Media audience


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  • 1. audiences even are hoping to have another chance to see more of the film; part 3. Also persuades others who have seen the trailer to see the film, this shows how much YouTube can impact the actions of the audience and make a positive representation for the trailer and the film. This is why many film production companies feature these trailers on these websites. This is the second trailer of this movie, it is already popular with over a million views and over 5,000 likes. Which shows that the first official trailer must have been very positive to make audiences watch more. This trailer is a sequel so there are many people that already saw part 1, who would want to watch more and continue to follow the rest of the story. The Trailer is shown on IMDB and YouTube which are social sites that people interact within and comment on videos of film trailers. Also it shows that age rate for audiences, in this case 15 rated. It features reviews of critics for audiences as well as the rating of the film by the audience themselves.The comments of the trailer are very positive and mostly made by younger adult and teenage audience. Also it is still commented and viewed on after its release which shows the movie is still on high demand by audiences.

2. The trailer starts off with fast pace music and beats highlighting the action packed sequences of a fight between the two main characters, which introduces their characters as superheros and gives the audience a familiarity of the narrative with the first film, this is shown through shot reverse shots of the fight through both of the characters perspective. As they fight the music gets louder with a high pitch electric guitar sound, which highlights the action genre and the violent scene that these two young characters portray. This is able to attract more a teenage and younger adult audience, as they would want to be as strong and powerful superheros and can relate to the characters as they are a similar age, this is a preferred reading of the trailer. The trailer also gives humorous dialogues such as Take your tampon out Dave which establishes that this is a 15 rated movie. This is said by the female lead Hitgirl who is shown to be stronger than the male lead Dave as she says more dialogues as Hit Me this will help attract more female audiences due to her character as they would want to admire to be her even though she is a 15 year old girl. This links to the gratification theory as the audience adapt to her character and are entertained by the actions of the characters. The next shots establish the setting of the film in New York City by showing panning shots of bird side view of the Citys skyscrapers and the Brooklyn bridge. Then there is L cut of a news reporter explaining how the characters are superheros, as this is said many cut shots and mid shots are shown of the Hitgirl and Dave training, driving fast bikes, getting dressed in there superhero costumes and fighting criminals in society which is seen positively in the trailer, this can help attract audiences who haven't seen part 1 want to watch it. Also attract audiences who are fans of superhero movies and comic books as this film is an adaptation of the original comic book. The shots of the trailer continue in the fast pace especially when a new character in the film is introduced played by the famous comedic actor Jim Carey, who is portrayed as a humorous but violent general who has become a superhero. This would attract audiences who are fans of his who would want to watch this trailer because they want to see him in his comical role that he is recognised for. Half way of the trailer the pace of the music changes into slower tone as the shots dissolve into slow motion. The trailers narrative journey is shown by the narration of the characters by the actors , this especially occurs when the villain of the movie explains to the audience how hes going to take revenge towards the superheros for killing her father, as this is shown there are several flashbacks of the scene where his father dies from the first film with sharp electronic beats in the background. In the next shots the music changes again into a rock/punk edgy music which changes the tone of the film in favour of the super villain and shows the change in society of people who are going against the superheros, by showing close ups and point of views shots of police cars blowing up into flames and the super villain fighting against the police and winning, which leads to all the superheros being seen as criminals in masks this is shown through longs shots of the lead protagonists running away from the police. The pace changes again starting from very slow to fast forwarding to action scenes, there are flashes of black screens shown of the characters of Dave and Hitgirl in dilemma of continuing to still remain as superheros. As this shown the first title appears THIS SUMMER in bright yellow block capital letters in front of a black background, by highlighting this it will attract more teenage, student audiences as in the summer they have a holiday and a break from school to do more leisure activities in this case to persuade the audience to watch this film at the cinemas. After this shot that are many cut shots to the protagonists facing off against the super villains, by showing more action and fight sequences. This is shown through close ups of fists punching faces in slow motion, bottles being smashed against peoples faces and the protagonists fighting on top of cars. The second title appears in the same colour and font now showing the names of the actors who play the main superheros and super villain and cuts to a shot where the actor Jim Careys name is shown individually, as this is shown automatically the next shot is cut to a close up of Jim Careys face doing violent interrogation scene and laughing while the criminal is screaming. Finally after the last title appears in huge letters in the same font and color that say KICK ASS and the 2 in the colour red. Audiences who are older and who are family oriented may have a oppositional reading of this trailer as it maybe to violent to watch with their children, same for younger adults may not want to watch this film with older family members as they may to relate to the characters and not understand the concept of the narrative. 3. The audience of this film is mainly for males that are between the age of 15- 35 as the film features comical and adult references.The trailer is popular because the makers of the film are the same makers of the Family Guy which is comical cartoon TV show. This would also attract audiences who like the show to this film and watch the trailer.There are reference to the TV show by using the same actors in the movie who play the characters in Family Guy, which the audience can recognise easily.The comments and views of the trailer of the film are mixed, a teenage and adult audience may except the controversial comments and find it humorous than a older audience. Also the trailer may attract less female audience due to the trailer may be offend them however they may still watch the movie for curiosity of the narrative. The Trailer is shown on IMDB and YouTube which are social sites that people interact within and comment on videos of film trailers. Also it shows that age rate for audiences, in this case 15 rated. It features reviews of critics for audiences as well as the rating of the film by the audience themselves. 4. The trailer starts off with a male speaker narrator introducing the story of Ted the teddy bear that comes magically alive, the voice of the male narrator is low and deep like hes telling fair tale story to the audience who are children even though the audience of the film are middle aged males, the narrator in the first have of the trailer provides a journey for the audiences to take. The first shots shown in the trailer is the setting and the main character as a child, this is shown through panning shots of his bedroom window with Christmas lights and him sleeping with his teddy bear. This makes the audience believe that this film is a fantasy, family based Christmas film, by the protagonist wishing that his bear would come alive in Christmas eve relates to the festive season and the idea of wishes come true for children who are lonely. This is preferred reading as many audiences would want the boy to be happy and have a friend for Christmas. The music in the trailer adds to this effect by the sounds of Christmas music and sounds of bells ringing. Then after these shots there is a fade of a black screen with the narrator says his final words But eventually everyone grows up, this changes the pace of the trailer completely as it sets the audiences back to reality were its unrealistic for these things to happen, were things are not a fantasy and happy. This is introduced by the change in music of ordinary, relaxed sounds and singing, by the main character now in his 30s and the teddy bear taking drugs and eating cereal from boxes which shows them as lazy. This would give younger audiences a oppositional reading as they dont want to see their lovable toy taking drugs but this would appeal to the films audiences of middle aged males as they can relate to their actions and they would find it humorous to see a character portrayed to have human like features and qualities of themselves dealing with substance issues. This links to the uses of gratification theory as they take a positive aspect of a negative issue. The next shot is the shot of the first title in green, capital block letters behind a white screen which says the makers of family guy which familiarises the audience with the directors and actors. The next shots establish the setting and the friendship between the main characters, the film is set in New York City in a small apartment where they share and live in and their friendship is like to typical men who fight, make inappropriate jokes with each other and who are still very loving and close. Males can relate to this type of relationship even though its with a childhood toy. In the trailer the teddy bear is shown to do actions that may not be realistic to others but in this film its accepted and seen as normal this links to hypereality as individuals accept the fantasy as reality. For example Ted driving taking his friend to work, sending a tweet on his mobile this will attract younger audiences as they use lots of social networking sites. Ted in the trailer is shown to be lazy, rude, selfish and sexist to women this may lead to less female audiences watching the trailer or the film as women are shown as strippers and always 2nd best this is shown through main character always taking ted side than his girlfriend. The next shots show inappropriate actions and language of Ted and the change in his relationship with his friend. Then they show cut shots of the main actors in the film with the titles of their names Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis and Seth Macfarlane which will help attract audiences who are fans of their previous films and the actors themselves. At the end of the trailer the pace changes to quick shots and the music changes into a high pitch electric guitar beats as there is confrontation between the protagonist and Ted and then ends on a humorous aspect of Ted to re-establish the comedy genre of the film to attract audiences who like that genre. 5. :// music of the trailer is a key aspect, so this will attract music lovers of classical music to the film.The views of this trailer is not as much as the other trailers as may not appeal to a younger audience who are more likely to comment on these social sites and like the trailer.The Trailer is shown on IMDB and YouTube which are social sites that people interact within and comment on videos of film trailers. Also it shows that age rate for audiences, in this case PG rated. It features reviews of critics for audiences as well as the rating of the film by the audience themselves.The audience of this trailer is very specific, as this film is silent black and white, where the music and the acting of the characters is the most significant for the audience to follow the narrative, it will attract more of an older and cultured audience as its set in the past.The film is black and white set in the 1930s even though its released in a modern technological society, this will attract more audiences as its different and unique as It relates back to traditional films of Hollywood. 6. The trailer starts of the titles of the production house and the name of the director appear in the font of classic handwriting, which shows the narrative of the film which is set in the1920s. This is also shown through the high pitch jazz music relating to the theatre and showbiz aspect of the films narrative. This will attract audiences who are very cultural and artistic as it highlights the arts and drama in the film and the aspect of fame and fortune which is preferred reading of the trailer this links to the uses of gratification. The whole trailer is in black and white, the first shots that are shown is to establish the setting which is in Broadway in Hollywood which as to the glitz and glamour. The main protagonist is shown to be a famous actor and dancer who is very popular in the showbiz industry, this is shown through paparazzi and female attention. The film as well as a drama is a romantic film which is traditional element in classic Hollywood films, in this narrative the typical story for a famous artist who falls in love with ordinary women who longs to be rich and famous this is shown through the exaggerated facial expressions of the actors and the romantic piano music. It also features several emotions that the protagonist experiences for example love, heart beak, betrayal and fall of fame. A younger, less cultured individuals may have a oppositional reading of this trailer as its set 50 years ago even though its released in a modern society where films are more graphic and technologically advanced, this may lead them not enjoying the film as they cant relate to the narrative its set in.