Scarlet valley week 1


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Scarlet ValleyWeek 1 – The Scarlet Family

Welcome!To my very first attempt at a BACC ever! I’m used to the ‘ole Legacy challenge, but I thought THIS seemed fun. It’s kind of my style of playing anyways, so I’m excited.

Meet Micah Scarlet. He is a young man, ready to start a new life. Recently, the small suburbs of Pleasantview was attacked by invaders from neighbouring desert-land, Strangetown. The town was burnt to a crisp with fires started by the pea-skinned army.

Micah was a lucky one, the only from his family. He got away, and eventually stumbled upon acres upon acres of land. This where his real journey begins.

After what felt like years of hard work, this is what Micah achieved. He recruited a few passers by every now and then for a little bit of aid and a few donations, but it was almost completely single-handily done.

It was a small house, with one bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living area. However, there was room for renovations, and plenty of it.

Micah had never been much of an artist in his ‘old life’. The only things he had ever really drawn where pictures on homemade mothers day cards when he was little.

However, he was an eager learner and strived to be knowledgeable. So, he would pick up this painting skill, as he needed some form of income, and he was sure somebody would buy his work!

There were always hunters, tourists and explorers passing by his home, and Micah always took this opportunity to socialize. If it wasn’t for his outgoing personality, he probably wouldn’t have this decent home and clothes on his back, as it was through help and gifts that he got these things.

This Monday morning brought a rush of guests who wanted to see Micah's new home.

One in particular caught his eye, however, he invited them all in for sandwiches.

This girl introduced herself as Marisa Bendett. She didn’t have much to say when she ate the sandwich, other than how she was exploring with a friend who was a great scientist back in Stillwater, where she lived.

Micah simply listened and smiled weakly, feeling deep in his heart the desire to also be part of the science field. If only.

Hearing taps at the glass of his door, Micah looked outside, he excused himself from his guests and went to greet a beautiful wild dog, with shiny, long black fur. He rushed back inside to collect the scraps, hoping she hadn’t left, then returned to feed her.

He hardly even noticed the footsteps behind him as he did this.

When he turned to see the blonde girl, Marisa, he was more than surprised.

“Is everything okay?” she asked, following Micah down the steps as he set the plate for the animal down on the grass.

Micah nodded, “Fine, thanks,” he said, suspicious of the woman who looked slightly on edge. “Can I help you?”

Marisa stood, staring at him, “I don’t normally do this, but I have to leave tomorrow...” she said quickly, planting a tender kiss on his lips.

‘Surprised is an understatement’, Micah thought with a chuckle as he sat alone that night, eating his Mac ‘n cheese. He hadn’t been able to get Marisa off his mind, even hours after she’d left. He knew she was returning to Stillwater soon, but what could he do?

Nothing. He couldn’t do a thing, and he knew it. Besides, he had much bigger things to worry about. He was the only resident in the land he had named ‘Scarlet Valley’. Quite fitting, as it was a Valley...and he was Mr. Scarlet.

As the beautiful stars fell over his home, Micah retired to his bed, his mind running amuck with thoughts. He would have to start putting money away, to save for things in the future...and children...he would need to carry on his legacy.

It hit him just as fast as his head hit the pillow.

He needed a partner, and he knew just who to choose.

With no time to lose, Micah got on the phone first thing the next morning.

“Marisa! I need to see you!” he yelled, “It doesn’t matter why...don’t go...stay here, stay with me?” he begged, unable to control nor calm himself.

He knew Marisa didn’t understand all of this, he just hoped that she would at least give it a chance. After all, what sort of life was it following around a friend?

Although she had promised not to leave, it took Marisa a few days to get back to Micah’s home. She never said why, though he assumed she was just sorting things out.

When they saw each other again, the chemistry was clearly too much, as he immediately grabbed her and led her to his bedroom.

“Start a life here, with me!” he said as he kissed her hard against the pillows.

A day had barely passed and the two where settling down for dinner. Marisa had been to tired from all her painting to even bother to get dressed, however, had she known what was lying ahead, she may have made an effort.

“I mean what I say Marisa.” Micah simply said, pushing a dark velvet box towards his girlfriend. “Marry me?” When he saw her pause, he quickly added. “I know this is all happening so fast...”

“What time do we even have to waste Micah?” she squealed, opening the box to reveal a shiny diamond ring. “I would love to be your wife!”

Micah simply cupped his hands together, grinning from ear to ear as he watched his fiancée toy with her new engagement ring.

A few days passed and, not being ones to wait around, Micah Scarlet and Marisa Bendett hosted a ceremony in which the two would become Mr and Mrs Scarlet.

The two, looking spectacular, said their vows, exchanged rings, danced, ate, and drank far too much champagne, and of course, their guests helped them take a short, few-hour-long honey moon in a limousine.

The wedding night was almost as spectacular, and there was a definite different feeling this time.

“I love you Micah Scarlet,” Marisa whispered to her new husband, “I have no idea why you have chosen me though...”

Micah didn’t reply, he simply smiled, wrapped his arms around his wife, and quietly enjoyed the moment. He had a feeling deep inside things where about to change.

It seemed like things abruptly changed as well. Marisa was constantly vomiting, getting tummy-aches and being totally fatigued.

Both Marisa and Micah were incredibly concerned, and prayed to Boolprop it wasn’t some tragic and contagious disease, as Micah was the only other resident, and knew nothing about medicine.

They stayed optimistic however, and continued their simple, hard work and persevering.

Marisa called Micah out to the garden one day, the two had been working on a fence and she had been leaving out some scraps for the wild dogs when she discovered a row of golden, glowing trees. She was shocked to say the least.

When Micah came to see what all the fuss was about, his jaw dropped, and as he inspected the plants, he noticed that the leaves weren’t like other plants, but they were simoleons!

Unsure if this was a gift from above or just luck, the two simply began to water the plants, thankful as ever.

It was the weekend, and both Marisa and Micah had been working hard, selling artwork and tending their new garden. Things were hard, and about to get harder when Micah decided that he was going to take 5% of their income for savings for the valley’s future, and another 5% for saving for a future education system.

Despite all the debt concerns this caused, the couple had something to celebrate. Marisa had stopped feeling so ill and instead became quite round and plump. The two where delighted. They were expecting a baby!

Things were moving fast for the Scarlet's. It had only been 7 days, yet they had already gotten married and were now expecting their first child. Surreal as it was, Micah knew that it had to be done. If he waited too long, he might have never had a child...and this wonderful little Valley would die when he did. He was inspired to create something, for his life to be worth something.

What was in store for Scarlet Valley though? Would it grow or simply remain an attraction for explorers and hunters?