Russell Vega Chapter 2 Issue 3



The first issue I've done in a while. We come out of this hiatus with an introduction to Russell's love life. How convenient, considering the fact that I just became part of my first relationship since ... since ... that's not important. Originally I was going to get someone to play the part of Jacqueline (a character who played an important role in The Impactor) but I couldn't get anyone to even play my fake girlfriend. So I had to play both parts myself.

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Survive The TeamPass His ClassesGet A JobGet The Girl

… That’s All

Impactor Comics Presents

Mark Glatt Is:RUSSELL VEGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Everyone! Sorry that there haven’t been any Russell Vega issues in a while! I’ve spent the last two months recording some songs, and I spent the last week at my new factory job. I’ll try to keep putting out new issues because I know how much people don’t think this web comic sucks.


This is what I look like now!!

“I don’t know, Ivory. He’s nice, he’s caring, calm yet so energetic… It’s just that, well, I don’t know…”

“Have you been thinking about him all this time?”

But I’ll still be using these pictures I

took right before my haircut to use for the rest of this

web series.

We have a debate to prepare for and you’re still distracted by your complicated history with Russell Vega.

Don’t worry. I care just as much about saving the park from being frakked as you do.

There’s just something about him. He worries me with his unambitious future, but there will always be a part of me that wants to date a rocker.

Well, we’ve got to get these books put back on this shelf before more stu-dents come in. So…

Oh, Hi Russell!!

Hello, Jacqueline! My ears are burning!

Russell, you know we’re on-again-off-again.

How is my favorite girl doing?!

Well, let’s think about this… The graduation dance is a very special night and you’ve got to think about where we’re at and how strong this relationship is.

Yeah. And I also know that there’s a school dance coming around the corner. How about it?

That’s valedictorian!

Imagine Me! Walking into that room with the school valodectarion!

Hey! Watch out for the fourth wall!

First of all, I haven’t been selected as the valedictorian yet. And if I have, what does that make you? The rock and roll musician who’s dating her?

We’re Sorry About That!

Listen, it’s nearing the end of the school year which means that time is running out for you!

That’s “First Brain”, if you don’t mind.

What do you mean?!?!

Sooner than you think, actually.

Russell Vega! How are you going to get to graduation on time?!

My dad told me that my parents can’t pay for three more terms. Only two.

Wait, Jacqueline! That’s what I came here to tell you about…


… … … …… … … …… … … …

The school’s WRESTLING TEAM?! Russell! I thought you gave that up!

Oh Dear Lord! Russell, your social skills are bad enough. And now with this new group of douchy, unethical, jockiness you’re joining…

I did. But once I thought I was gone, they pulled me back in.

Oh gosh, where do I start? Do you remember last Christmas, when you went with our family to do some HOLIDAY SHOPPING and we thought it would be cute to stand in line with the kids to ask Santa for some presents?

What do you mean by my social skills are bad enough?

Do you REMEMBER what you asked Santa for?! World peace and guitar domination!

Yes, of course I do! The holidays are a magical time!

And then that time my brother turned 12. You got him a BILL HICKS CD?

Santa asked me what I wanted and I answered him!! Do you want me to lie to Santa?! NO ONE lies to Santa!

Just learning to drive, and he’s talking about shooting heroin into the vein on his …

And I did that to make him smarter! By the way, how is he now?

We’ll talk about this later, Russell!

Well, there’s the bell! Time to go to class!


Here is a link to my latest stand up video

This is a link to “Drifting”, a song from my new band, The Red Check Shirts
