Sun, Moon & Tamara, Chapter 2


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Hello! Welcome back to Sun, Moon & Tamara, a The Sun And The Moon challenge. (Challenge created by whisper_doll on LiveJournal.) Don’t expect plot, or even much commentary: this story is pictures with captions.

The object of the challenge is to have two Sims in one household. One should become a vampire and one a plantsim, and they should live together until one or the other of them dies. Our intrepid roommates are Tamara Langerak and Kyoshi Rusewicz. Currently, neither of them is in the least supernatural.

After changing out of her unlucky shirt, Tamara finds a job

She is now a Junior Executive

A Junior Executive who got promoted and sent home early!

A promotion bonus = A sweet new TV

Celebrating the first promotion with Pao and Kyoshi

Did you know Kyoshi was an identical twin? Now you do!

Calling a cab to get to the apartment building right around the corner

Somebody had a little too much to drink

Pao sent a congratulatory flower

Knowledge Sims like fixing things

Popularity Sims like chatting online

Everybody likes a nice night out with friends(The lady with the blue hair is Tamara’s friend Skye, who comes from Already in Progress)

You meet such interesting people when you’re out and about!

It’s a good thing people can’t see what you’re wearing over the phone

The good news: Indoor plants don’t seem to attract bugsThe bad news: Indoor plants don’t seem to attract bugs

We’ll have to see if overwatered indoor plants attract bugs or not

Tamara’s job search problems were indeed caused by her shirt. It doesn’t seem logical that a shirt should cause the game to crash when looking for a job on the computer, but the evidence is unassailable: with the shirt, game crash. With a different shirt, no problems. The shirt is now gone from my game.

Kyoshi is not really a twin -- I accidentally hit the “Create Downtownies” button twice when setting up the new ‘hood and ended up with two of everybody. They have different names really, so it’s OK.

Until next time, Happy Simming!