"Just Go" Video Shoot



Space option for the "Just Go" video shoot

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930 N. Inglewood Ave.

“JUST GO” Video Shoot Location

Walking toward staircase that takes you to the stage/crowd area for the video shoot.

Staircase facing opposite was toward street/toward the bar area for audience/crew members.

Staircase leading from upper deck toward filming area.

Staircase and stage area. Birds-eye view.

Stage area.

Crowd area.

Area/Pathway to the left of stage area. (To the left when facing the crowd.)

Stage from the crowds view.

Steps back up to balcony. Possibly for some crowd participants to sit and watch the performance.

Another bird-eye view shot.

Potential bar area to serve drinks, but could be used for shoot, as well. We could put up a black sheet behind bar.

Contact: Erin @ Jerzeeflex@gmail.comWafeek @ Wafeek@gmail.com
