MindField Group: Director of Greetings


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A day in the life of…

Me!aka: Migs, Miggles, Mooch, Dumpster Diver

This is how I like to start my day:

A little investigation of the office

Sometimes I find treasures!

Sometimes I don’t…

Then I get down to business:

Guarding mom’s office

But then I usually get tired..

After my nap, I get hungry.. So I go searching some more

Then I take my post-meal nap

After my nap, I sometimes get impatient waiting for my mom

But then I forget because I’m hungry again!

Spotted: Food

So I begin my routine..

1st step: Make eye contact

2nd step: Get closer, and go for the kill.

Puppy dog eyes at their finest

Meh. Sometimes it works… sometimes it doesn’t.

It’s a dog eat dog world out there.
