Prince lupin's dangit roombas oc reactions


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Prince Lupin’s Dangit Roombas OC Reactions

By Mangorumpuscandyfactory

so apparently our main character

SHSL Kingdom Hearts???

Is he a pilot?

omfg his chain and sleeves are hella tight

this would be a nightmare to cosplay but worth it

his little wing pendant and bang cowlick are the bestHair Rating: Four Stars (the

little cowlick makes it)

And I think this is our main lady

SHSL Pyro? SHSL Mariner? Like her hair says Katniss Everdeen but her outfit says princess of the sailors

If the carpet matches the drapes, would she call herself firecrotch?

(is that too tasteless of a joke?)

nah but she looks cool. Like she’d eat a truck full of burritos if you dared her and be a good sport

Hair Rating: 3 ¾ Stars (THAT GIRL IS ON FIAAAAAAA)

And the rest in no particular order now

it’s always the hot ones that go psycho dangit

SHSL Butler? His design basically looks that way, but the fancy stars and crest make him look like a private school wizard

Fancy mchothair Insano and his intergalactic trips to Pigfarts Academy

(If you haven’t seen A Very Potter Musical, do yourself a favor and do)

Hair Rating: 5 stars (I’m a sucker for the half-pushed up half bangs in face look)

SHSL Guess Who Gets Violent Loli Porn Drawn of Them by the Fandom

i actually know this one tho, SHSL Horror Novelist

she’s letting off some serious Saionji vibes here, probably no surprise

she looks like she would fit in with the cast of tohru, bulletwitch or any of the RPG maker games like Mad Father

Hair Rating: 3 Stars (Fanciful and totally fitting, kind of like she couldn’t decide what creepy-cute style she wanted and she had the hair to do them all)

im sensing a theme here

but seriously are these two related? the kitty ears, rave asthetic, even that little purple cross thing?

SHSL copy cats? (hehehehe)

the second one’s hair is so fluffy tho I wonder what they use

Hair Rating: 2 Stars (A bowl cut dude? For shame)

Hair Rating: 2 ¾ stars (Fluffy! But the yellow bits???)

they are literally the same character how did they get away with this

(in all seriousness though, all i can think is junko enoshima, like a rival fashionista or something. her hair is harajiku stunning)

Hair Rating: 4 ½ stars (Glossy and well decorated, and the graduation of color rocks)

exactly what my gaia online avatar would have looked like if I had the money

She looks like she could double for a hetalia oc, she’s even got the idiot hair

Might be a clutz? For some reason I find lots of characters with chinese asthetic tend to end up cute clutzes?

SHSL Secretary?

Design wise she’s closest to what I would make as my own self-insert

Hair Rating: 5 Stars (Messy bun with chopsticks? How about HELL YA)



he’s sMILING SERENELY SHITSHITEXTRAABORTSHSL go crazy and break your heart

Don’t look at me like I’m crazy, I know what I’m talking about


I’m getting serious Hungary flashbacks with this chick

she’s totally gorgeous, probably like Sonia Nevermind like she’s rich but she’s nice

(bonus points if she’s secretly quirky or psycho)

SHSL Noblelady? She looks like she might be some kind of gardener or singer to me…

Hair Rating: 4 Stars (Dat lucious curl-mane—mmph! The hat and blue roses just make it better)

SHSL Gardener or Herbalist, natch

now here is one I would peg as sweet and cute until she goes psycho from the stress

she looks too happy for a dangan ronpa game—one way or the other this girl is getting broken

does she cry when people fight? i bet she cries when people fight

Hair Rating: 2 ½ (Not bad, but not super special either?)


I can feel it in my bones

The angry blustering type who does the blushy thing

Awwwwwwww yissssss

my body is ready

Come at my soldier boy

Shsl hottie with a body

(SHSL solider? SHSL Merc?)

Hair Rating: 4 ½ (Messy as crap but totally fitting. And he’s gOT THE ONE EYE COVERED HELP)

Houston we have found our shota everything is under control

SHSL Astronomer? He’s got stars up the wazzoo

He reminds me of that comedy routine about how British kids are cuter and more manageable than American kids

“Daddy, I went wee-wee in my knickers! Cheerio!”

Going by initial impression, this little guy is gonna end up dead as a doornail

Hair Rating: 3 (Not exactly special, but adorably fluffy)

oooooh I like this guy too

That face says serious samurai warrior, but those hair pins say secret dork

SHSL Samurai? Ronin? Kabuki?

I want to see him flip open a fan like a graceful warrior and hit himself in the nose with it

A man who is not afraid to don jewelry is a good man indeed

Hair Rating: 5 Stars (Wavy bangs and that ponytail make me go HEYYYYYYY)

Our killer mascot of the week

He’s a fox, right?

He’s got a cool design, for sure

He probably does the crazy giggle thing as he kills people

The Others

So I think none of these guys are SHSL

Could have fooled me tho

Vocaloid game machine, Techno hipster and C.A. Cupid from Everafter High

I like them all a lot tho, especially the girl

Shwooty scadooty who’s the cutie

Damn son what a babe

10/10 would plot murder with

SHSL BabeHair Rating: A million stars (Like sure there’s not very much to it but none of them other basic bitches had sparkles in their hair)

And That is It

