Nightlife Final



By Jordanna Oslac and Olivia Tucker

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  • 1. THE FUTURE OF NIGHTLIFEjordannaoslacoliviatuckeranalyzingtrends finalfall2012timstock

2. THE FUTURE OF NIGHTLIFEAMONGST AMERICAN M I L L E N I A L S I N T H ENEXT FIVE YEARS 3. FORCESurbanizationtechnology economy 4. HYPOTHESIS i f a m e r i c a n m i l l e n i a l s f o l l o w t h ecodes that we have researched,then the future of nightlife will bepersonalized, simplified and less technologically centered 5. CODEShiddentechnology nicheday life 6. HIDDENNIGHTLIFEthe forces of technology and it being invasive in peoples personal andsocial lives creates a need for secrecy and intimacy as a form of exclusivity. the outside a person would not inside crif dogs, there is an old inside pdt is a luxe bar andknow that crif dogs is something telephone booth that is actually the booths for people to sit, socializeother than a hotdog restaurant. entrance to pdt - please dont tell. and eat hot dogs from crif dogs. 7. TECHINFLUENCE aside from technology being a growing form of communication, there is aneed for integration of the virtual to physical world. ton-bars/theibar is an interactive design scenetap is an app that lets us-for a bar counter. there are vid-ers know what kind of scene toeo projectors that can project expect at a bar or club. it elimi-any content. it also can detectnates the text message to a friendanycontent touching the surface. who is already there, how is it? 8. TECHINFLUENCEaside from technology being a growing form of communication, there is a need for integration of the virtual to physical world. the technology of the buddy stamp and the qr code gives club-goers resourc- es for products or services they want throughout the night ie drinking deals, taxi cabs, hangover tips and food options. 9. NICHENIGHTLIFE millenials are looking for ways to distinguish themselves so there is a need for incorporating unique hobbies and interests into the nightlife scene. htmlsilent raves allow people to have the growler beer jugs are for the the brewbus is a take on theoption of enjoying the music of a djbeer-lover. the jugs are reusable,food truck trend - but for beerin their own headphones and/or be-the beer stays fresher longer,drinkers. instead of being in aing able to socialize amongst peo-they are specializaed and local.single spot, you sip your beerple with similar music peferences.while driving through the city. 10. D AY L I F Ethe time shift from nightime partying has created a need for daytime venues and social drinking activities in the marketplace. brunch-party-takes-over-clubs-partying-like-its-3-am. beer-gardens/lavo brunch party is a night- santacon is a local, annual masslife scene taken to the hours be- gathering of people dressed in biergarten is a casual and chilltween noon and four in the after- santa claus costumes parading hang out spot for people to so-noon. it brings what clubs used publicly on streets and in bars cilize and drink during the be to an earlier hour - similar to throughout cities around the world.that of the hampton day party. 11. C U LT U R Ecommunal technologyindividualitycasual 12. TRENDOPPORTUNITIESreverting back to word of mouthlive streamingspecialty nightlife time shift 13. CLIENTPROFILE heineken is the leader in theupscale beer segment, it has a reputation for excellence both in the products it sells and the manner in which it conducts business. heineken was foundedon the values of enjoyment of life,passion for quality and respect fors o c i e t y. 14. TRENDACTIONSf i v e y e a r s f r o m n o w, n i g h t l i f e w i l l be driven by:personal interestsn i c h e , i n d i v i d u a l i t y, c o m m u n i t y simplificationeconomic, intimate, local, the essentials less technologically centered more physical, personal, tangiable