The Impactor Issue 36



We're almost at 1000 views. Thank you for all the support. First of all I just want to admit that I'm not a professor. My views in life my not be correct but I still felt like sharing them through the paper Dwight Scott's writing. This issue is short because it's build up for the action that is about to follow.

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Part XXXVI Thirty Six


Mark Glatt


Dwight Scott was not looking to be a hero ….

… He was looking to be a man

Friday after classes and I was sitting in my room.

The whole time after my last and final class I

agreed that I would be writing my paper and yet I had done nothing except play computer and video

games. The last paper and I could finally graduate

from college.

Could I just finish this paper? That’s all I needed to do to graduate, finish

this paper.

Yet I couldn’t just do this paper. I was so lazy it was not even funny.

Yes I Am A Loser. Just Like They All Said. I Am A Loser Because I Let The Past Get To Me.

I was a loser because I used the excuse of being bullied to act like a d#*@ & just be lazy.

I was a loser because, like Jacqueline Justice said, I was just using bullies and what they did to me in my past as an excuse for everything in my present and what would have been my future.

For the last eighteen years, Marque Calvin had been my go to guy for

hate and my excuses for everything that was bad in my life. There is only so much time that you can

have go by until you realize that you have got to take responsibility for your own actions. There is only so

much time that you can pass by you until you realize that you have got to stop getting in touch with your inner child and start getting in touch with

your outer adult.

For the past eighteen years of life, what I remember of them anyway, I have thought that I had it so hard in life. I realized while I was trying to write my paper that others have it worse than me and it is important to be grateful … …

For the last two decades of my life, my

parents have taken care of me and I had not shown them my

appreciation. All I did was remember the bad in my life and none of the good things from

my history.

All of the sudden, I started having positive memories.

Where have these memories been? Where?

I have suppressed them. That is where they have been.

… ... and count our blessings.

I was a loser because I had refused to remember anything that would make me happy. I had only chosen to remember what would make me right.

So, in the end, when someone

misbehaves because of their past, they get a

free pass.

But when someone realizes that she or

he misbehaves because of their past, their free pass is over.

THAT is it! THIS is what I need to write


I finished my paper on bullying, on family, on society.

I felt pretty good about it.

Let’s Turn This

Mother In

After I finished proof reading and spell checking my paper, I clicked online on the digital drop box and handed it in. That was it. That was all and I had finished being a college student. There was no more college work for me to do. The mask was hanging up there above me. I looked up at the mask.

Well, Are you ready for the last run and

our last outing?

The Mask Said Nothing Back

The workout program I had gotten back into had done wonders for me. Being drug free had done wonders for me as well. Getting back into reading was another miracle for me.

Working out, being free from drugs, reading books, finishing school, that was what it would take to become a better man. However, there was still the last thing to do. The people who I have fought for had no part in why I fought for him. In my business of fighting crime, I had paid them no mind. They have provided me with the golden opportunity to redeem myself. I used the opportunity. I did not just take this thing.

I took the golden opportunity and I used it all up until there was nothing more left of it. It was time for me to take down the crime wave, to take down Marque Calvin and finish what I started, not just for me, not just for the bullies, but for the city around me dang it. There were other super heroes who were out there fighting crime for their city. I needed to go and join them. I needed to finish what was started and what I had gotten involved in. The night was young. I put on my costume. I opened the window and went out to fight some crime.

I took the golden opportunity and I used it all up until there was nothing more left of it. It was time for me to take down the crime wave, to take down Marque Calvin and finish what I started, not just for me, not just for the bullies, but for the city around me dang it. There were other super heroes who were out there fighting crime for their city. I needed to go and join them. I needed to finish what was started and what I had gotten involved in. The night was young. I put on my costume. I opened the window and went out to fight some crime.