I should be in there helping with the delivery of the baby! Gilbert and Charlie aren’t gonna be any help. I’m

good luck.” “Izzie honey this is not even your grandchild.” “But I’ve been at every birth this Generation!”

Sorry Lizzie, but thanks to Charlie not moving out of the way you missed this one. But you were at the

house. That counts right? Right? Anyway, Everyone say hello to Rachel Lynde Gable. Another

red head. Hooray. I’m sure Anne will love that. *snort*

And her birth concludes this rotation at the Gable house. We’ll end with this pic of Marilla being none too pleased with her twin John for nearly taking her

head off with that softball. See you next time at the Hamilton residence.
