The Hues Legacy, Chapter 18


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Well, I certainly kept you waiting long enough, so let me lead with this: Jade gave birth to a baby girl named Brass, but she unfortunately does not have the eyes. She does have Jade’s brown hair, however, making her a little different from her brothers, Gold and Platinum.

That said, welcome back to The Hues Legacy, a color-themed joint legacy written by Haleigh/meadowthayerand me, Roxanne/Taube. We are here at the third baby of generation eight with nary a potential heir to be found. Will the rainbow eyes die out with Jade?

Not if Jade and Benedict have anything to say about it! They pass Brass off to her loving grandparents and get back to work on making an heir.

Later, still in her woohoo undies, Jade works on her garden. I was tired of the fruit trees on the lot being sickly (as you can see by those lovely beige apples) so I wanted someone with some gardening skill that can talk to them to get their quality up quickly, and Jade drew the short straw. Between the weeds and the poor-quality fruit though, it’s slow going.

Jade is also working on her third LTW, this one to be game designer. Benedict is trying to become a mad scientist for his LTW, and they happen to have the same starting hours at the moment.

While their parents are away, Brass and the twins get a lot of attention from Hobart and Violet, but Brass gets an extra helping of it. Newborns are just that cute, you know.

Jade arrives home from work and runs straight to the upstairs bathroom (why upstairs? There’s a perfectly good toilet downstairs, too!) to be sick. It looks like the woohoo worked, and the fourth baby of generation 8 is on the way.

It’s also Gold and Platinum’s birthday. Unfortunately, Gold had a fear of having a party, the shy little thing, so he had to get some extra snuggles to get his aspiration meter back in tip-top shape. After that, the family, including the boys’ aunt and uncles and Jade’s coworker (who happens to be Red), all celebrate the birthday.

The boys are very handsome, and despite having the same mouth, look a little different from each other. They start in on their studying that very evening.

Any entrance to childhood in this household is greeted with ghostly visitations, and this is no exception. Rose, Lime, and Chris all head up the stairs to terrorize their descendants. Gold got the first scaring, but not the last. It would help if Chris didn’t look so darn proud of himself!

The next morning, Jade gets her first bump of this pregnancy. Let’s hope for the eyes!

Also, the boys had themselves a little smustle session that was also attended by Viridian and Jonquil, and it was too cute not to include.

Speaking of Jonquil, he finally grew up, and he is very interesting and cute! He’s got Dalmatian spots on both sides of his head over the brown patches, but not on his back patch. The inheriting of fur layers is so weird sometimes.

Jonquil and his daddy Bronze look fairly similar, except for the back patch, the bobbed tail, different eye colors, and the extra head spots. Okay, that’s actually quite a few differences, but they still basically have the same shape and form. They get along great since they nuzzled so much when Jonquil was a puppy.

Benedict is now a mad scientist! I don’t like night jobs, so he quit and is going to be a stay-at-home dad for a bit while he looks for the job required for his next LTW, which is Chief of Staff. Now all the adults are platinum.

After their first day of school, Gold and Platinum are tutored by their parents in the ways of homework. That evening, the headmaster is over and he likes what he sees, so the boys will be heading off to private school the next day.

Don’t the boys look smart in their uniforms?

While elderly Bronze tries to nap in the corner, the family makes a racket for Brass’s birthday. I hope she’s cute!

Of course she is! But really, was that ever in doubt with these parents? Brass’s personality is more alike to Gold’s, but she’s meaner than either of her brothers. Her stats are 8/3/5/6/3.

We have another tough night with the ghosts, but this time it’s almost all Coral’s fault. She wakes everyone up at least once, and she’s hating on Brass, probably because she can’t scare her yet. I don’t know why the ghosts are so awful on my computer but act more normal for Haleigh. I’m starting to get a little fed up, though.

After being woken up in the early morning by the ghosts, the grandparents and the boys can’t go back to sleep, so Violet entertains the twins with Don’t Wake the Llama while Hobart trains up Brass. Later, Benedict enjoys his jobless status by teaching Brass to talk. She learned all her skills in her first full day as a toddler!

Coral is still a floating terror, this time picking on her pregnant granddaughter. Also, I feel like Jade has been pregnant forever, so maybe I got some of these pictures out of order. Anyway, back to Coral: I am really hating the ghosts, though I loved these sims when they were alive. No one can get a full night’s sleep, and they’re out every night.

Jade has the next day off and she spends the early part of it in the garden, getting her second bump in the process. She does get her gold badge, though, and can finally start encouraging the trees to stop producing horrible fruit. She also spends some quality time with Brass, who she hasn’t seen much up to this point.

Ugh. Sky and Ericka are terrorizing the house when they too start thinking x-ed out thoughts of Brass. I finally decided to stow the tombstones in inventory until my turn is over, because they’re making playing not all that fun. This is a legacy and not an apocalypse, after all. It shouldn’t be this fraught at night. This way we still have the ghosts and if I change my mind they can start haunting again, but I can get some peace and quiet and my sims can sleep through the night. I stashed the tombstones as soon as the ghosts had returned to them the next morning.

The adults of the house are so happy with my decision they have an impromptu dance party! Just kidding; this is just how these nuts choose to spend their early morning hours.

The exertion is a little much for Jade, though, and she goes into labor. Come on, rainbow eyes!

And we have a little boy! But what about the eyes? Come on, everyone! Move! I need to see his eyes!

Ah! What beautiful rainbow eyes! Finally a potential heir. He is named Silver, and he is our little silver lining, that the legacy will be able to continue.

“So, we have another son, and he has the eyes. Guess that’s that.”“I guess so.”Later: “Babies are fun, right? It’s fun to have babies.”“Totally.”Even later: “Wanna make another one?”“Heck yeah! Now you’re speaking my language!”

We’re going to try one more time for the eyes, since Haleigh and I like to have a choice.

The boys are studying faithfully on a Saturday, and Jade returns that night with a promotion to game designer. Now, like her husband, she wants to be Chief of Staff, so we really need medical to come up on the computer, but it’s been pretty stubborn.

Early the next morning, the twins wake up a little confused, having slept through the night for the first time since they became children. Having no ghosts haunting is kinda nice, actually!

Little sim cuteness alert! I love this picture of Brass fishing for a toy, and of course I have to take pictures of our potential (probable) heir!

Soon it’s a double birthday for Brass and Silver. Sorry for the top of the wall in the picture: my in-game camera and monitor don’t match up, and I tend to forget that. Anyway, happy birthday, little ones!

Brass is a lovely young lady.

And Silver is adorable too, if a little serious-looking. That matches his personality, which is 8/7/9/1/1. My goodness! Both of his parents have 3 nice points, so I don’t know where Silver’s attitude comes from. Should be interesting!

He is nice to the dogs, however. He immediately crawled off once released from the high chair to cuddle Viridian, and Bronze is sulking in the background because it’s not him getting toddler hugs. Too cute!

Brass joins her brothers on the skilling couch after her birthday. Exciting stuff.

The next day sees Brass learning her homework and Silver learning all of his skills.

Weirdly, Jade hasn’t popped yet, but I happen to know from her bathroom visits that she is pregnant, so she whips up a cheesecake. If we’re trying one last time to get the eyes, might as well increase the odds. Also, as Haleigh pointed out, since Benedict is secondary family, it’s a good thing to have six kids in case he rolls a related LTW when he travels to her computer.

Aww, I just barely missed Bronze’s passing. He was a good dog, and left us a wonderful son to continue the line. Goodbye, Bronze.

The current four kids get to know each other and work on their mechanical skill frequently. Soon they’re all friendly.

Judging from when they woohooed last, Jade is well into her second trimester, and yet her belly is as flat as ever and she hasn’t popped. This was very concerning to me. I hoped her pregnancy wasn’t glitched. We’ve had very good luck avoiding serious glitches, and I didn’t want that to change now.

Um, guys, I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

“But it’s Hues tradition to cuddle outside with your spouse!”

Right, and that’s great. Admirable even, but the spot you picked . . .

. . . happens to be the dogs’ pee spot. Yuck.

“Suddenly I want a bath.”

“Not as badly as I do. My poor, unclean feet.”

Oh thank goodness. Jade’s second pop showed up on schedule. It was a little weird to see her go from flat stomach to full-on pregnant, but I’m just relieved that the pregnancy isn’t seriously glitched. We’ll be seeing two more Hues soon. Let’s hope for the eyes.

Just a typical day at the Hues household. There are always coworkers and family members visiting, and I let the adults run free a lot of the time unless the kids need something, so they like to congregate around the piano and pool table.

Here’s Silver being adorable with his block toy. Yup, that’s the entire reason for this slide. I love his thinking face! This is one serious kid.

Way ahead of his brother, Platinum has maxed all his skills. Well done!

Meanwhile, Jade and Benedict are awaiting the arrival of their last babies. We do have a potential heir, so even if these two don’t have the eyes, this will be Jade’s last pregnancy.

They don’t have to wait too long, though, as Jade gives birth that very morning while the older kids are at school and Hobart is at work.

As expected, there is a handoff.

And, disappointingly, neither twin has the eyes! Too bad. Looks like Silver is truly our silver lining, as he is now fated to carry on the legacy. Still, let’s welcome twin girls Copper and Chrome.

“Well, at least they’re cute.”

“Yeah, that caring about eyes is a controller thing, anyway. We love our little ones no matter the color of their eyes.”

Well, that’s good to hear, especially since you now have six of them!

With that, we’ve reached the end of the chapter. There isn’t much suspense in who will become the heir, but we still have to see all six kids grow into teens before I can pass them on to Haleigh. Thanks for reading, and be sure to check in at SiMania and look for more updates to The Hues Legacy!
