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I know it is difficult to let this relationship go. We have been through so much together that it hurts just recalling a tiny fraction of the time we spent as a couple.

It was a freaking roller coaster ride, our highs were super high and our lows were extremely low and the time it took to get from up to down was short.

Both of us had a temper that didn't take too long to flare up and took forever to calm down. 

Don't take it against me. You have made me so happy just by sharing your world

with me. 

From the time we first met and until now, you have unfailingly shown me how it is to

be really loved and cared for.

At the same time, you always reminding me that my life is my own and no one

else's. I thank you for that. 

Our relationship has gone through a lot of things ranging from the serious to the stupid things but we were able to weather the storms together, you and I mainly because we knew how to properly steer the relationship

back to its proper track.

We have dreamt together. We have laughed

together. Whenever I needed your comfort and

strength, you were always there for me.

No one is to be blamed. Not you, nor me, nor whoever. Maybe we were just a victim of circumstances. And since  circumstances

surrounding our relationship have changed, I don't anymore know if we can handle things the same way we've handled them before. Seeing you and being with you when we

spent time together gives me a certain kind of happiness only you can give.

I am too honest to admit that no matter how much I love you, no matter how deep my feelings are for you, you cannot stay in the relationship anymore and you cannot fight for us. What is there to fight for? My love for you, which you do not want to acknowledge? A future with you which looks very uncertain at this time? It is difficult to stay and fight when you do not know what it is you're fighting for, right?

I am too honest to admit that no matter how much I love you, no matter how deep my feelings are for you, you cannot stay in the relationship anymore and you cannot fight for us. What is there to fight for? My love for you, which you do not want to acknowledge? A future with you which looks very uncertain at this time? It is difficult to stay and fight when you do not know what it is you're fighting for, right?


You will forever be a part of my life, thank you for making me a part of yours. I will always remember you and the past months with a smile but I have to go now.

I know this is not the end of everything. It is actually a new beginning, hopefully of a better, more beautiful friendship. I know I will never be strong enough to ever do it at all.

We have had our fair share of love and happiness. Let that be the memories that will stay with us as we go our separate ways.

I hope this freedom will make you happy. God bless!
