Mongolian Project Based Assessment


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Mongols, Mongols


Cole Wicker

Once upon a time…

There was a group of fierce nomadic warriors.

This group was called the MONGOLS. The Mongols were led by a man named Chinggis Khan

Chinngis was a great leader

Chinngis knew exactly how to expand his empire

He expanded to China, Russia, the Middle East and Western Europe. He did this using the Silk road.

Chinngis was able to do this by traversing the silk road.

Some people may have resisted Chinngis, but there was no point. Cities fell, people perished and the Mongols triumphed.

Mongols were great with horses. They loved and cared for the horses. Mongols would use their horses in battle

Mongols Loved WeaponsA favorite weapon was the Bow and Arrow. Mongols could even shoot a bow while on a horse!

Not all men shot bows and arrows. Some used Lances on horseback to STAB!

Mongols were fierce fighters. They were well trained and well equipped

There even some men not on horses

They fought in light raids on foot

Mongols were plain men. Knights and nobles were rare.

Practice makes perfect. Mongols perfected practice!

Mongols would practice anywhere. They even practice strategies while hunting for dinner!!!

The Mongols were loyal. The Mongols had a great national pride.

Mongols could not run from battle. If they did it was punishable with quietus!

Mongols were influential. Mongols are strong warriors. Mongols are Proud. The Mongols are critical to history.


Hope you enjoyed it!
