Italian History Game




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Are You Smarter Than your Italian partner?

Are You Smarter Than your Italian Partner?


Topic 1 Topic 2

Topic 3 Topic 4

Topic 5 Topic 6

Topic 7 Topic 8

Topic 9 Topic 10











Topic 1 Question

/ What is the main purpose of the Italian Piazza?

Topic 1 Answer / It was originally created to be the

place for meetings and debating. It is considered to be the heart of the city and is now used for many different occasions. For example it is used for celebrations,or a place for meeting and taking in the city.


2 Question

/ How many years do Italian students got to high school?

Topic 2 Answer

/ It depends on which school the student is placed into. Most of them are 5 years (cinque anni) while one is 4 years (quattro anni).


3 Question

/ How many different types of high school (la scuola superiore) are there in Italy?

Topic 3 Answer/ There are 6 different schools:/ Il Liceo Classico- Based on classic liturature/ Il Liceo Scientifico- Math and science base/ Il Liceo Artistico- Art based/ Il Liceo Linguistico- Foreign language based/ L’Istituto- Tech or trade school/ Il Magistrale- For interest in teaching Return

Topic 4 Question

/ What are the three major Italian regions for tourism (tourismo)?

Topic 4 Answer

/ Venice- Veneto/ Tuscany- Toscana/ Lazion- region that holds Rome


Topic 5 Question

/ What is the city (la citta) Bologna famous for?

Topic 5 Answer

/ The city (la citta) of Bologna is famous for Tortellini and Prosciutto


Topic 6 Question

/ What Italian city did the original concept of pizza come from?

Topic 6 Answer

/ Pizza originated in the city of Naples Italy.

Topic 7 Question

/ Why is the Italian church (la chiesa) Stanta Maria delle Grazie famous (famoso)?

Topic 7 Answer

/ Stanta Maria delle Grazie is famous because that is were Leonardo Divinci’s painting of the Last Supper (L’Ultima Cena) is held.


Topic 8 Question

/ What is the biggest industry (industiale) in Milan (Milano)?

Topic 8 Answer

/ The largest industry in Milan is the fashion industry (la moda)


Topic 9 Question

/ What language did the Italian people speak before the fall of the Roman Empire?

Topic 9 Answer

/ Before the collapse of the Roman economy the country spoke Latin


Topic 10 Question

/ What are the 3 dialects that came from the fall of the empire?

Topic 10 Answer

/ The 3 dialects are :/ dia letto Tuscano (Tuscany)/ dia letto Veneto (Venice)/ dia letto Siciliano (Sicily)


Million Dollar QuestionTopic 11

Can you handle the pressure?:)

1,000,000 Question

/ Who is the father (il padre) of the Italian language?

1,000,000 Answer

/ The father of the Italian language is Dante, he wrote the Divine Comedy


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