Night Legacy Chapter 1


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“I think I see a short-tailed albatross...”

‘Ello, all! Welcome to the Night Legacy! This is a legacy that’s sort of a break from my

Kiesha’ra Legacy. It’s probably not the best idea since it is about to enter its fifth generation and

I haven’t even finished writing about the founding pair, but a plot is about to be introduced and I

need to catch up. So, here we are.

It’ll also be matriarchal. Boys will not inherit.

This is Lila Night, in all her loveliness. She is a Knowlede/Family Sim with dreams of heading

the SCIA. She has black hair, skinetone 2, purple eyes, and elf ears.

“It’s too bright.”

The naming theme of this legacy with be names related to the night or darkness. Stars, creatures,

meanings, characters, you name it. Lila means “night.” So, her name is basically “Night Night.”

See you guys in the morning! *snores*

Bad jokes aside, this is where Lila will live—a little shack on 35 Night Vale Lane. It’s not much,

but it’s home.

“It has no paint or floors.”

Well, yeah, that’s true...

“It doesn’t even have’ll be very dark. Perfect.”

At least it has a roof.

“I think I see someone in their underwear.”

Perfect. I buy you a telescope and you use it to be a peeping tom. What kind of knowledge Sim

are you?

“Knowing what your neighbors are doing inside their homes is a type of knowledge...”

...You’re creepy.

That Lifetime Want isn’t going to achieve itself! I had Lila go search for a job. Intelligence

wasn’t listed, so I had her pick Science instead. She had a want for it.

“Finally! A lab for experimenting!”

...*keeps the laptop at arms-length*

“*grumbles* I didn’t think they’d experiment on me...”

Yep! Lila came home with a cold after being a test subject all day! Those coworkers of yours

sure are friendly!

“*pointedly ignores me*”

After she cured herself with some soup, I sent her out on the town. Gotta find a spouse to make

me some babies!

“It’s raining.”

You’re a regular Sherlock Holmes.

Welcome to Crypt O’ Night Club!

“Did you send me here specifically because it suits this legacy or is this just where you send


...The latter...

Lila made a beeline for the dance floor.

“Go away. I’m having fun.”

I’m sure you are.


That was graceful.

“Oh, shut up!”


“No one saw that.”

I did.

“Go step on a Lego!”

Whoa! What did I ever do to you?!

“Make me live in a shack and make fun of my every move for your own amusement?”

...Fair point.

After our bantering was finished, I had Lila scope the room for a potential spouse. Her eyes

landed on Benjamin Long. And his nose.

“Benjamin is H-O-T hot!”

But the nose...

Before she interacted with him, though, she decided to get into the dance sphere. This should end


To her credit, she lasts longer than I thought she would.

But soon, the inevitable happened.

“Ow...I landed on my bum.”

Be glad you didn’t land on your head.


Okay, back to Benjamin. He’s...decent-looking. I think I’ve married him in before. Or maybe

that was Kennedy. He has a thin upper lip and his infamous nose, but I’ve married in worse.

He orders cake as an entrée. That’s kind of quirky. He could make a good spouse. Still...


Lila started flirting with him. She’s a shy flirter.

“Um, have a very lovely...oh, Plumbob, I never do this...So, you have a very lovely

nose and, um...I’m Lila.”

“Oh, wow, no one ever compliments my nose! I’m Benjamin.”

Huh. They’re kind of cute, in an awkward way.

“Would you like to go on a date? Right now?”

“Of course! Oh, wow, you’re gorgeous! Gorgeous women never hit on me!”



So, the two sat down for dinner and Benjamin, once again, ordered cake.

“So, really like cake, huh? Don’t you think you should order dinner first?”

“Why should I waste time ordering something other than cake, which is what I really want? It

doesn’t seem like a good idea to waste my money on what I don’t want to get to what I really

want. Dontcha think?”

“Huh. You think out of the box. I like you!”


After dinner, the two decide to have a dance. Lila immediately dipped Benjamin and kissed him.


So much for being shy!

Despite all of that, the date itself was pretty lukewarm. They didn’t really click. I wasn’t exactly

thrilled about Benjamin as a spouse candidate. Still, he was better than nothing. I kept looking.

The date went well enough that Benjamin invited Lila on another. I wanted to find some new

spouse candidates, so I sent them to the art museum.

While there, an evil witch showed up, whose custom skin is acting up.


She has blonde hair, which I like, but brown eyes, which I don’t. After generations of brown

eyes in my Kiesha’ra legacy, I’m ready for a change. Like purple. Still, I decided to see if Lila

liked her.

She didn’t. So, our dear witch Margaret retaliated.

“That’ll teach you to think I’m just okay!”

Okay, that wasn’t why that happened, but how funny is this picture?

“Jump rope and lightning, whee!”

“I’m indifferent.”

“Wait, lightning? Lightning scares me!”



I was looking around for more potential spouses (Lila turned down the redheaded slob. Red hair

and vampirism are her turn-ons and yet she only seems to like blondes. What the hell?) and I

came across the Contessa Hope. Yes, she’s a Contessa and her name Hope. Go figure. And her

custom skin is acting up because of the eyes I tried to get her. I fixed it later. Promise.

Anyway, since this is a night-related legacy, I figured it might be nice to marry in a vampire at

some point. I decided to see if Lila liked her.

She didn’t. Dammit!

“Are you a vampire?”

“What? No! That’s silly! I mean, what makes you say that?”

“Well, the clothes...and the eyes...and the fangs...and how your face is grey and the rest of you


“Stereotypes! I’m offended!”


“...Yeah, I’m a vampire.”

Yeah, the vamps of the Sims world do very little to hide their secret. They’re worse than the

Cullens. Though, flaunting their vampirism is actually kind of refreshing, I guess. Plus, Sims are

dumb as rocks so...

(To all my readers who are Twilight fans, I’m not really a fan. I may take some shots at the

books, so, I apologize in advance. I’ll try to keep them to a minimum.)

Despite there being little attraction between the two, I had Lila flirt with Hope anyway.

“You are one fine vampire!”

“Damn straight I am!”

But yeah, it wasn’t happening. Back to Benjamin, I suppose. *sigh*

“Lila didn’t think I was attractive...”

Yeah, I’m really sorry about that, Contessa. I really wanted you two to hit it off.

“She must pay!”



“HA! That’ll teach you!”

Oh, yeah...That sure showed her...

“I’m sorry, Contessa. I like vampires, I really do, but...there’s just no spark.”

“*sighs* Yes, I guess you’re right. I’m sorry about scaring you like that.”

“Apology accepted!”

“Lila, can we go? I’m not comfortable around vampires.”

“Benji, that’s a horrible thing to say!”

“Well, Lila, I do feast on the blood of the living. He has every right to be afraid.”

“Oh, yeah. Forgot about that part.”

“Can we go?”

“Sure. Goodbye, Contessa!”


Before you leave, though, look! It’s Wardo! Okay, so, his name is actually Juan, but to me, he

will forever be Wardo! See my Kiesha’ra legacy for details.

“Is Amelia here?”

Juan, Amelia died. Like a generation or two ago.

“So, that’s a ‘no,’ then?”

...Go away.

Except don’t because Lila finds you attractive. For some reason.

“Mm, he loves the dead. He is so sexy.”

...*backs even farther away from the laptop*

“ have an amazing tie...I’m Lila...”

“’re not Amelia, but I could definitely get into you...”

...No. I am not letting this relationship happen! This is creeping me out! Lila, go home now!

“*frustrated sigh* Fine!”

What? You find the driver attractive? You can’t even interact with her!

“But she’s just so sexy!”

Driver, take her home!

“Yes, disembodied voice!”


Benjamin came home with her and Lila starts thinking about marriage. *sigh* Look, I’ve made

no secret that I am not digging this relationship. So, time for plan B.

I had Lila send Benjamin home and then had her call up the matchmaker. I won’t be able to pay

her much, but beggars can’t be choosers.

“Or I could marry Benjamin...”

Shut up and dial.

On a side note, the matchmaker is an alien. That’s kind of awesome.

“Matchmaker, my creator won’t let me marry the man I want and I need a date! Can you help


“Depends. Can you pay?”


“Eh. I’ll see what I can do.”

“Bipity-bopity, here’s your date.”

“Oh, thank you, matchmaker!”


He’s got another weird nose. Still, I like him better than Benjamin.

“Where am I?”


“Hey, there. How you doin’?”

“Eh. Can’t complain.”

Yeah, they didn’t hit it off at all. I don’t even remember his name. So, he’s out.

“Eh, I didn’t like that one.”

“Go figure.”

“Can I have another one?”

“Sure. Here.”


“Don’t mention it.”

Ooh, this looks promising.

This is Jessica, your friendly neighborhood burglar. Despite having none of Lila’s turn-ons, the

two have at least some chemistry. Score!

Sure, she has brown eyes and black hair, but she’s a burglar! And she has skintone 4! I never

have skintone 4! Can we keep her, Lila? Pleeeeeeeease?

“Oh, yeah!”



These two really are a cute couple. Lila built a relationship with her faster than anyone she’s met

so far. I figured that meant these two were destined to be together.

“You’re a wonderful dancer, Jessica.”

“Thanks, Lila. You’re great as well.”

“*blushes* Oh, stop.”


“I love dancing with you.”

“I love dancing with you too.”


Yeah, yeah, you’re making out. That’s all fine and good, but kissing won’t get this show on the



I want some kids!

They listen, for once, and get into bed.

“Mm...your perfume smells nice.”

“Thanks. It’s Simnel. I stole it from some lady’s house.”

“Love it.”

Is that a lullaby I hear? I believe it is!

With Lila preggers, I decided Jessica should move in and carry some of the weight. She brought

in very little money. *sigh*

With a little makeover, she’s revealed to be beautiful all along! But we all knew that. Not sure I

like the hair I gave her. Kind of wish I kept the cap.

“My head is cold.”

Sorry about that!

Jessica wants to become a Rock God! But it wasn’t there today. So, I had her take a job in the

Criminal field. It seemed appropriate.

“Yes, you’re very clever.”

Oh, great, you’re snarky too.

“Well, you wrote me.”


The two fell quickly in love. Lila, isn’t there something you want to ask Jessica?


Okay, finish kissing first.

“Jessica, will you be my literal partner in crime from now until eternity?”

“Oh, Plumbob, Lila, yes!’

In a weird way, that was sweet.

The two quickly exchanged rings and they were married.

Yeah, not a lot of fanfare, but it’s the beginning of the legacy. They live in a shack. Work with

me here.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”


Lila had a surprisingly vomit-free first trimester. Still, she began to suspect that she was, indeed,

pregnant. So, she figured she better tell Jessica.

“Jessica, darling, I think we’re going to have a baby.”

“That’s nice, dear.”

Soon after came the first pop. Not that you’d know it.

“Wow, I thought I’d gain weight! I must have some good genes!”

Yeah, you don’t get to stay that way. Wardrobe change!

Much better!


I think this dress actually suits you better. You get to keep it.

“*sticks her tongue out*”


“I see London, I see France!”

Yeah, Jessica followed her wife’s lead and used the telescope inappropriately. Sometimes I hate

that thing.

As you can see, I changed Jessica’s hair again. I wasn’t digging the other hair on her. This one’s

better, though I’m sad I can’t go back to her old cap.

“It kept my head warm.”

Sorry, sweetie.

I heard the door open and all of a sudden, Benjamin was walking away from the house.

Benjamin, what the hell are you doing here?

“I wanted to see Lila! She stopped calling!”

She never called you! You called her! Besides, she married now! And pregnant!


Leave! Now!


“*grumbles as he leaves*”

Yeah, just keep walking! You and your nose! I swear, you’re worse than Wardo! If you stalk this

family, I will get a cowplant and have it eat you! And I will name it something hilariously

inappropriate! That’ll teach you!

Now that that’s out of the way, back to Lila! Time for bump number 2!


I’m here! I’m here!

“These pajamas are hideous!”

Yeah, that happens sometimes. I hate when it does. Your bump looks so beautiful in that

nightgown! But yay! Closer to baby!

“Hey! I’m tired over here!”

Jessica, you just got home from work! Just go to bed and stop complaining to me about it!

“I have to complain, otherwise you won’t listen!”

Go to bed!

The next day, while cooking up some delicious chili con carne, Lila went into labor.

“This hurts! Plumbob, this hurts! Author!”

Nothing I can do! Come on, give me an heir!


“Oh, look! A baby!”

With skintone 4! YES!

“Aren’t you Mommy’s little lightning bug? Yes, you are!”

A girl with skintone 4! YES!

Meet Luna Night! She is, so far, the heiress of this generation! She has Jessica’s skin, both her

mothers’ black hair, and Lila’s eyes! Only time will tell if she has Lila’s elf ears! YES!

“Mommy loves you. Yes, she does.”

After cramming a crib into this already cramped shack, we see that Lila is actually a pretty good

mom. I guess she is half-Family Sim.

“You’re Mama’s little pickpocket. Yes, you are.”

Jessica is a pretty good mom too. I forgot to mention that she is Romance/Family. Let me tell

you, she is more Family than Romance. I was really surprised.

“Twinkle twinkle, little star! How I wonder what you—ARGH!”

It’s all fun and games until someone gets barfed on, isn’t it?

Oh, and Jessica is pregnant. Guess I missed the conception.


Baby two is on its way!

After checking the paper every day, Intelligence finally showed up! Lifetime Want, here we


“Aw, no more science...”

But this way you can work for SHIELD!

In contrast to Lila’s vomit-free first trimester, Jessica vomits all the time. How foreboding...

Finally, someone takes issue with all of Lila’s peeping! This is Allegra. She rushed into the

Night household and shoved Lila.

“How dare you spy on me! Sicko!”

Lila, not easily pushed around, shoved back.

“Get out of my house!”

“Spy on me again and I’m calling the cops!”

“That’s nice!”


Time flies and it’s time for Luna’s birthday! Lila took Luna to the cake as Jessica cheered in the

far corner.

“Yay, Luna!”

Lila endangers Luna by throwing her into the air and...!

...Uh, she turns into a cross between Ozzy Osbourne and Elton John? Makeover!

Much better!

“That’s my lightning bug!”

She’s got a tomboy thing going on.

Let’s look at her, though. She’s pretty cute. Face is a little generic, but cute. She has Lila’s facial

structure, I think, and Jessica’s nose. She has Lila’s eye color and, even though you can’t see it,

her elf ears. Of course, she has skintone 4, which I am thrilled about. I like her. Yay, Luna!

And we end on a shot of how I spruced up the house! It’s still not much, but with another kid on

the way, they needed more room. Plus, it’s bluuuuuue.

I was going to make this chapter longer, but it’s pretty long already and this seems like a good

place to end. Plus, I have a new, easier way of writing these chapters, so updates on this and my

other legacy should come more quickly.

Will Jessica’s baby be a boy or a girl? Will it have the elf ears? Will it replace Luna in my heart?

Find out in the next chapter of the Night Legacy! See you then!