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I made a questionnaire so that I could ask people for their opinions on my trailer so that, using the feedback, I could make any necessary changes and alterations.

This enabled me to find out exactly what my targetaudience would make of the ‘Beech Mount’ soap as the main target demographic are late teens is the same as everyone at my college and the people who I targeted my questionnaire at.

The questions were all qualitative, enabling the audience to give detailed views and opinions which are beneficial to me and my project.



Only the one about the guy

seeing the two friends


Are the storylines understood?

Feedback from this question told me that , based on the order of the clips in my trailer, The story about Gary worrying about telling his brother about his sexuality, wasn’t understood by everyone. So I decided to alter the orderingsof the clips of Gary to make the story more clear.

Works very well75%

Lyrics match the actions


Don’t like the song


What do you think of the soundtrack?

I got quite comprehensive feedback regarding the song choice. Nearly everyone thought the song was effective and matched the scenes, themes and topics of my soap. The one person that didn’t like the song wasn’t into “pop music” but there wasn’t enough negative feedback to make me consider changing the song.



If I found out more 11%

If there was nothing else on


Don't know4%

Would you watch the show?

This was the most important question in my questionnaire. Generally, I was quite pleased with the results as the indicate that a large percentage of teens aged either 16,17 or 18 would watch the show if it was aired. This told me that I had a relatively successful trailer and that the show would be successful also. Strong initial signs.
