Scrapbooking for beginners


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Scrapbooking For Beginners

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Please Start By Reading This - Then Pass It On

- "The man who can drive himself further once the effort gets painful is the man who will win." Roger Bannister

- "The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endure. These qualities are so much important than the events that occur." Vince Lombardi

- "Success in our calling is the result of a person's love of and belief in the work he has undertaken. Earnest and conscientious labor often accomplishes more in the end than the brilliant genius." Anonymous

- "Food offered without affection is like food offered to the dead." Hindu Proverb

- "What you have to do and the way have to do it incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter." Peter F. Drucker

- The best motivation is self motivation. The guy says, "I wish someone would come by and turn me on." What if they don't show up? You've got to have a better plan for your life. Jim Rohn

- "How does one measure time? No, not in days, months, or years. It is measured by the most precious of all things: Love. Without which all beings and things whether brave and/or beautiful would perish." Irish Blesshin

Table of Contents:- How To Learn The Art of Scrapbooking.........................................................................5

- Scrapbooking Quotes Used By Scrapbookers.................................................................6

- The Equipment Used For Scrapbooking..........................................................................6

- Scrapbooking Page Layout Ideas.....................................................................................8

- How to Use Scrapbooking Eyelets...................................................................................8

- Tips For Scrapbooking With Buttons..............................................................................10

- How To Do Digital Scrapbooking...................................................................................11

- Starting Scrapbooking Home Based Business................................................................12

How To Learn The Art of ScrapbookingDon't be afraid of learning the art of the scrapbook hobby. It's easy and fun, bringing you years of memories and joy.

What Is A Scrapbooking Hobby?People have been practicing the scrapbooking hobby since the 15th century when scrapbooks were regarded as commonplace books.

Memorabilia, pictures or printed media are placed in a album where they are permanently stored on pages for easy viewing.

Each scrapbook is uniquely made according to the owner's own interests, a showcase of sorts, to remember events, family or favorite subjects by.

The scrapbooking hobby was started in England and advanced throughout the world until the 1960s began a new era in artform by using a multitude of different materials.

Choose A Favorite SubjectBeginning the art of scrapbooking is as easy as thinking about what you love the most. It may be your family tree, a favorite area of the world, your school years or a series of pets.

There are no rules in what your scrapbook hobby has to be about; only that you have a deep passion for the subject. A memorable trip to a zoo could make a fascinating scrapbook hobby for a child, posting pictures of the event, writing personal thoughts and being able to keep as a memorable experience.

What Type Of ScrapbookingScrapbooks are usually thought of as consisting of bound letter sized paper (8 ½ x 11 inches) but there are several other options for your scrapbooking hobby today. 6, 7 or 8 inch square albums are picking up popularity and many manufacturers are racing to provide paper and clear page covers to accommodate these sizes.

Digital or computer scrapbooks are another area if you wish to swap your artwork on the internet with others. Digiscrappin' is a great scrapbooking hobby where you not only get to present your best work, but they can also be traded with others for their great work - sort of like a souvenir.

Materials For Your ScrapbookOnce only a hard cardboard cover with thick paper pages, the scrapbook hobby has taken on an entirely new look in the past ten years. Elaborate covers made of different grades of cardboard or material covered give you several options as to the cover design.

Specialized tools such as rubber stamps, craft punches, stencils, inking tools, eyelet setters, heat embossing tools and die cut templates make every page unique to its subject. Every imaginable color and type of paper and stickers can be found in craft stores and on the internet for your own personal creation.

Designing and CreatingNow that you have a subject, a scrapbook and the materials at hand, you are free to arrange each page with the perfect background. Accents surrounding your photos, and thoughts, make the subject jump off of the page and add humor or nostalgia to your scene.

A joyful event with a loved family member could be surrounded with hearts and flowers or a mean looking tiger in a cage with scary stickers. The thoughts that you have while working on your scrapbooking hobby is what makes your book so special. Your scrapbook hobby is a special time for you and others to share... so be creative and spontaneous with your mind.

Scrapbooking Quotes Used By ScrapbookersScrapbookers just love quotes! They help us express our sentiments on our layouts and cards when we can't seem to find the words on our own. We all have collections of quotes and titles for various occasions and special events in our lives. But what about celebrating our passion - scrapbooking itself! It deserves some attention too, right? If you think so, then you will love these.

They are ten of my favourite crafty quotes:1. When life hands you scraps, make scrapbooks.

2. Scrapbooking fills my days - not to mention my living room, bedroom and closets!

3. Once I got into scrapbooking, I forgot how to cook.

4. If it's not in the scrapbook, it didn't happen.

5. I am not a tourist, I am a scrapbooker!

6. I am not unorganised... I just need a bigger scrapbook room.

7. We spend all day making memories, and I spend all night scrapping them!

8. Saving memories one page at a time!

9. Photographers are violent people. First they frame you, then they shoot you, then they hang you on the wall. But if you're real good they will scrapbook you!

10. There would be no universe without creativity and in my little world, it's as must. - Juanita Williams

Use these quotes wisely. You might just find that they induce a smile or even a giggle from anyone you may share them with. They are great for use on layouts about your scrapbooking habits, crops and conventions you may have attended or scrapping with friends. You may also like to include them on cards for your like-minded friends or on altered items placed around your scrapbooking space.

The Equipment Used For ScrapbookingScrapbooking can be a very challenging task for the beginner. For one thing, you need creativity in order to form an attractive work of art.

You also need to think up a definite theme which forms the spine of the scrapbook. The things you put within the scrapbook also should be arranged in such a way that their significance is unmistakable.

With all these complexities, many people would be hard-pressed to finish a scrapbook without the correct tools.So what tools would you actually need to put a scrapbook together?

1 ) Scissors. Everybody knows what scissors are, right? Well, here's a allegory for the scissors in scrapbooking. Scissors are like bringers of order. Scissors shape the small bits of paper into forms that you may use in your scrapbook. This scrapbooking tool is very important in making pieces fit together. A few individuals may refuse to chop the bits of paper, but only thru this, can the scrapbook be finished.

In that sense, two scissors can symbolize the honest truth. Why, you ask? Well, the truth hurts [*T]. But it has got to hurt, does not it? It has to hurt if it is to set you free.

There are two specific types of scissors you can use as scrapbooking tools:A ) Standard paper-cutting scissors. These scissors are made to chop and to chop straight. This is the type of scissors folks encounter from the start of their infancy. You have to be able to trust your scissors to chop straight, as it just looks ugly if you unintentionally use dull scissors and screw up the cut of the paper.

B ) Creative scissors. This type of scissors can be bought at different art supply shops. These scissors are markedly formed to produce different types of cuts. Using this scrapbooking tool can be a full lot more practical than trying to follow a pattern using straight-cutting scissors. You see, using conventional scissors can provide you with carpal tunnel thanks to the stress your fingers will be taking. And that's not good at all, is it?

2 ) A punch, also called a hole punch. This nifty scrapbooking tool is used typically to punch holes into paper. There are, once again, 2 types of punchers available out there:

A ) Conventional punch. This type of puncher produces round holes. Strangely enough, this type of puncher wasn't designed as a scrapbooking tool, but as an office supply. For those of today's generation, files are known as the thing you keep documents in your PC. for people, files consist of vital papers and documents which are organized together. Punchers were used to put holes into those documents to accommodate a fastener. Punchers are used today to make perfect circles on scrapbooking pages.

B ) Formed punch. This kind of puncher, just about works in the same manner as the conventional puncher. However, the edges of the punching mechanism take different shapes to accommodate your creating needs. This scrapbooking tool is used to make different shaped holes in the pages of the scrapbook.

3 ) Tweezers. Tweezers are typically used as scrapbooking tools in order to enable the crafter to put in a design or to glue in a bit of paper tidily. You see, when making a scrapbook, you'll be working with different materials together with a large amount of glue. Due to this, there's a heavy risk of you smudging the different footage of the scrapbook. Tweezers are glorious scrapbooking tools to maintain the cleanliness of your handiwork.

4 ) Computer. This can be a brilliant scrapbooking tool due to the fact that it can do a whole host of things. On the PC, you can do research on what scrapbooking theme to use. This implies you are given more resources on the types of different themes and the ways that you can incorporate them in your scrapbook. You may use the computer to get more photographs to put in your scrapbook. By utilizing the PC, you get all a benefit of modern technology and can therefore, make your scrapbook into anything you like. But, more importantly it allows you to explore digital scrapbooking software.

Scrapbooking tools permit people to have a less complicated time crafting their scrapbook pages. However, you need to remember that in some cases mistakes actually make a scrapbook more personal and make you, the scrapbooker more touchable. Mistakes show the human side of you. Like the memories you show on a scrapbook, the making of it shouldn't always be perfect, but it should be fun.

Scrapbooking Page Layout IdeasScrapbooking always seems like a hobby that is easy to do, but generally that hasn't been the reality. There are countless stories of people with no real creative flare sitting for hours in front of a blank page with no real clue about scrapbooking page layout ideas.

Luckily, in recent times some very creative people have done all the hard work and created some great resources to make scrapbooking a craft that someone with no natural creative talent can actively take part in. For example, there are now guides out there that teach the fundamentals of good scrapbook design with illustrated examples so you can see as you learn. There are also books filled with templates to copy if you're not really interested in learning but you want to create a scrapbook for a particular occasion.

Even if you aren't planning to take up scrapbooking as a long-term hobby using these guides is a great place to start. You might start out by copying existing layouts, but over time, even by copying, you'll pick up on the tricks of the trade and eventually you'll be able to come up with your own designs and layouts. For example, you'll learn what colours and textures work well together and how to align photos on the page to get the most out of them.

All it takes to be good at scrapbooking is practice and determination. By using guides and resources as a starting point there's no reason why you can't make your next gift to a loved one a scrapbook that looks wonderful!

How to Use Scrapbooking EyeletsEyelets are the new craze in scrapbooking. See what the fuss is all about.

About EyeletsEyelets are embellishments used for scrapbooking and other craft projects such as card making. Eyelets are generally made of aluminum or brass and come in two sizes and three types.

The most common size for eyelets is 1/8", although they also come in 3/16". 3/16" eyelets are larger than 1/8" eyelets and generally cost more.

Types of eyelets include plain, top coat, and anodized. Plain eyelets are not painted so they are the color of the metal they are made out of.

This type of eyelets is not very common. Eyelets also come with a top coat color. These eyelets are painted. The last type of eyelet is anodized. Anodized eyelets have a more metallic color than eyelets with a top coat.

Eyelets have a hole through the center that is used to attach them to your paper. Brads are often sold with eyelets. Brads differ because they do not have this characteristic hole. Instead, brads have two metal flaps on the back that can be bent to attach them to paper.

Where to Use EyeletsEyelets come in many shapes and colors. They can be used to attach items such as ribbons, paper, pictures, and tags to scrapbooking pages. Eyelets are a simple way to add to the color and theme of your scrapbooking pages.

Here are 15 ideas for using your eyelets: 1. Embellishments on a paper piecing picture such as buttons on a snowman or dots on a lady bug 2. Attach vellum paper 3. To hange tags or frames from 4. Create movable parts on your paper piecing 5. Create a page theme such as shells for a beach page or fish for a fishing trip page 6. Corners of picture mats 7. In the hole of a tag 8. As bullets for a list 9. Journaling accents 10. Eyes of animals such as owls 11. The center of flowers 12. Create your own bugs, butterflies,or bees from eyelet shapes 13. As the dot on an i or the center of a letter 14. To make a string of Christmas lights or as the ornaments on a christmas tree 15. The M&Ms in M&M cookies 16. String ribbon or craft fibbers through a line of eyelets

The list could go on and on. You can use eyelets to add dimension that will spice up any page.

How to Use EyeletsIt is time to roll up those sleeves and break out your handy tools. You will need a hammer, hole setter, and a resilient work surface such as a rubber craft mat to get started using eyelets.

1. Place your scrapbooking page face up on your work surface. 2. Put the hole setter on your page where you want to insert the eyelet. 3. Lightly tap the end of the hole setter a few times until a hole is created. 4. Place your eyelet upside down on your work surface and put your scrapbooking page over the eyelet so that the back of the eyelet sticks throught the hole you just created. 5. Place the setter with the flat end over the back of the eyelet and lightly tap the end of the setter with your hammer until the back of the eyelet begins to bend outward. 6. Hammer the back of the eyelet directly until the eyelet flattens down into place. 7. Turn your scrapbooking page over and be proud of your work.

Where to Buy EyeletsYou can purchase eyelets from me! My eBay Scrapbooking Store has hundreds of mixes of eyelets. Just look for my seller id: scrapsandcrafts

Tips For Scrapbooking With ButtonsButtons are not just for clothing. It's unclear when scrapbooking with buttons began as a trend.

Even in early scrapbook albums, it wasn't unusual to see a button placed on a scrapbooking page. Quite often it was a keepsake button, like from a vintage piece of clothing or a baby girl's first dress.

As scrapbooking pages started to become more 3-D and scrappers looked for unique embellishments for their pages, buttons became more popular. Manufacturers started offering buttons to coordinate with their paper lines, and buttons with themes like Christmas and sports became available.

Monthly scrapbooking kits and page kits often include complementary buttons as part of their packages. Consider these tips for using buttons on your pages.

1. Buttons lined up together can make a border for your scrapbooking page layouts.

2. Place buttons in your titles by using them to dot your "i"s. You can also use them as the center of letters like "o" and "p."

3. Buttons can be secured to a page using embroidery floss by sewing it onto the page.

4. Glue dots work very well to adhere larger-sized buttons to a page, as well as buttons that are not flat on the bottom.

5. A few buttons make nice accents to anchor a ribbon border to a page. Again, glue dots will securely attach the buttons to the ribbon.

6. Try placing a button on the flap of an envelope to decorate a simple page element.

7. Flowers are still very popular on scrapbooking pages. Silk or paper flowers come in all sizes and colors now. A button makes a perfect center for a flower. An added benefit is that the button can hide the adhesive that typically shows through a paper flower.

8. Take 4 small buttons and attach them to the 4 corners of a photograph. The buttons will look like they are holding the photo to the page.

9. Create a bullet list for journaling. Use buttons as the bullets.

10. Scrapbooking tags can be used for page elements, photo mats, and journaling blocks on a scrapbooking page. You can use a button to decorate the hole at the top of a tag.

11. Try placing a button on a page and then hanging the string from a scrapbooking tag from it as an anchor.

12. An antique, vintage or unusual button can be used individually on a page as a page element all its own. Try double matting the button to highlight it on your layout.

13. Attach a button to a page with the holes empty, or thread some floss through the holes and tie it in a knot or bow for an added accent.

14. Don't limit yourself to one size of buttons on your page layout. Mix sizes and styles of buttons. You could stay with the same color, but have a variety of different buttons in that same color on a single page.

15. Buttons can be memorabilia. Save buttons from shirts, handbags, hats and other clothing that have sentimental value, but that you no longer can use. The buttons can be added to a scrapbooking page to remember the times when you wore those items. Baby buttons look cute on a baby page layout as well.

How To Start Digital ScrapbookingDigital scrapbooking is one of the newest trends in the scrapbooking hobby. Scrapbookers are using the computer in many ways to enhance their scrapbooking pages, or create their pages entirely on the computer.

Some people use the computer to enhance their photos and scrapbooking pages. With the rise of digital photography, many scrapbookers are editing their photos on the computer before putting them in the album.

They are removing red-eye, blurring out distracting backgrounds and enhancing the color of their photos. Some scrapbookers are even printing their own photos at home. Doing this allows you to customize the size of the photo to fit perfectly onto your page.

Some scrapbookers use the computer to make elements for their traditional scrapbooking pages. They will create journal boxes, titles, enhancements and more on the computer, then attach it to the page. The most common use of the computer along these lines is to create titles and text boxes for the page.

This is because you have a huge variety of fonts and colors to make your text when using the computer. There is even a type of software on the market today that allows you to make a text out of your own handwriting. This will allow you to save time using the computer to create your text without losing the personalized factor of the page including your own handwriting. You can create stunning titles on the computer, using thousands of fonts.

The biggest trend in digital scrapbooking is to create your page entirely on the computer. Using digital pictures, or scanned pictures and scrapbooking software, you can create stunning pages entirely on the computer. These pages will look a lot like the paper pages you see everywhere. One of the benefits of creating your pages on the computer is that you can share them with friends and family, no matter where they live.

If grandma and grandpa live two states away, they can see the grandkids' latest page with the click of the mouse. Not only that, but digital scrapbooking is a lot less time consuming than traditional scrapbooking. You can create pages much quicker and if you make a mistake, you just delete and start over. You have not wasted expensive supplies or ruined priceless photos.

If you are going to enter the field of digital scrapbooking, it is important to purchase a photo-quality printer. If you are going to want 12 x 12 albums, there are printers made specifically to hold 12 x 12 paper. Make sure whatever paper you are printing on is acid-free. You do not want your pages fading with time. Consider printing on photo paper, as this will let your pages look like a traditional photo.

Since digital cameras are becoming the norm, so will digital scrapbooking as the industry develops. You can do many things on the computer that you might not be able to do on paper. Don't think that digital scrapbooking will replace paper scrapbooking, though. The camaraderie that women feel when they get together to scrapbook will be lost on the computer, so paper scrapbooking is going to remain popular.

Starting Scrapbooking Home Based BusinessA Scrapbooking Home Based Business is on the rise, many people are looking into starting a scrapbooking business!

The following tips and advice are sure to be helpful as you pursue your own business.

There are many opportunities available for a scrapbooking home based business these days. To begin, though, you have to think in terms of where the market is for your business.

Themes play an important role in scrapbooking. You may want to specialize in one type or prefer to provide a wide variety.

Some themes to consider for your home based business are: Weddings Pregnancy Military Sports High school years Retirement Graduations Careers Elementary school years Engagements Vacations Parties

As you can see from this list, practically any event in a person's life is material for a scrapbook-which is great news for those who have a scrapbooking business.

One woman specializes in making scrapbooks for the kindergartners at the elementary school near her home. And there's a man who has an extremely successful scrapbooking home business where he only does military scrapbooks for veterans.

If you're already into making scrapbooks, then you know about all the exciting new products available for scrapbooking businesses.

Beautiful and fun papers are just the beginning. And the scrapbook covers are often works of art. Which is the point. When you're preserving someone's memories through your scrapbooking home business, you're an artist and should think of yourself as one.

Anyone can throw some pictures, letters, postcards, and the like into a scrapbook. People who want the services of a scrapbooking business, however, are looking for more. They want scrapbooks that are more than just things flung between the covers of a scrapbook to show their family members and friends.

Once you've thought about and decided that you do want a scrap booking business, you need to think about the actual business part if you want it to be a successful scrap booking business.

You'll need to devise a business plan that lays out the steps you need to take to get your scrapbooking business going and to ensure it grows once you're in the process of starting a scrapbooking business.

As you start your business plan, ask yourself these questions: Do I want to do this part-time or full-time?

Are there any supplies or equipment I need to buy?

Will I need financial assistance to get my scrapbooking home based business going?

What type of scrapbooks do I want to provide?

Are my skills and talents suitable for this business?

Should I have a partner?

How much should I charge for my services?

Is there a market for my scrapbooking home based business in my area?

Are there any zoning regulations for my neighborhood that could prevent my having a home business?

Should I get a business license?

Would it be a good idea for me to take a scrapbooking course before I begin the process of starting a scrapbooking home business?

What sort of accounting system will I need?

How do I charge and plan for taxes?

What's the competition doing in my area?

How will I market and advertise my scrapbooking home business?

Should I think about incorporating my business?

Where do I want my scrapbooking home business to be in six months?

What is the goal I want to achieve through my scrapbooking business?

These are some of the many questions anyone thinking of starting a scrap booking home business should ask themselves and plan for. Getting the "business" details nailed down and in place before you actually begin your scrap booking home business will be invaluable to you as you proceed.

It will give you much less to worry about and allow you to thoroughly enjoy making scrapbooks for your clients. And, after all, that's what your scrap booking home business is all about!

"Get This Complete Guide On How You Can Make Good Looking Scraps Also In Digital

Format And Learn How To Make Money From Scrapbooking!"


Beginner Scrapbooking Art

Inside This eBook You Will Learn:

Get An Introduction to starting scrapbooking

Learn What you do not need to start your first scrapbook.

Learn to choose the layout that works best for you.

Find out what you need to consider when adding text.

Learn when to use stickers and when they need to be LEFT OUT.

Find where you can find graphics for your scrapbook for free.

Learn some tips for "embellishing" your scrapbook.

Learn to create "Photograph Mosaics" for a "funky" look.

What to consider when adding puzzle pieces to your pages.

Learn how to correctly add feathers to your scrapbook for an exotic look.

Learn how to correctly add dried flowers to your pages for a "homey" look.

Discover how tags can add a sense of professionalism to your project.

Learn what you can do to fix mistakes... WITHOUT starting over!

And so much more!

(Click Below)

To Creative Scrapbooking!

Best Regards,

Brandon Nikkel.