Pablo Neruda’s Life and Work


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Pablo Neruda’s Life and Work

!And something started in my soul, fever or forgotten wings, and I made my own way, deciphering that fire, and I wrote the first faint line, faint, without substance, pure nonsense, pure wisdom of someone who knows nothing, and I suddenly saw the heavens unfastened and open. !Pablo Neruda may very well be one of Chile’s most notable political and cultural figures of the 20th century. No matter his recognition and admiration in Chile, his publications are very rarely available overseas, specifically, in interpretation. Given that Pablo Neruda has amazed his millions of readers internationally, it is appropriate to say he could be one of the most skilled and magnificent poets worldwide. !Neruda grew up in southern Chile, moved to Santiago and signed up for college with the purpose of preparing himself for a lifetime career being an instructor of French. He left however, to be able to devote additional time to poetry, which was now his main interest. His first published work, Twilight Guide, was released in 1923. The next year he released Twenty Love Poems, and a Track of Despair. !Neruda’s poetry was centered around his political and philosophical beliefs. With his wide following, Neruda won the Nobel Award for Literature in 1971. People still come to visit the places in Chile that were most important to Neruda during his life. People eagerly explore the highlights of Neruda's poems, the largest occasions in his biography and, needless to say, his contribution in to the global literature and Chilean culture. !

Neruda died more than 41 years ago, though he is still alive in the heart of literature and in the public consciousness of poetry. To investigate rumors that Neruda had been poisoned, this past year forensic researchers exhumed Neruda’s remains. The rumor was that he had been poisoned by brokers of Common Augusto Pinochet though the researchers concluded he hadn’t been. !At the Foundation of Pablo Neruda in Chile, researchers recently discovered over 20 unpublished poems of “remarkable quality". The poems were located in bins of the poet's manuscripts held in Chile, and they will be publicized very soon.
