Istituto comprensivo carmagnola ii hit ball booklet




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Comenius Project “Move to improve your body and mind”

Local games or sport

It was invented in Italy in 1986, in the province of Turin, from an idea of Luigi Gigante, a Physical Education teacher. Turin and

its province is the area where hit ball is more widespread and deeply rooted.


Globality: ability to use the whole body to hit the ball

Symmetry: particular stress on the weak side of the body

Coordination: general and specific (eye-hand)

Dexterity: quick reflexes

Speed: capability making decision in fractions of a second



Limitation of unsportsmanlike attitudes that are not allowed by the structure of the field and Regulation (there isn't tie, the

rule of 5 second and 4 on defense)

Balanced involvement of all the players due to the randomness of the rebounds and the ability to perform simple actions

Abolition of the concept of specific roles as a result of a continuous movement of the players

Abolition of the role of the reserve in Under 14 category where 9 players play at all two-stroke on three

Use of natural gestures and well-accepted (parry and score) resulting in ease of learning thanks to the simplicity of the rules

that allow immediate enjoyment since the first experience

TYPOLOGY: double-team, a team against each other.

PLAYERS: the same number for the two teams, 5 players per team in the official version.

PLACE: we recommend to use a gym or a room, the presence of the walls are important.

MATERIAL: a ball.

AGE GROUP : Elementary and Middle School.


defense zone attack zone

free zone




The material needed for the creation of hit ball field inside a gym are: adhesive tape and tape signaling.

Free zone is 2 m

Attack one is 4 m

Defense zone is 4 m

The size of goal is 10 meters wide and 2.30 m high.

The side walls and the ceiling must not allow the ball to get out of the parallelepiped game and them allow the smooth

continuity of the game itself.

OPERATING METHODS/ EXECUTION: The aim of the game is to make more goals (called hits) into opponents goal.

A hit is valid when the action is smooth and when the ball has crossed the goal line completely.

4 m

2 m

1 m

4 m

20 m

10 m

It is no valid if the ball is over the goal net.

Each player can score from anywhere on the his half of the field (except for the free zone unless when the goal happens due

to walling a shot opponent).

A hit made by the defense zone is worth double, and therefore will be awarded two points.

It is not permitted to withhold or stop the ball, even if unintentionally.

It must be hit or rejected and be in constant movement.

The maximum stay time of the ball in its own half of the field is 5 seconds

It permitted the partial accompaniment of the ball only when it is in phase of rolling or rebound below the knees of the players.

The two teams are separated from the center line that should not be exceeded (invasion).

The ball can be hit with any part of the body in phase of repel or parry but at the decisive blow is required to hit using the

upper limbs

It is prohibited the decisive blow done by using foot

It is not allowed to hit the ball twice in succession even unintentionally.

or with two hands

PENALTY: In case of a hit preceded by one of the following offenses: double-tap, held ball, passing the line of attack by the

firer, shooting carried out not by the upper limbs, 4 in defense, invasion of half of the field as a result of the shot , irregular

throw, the hit should not be validated and the action it says "burned".

Hit ball in primary school In primary schools only students in class 3, 4 and 5 can practice hit ball.

The school curriculum activity is proposed with the following sequence:


- The number of players varies according to the size of the class unlike the classic hit ball that takes 5 players per team.


- 4 game times of 5 minutes each and you can exchange the roles between a time and the other

Class 3

- The presence of 1 or 2 goalkeepers

- Obligation to perform maximum 3 bounces before the

shot on goal

-At any incorrectness the ball is given to the goalkeeper of

the opposing team

Class 4

- Obligation to perform steps with one hand

- Obligation to carry up maximum 4 steps before the shot

on goal

-The team that commits incorrectness will be penalized

with a free throw to the other team

- Greater freedom in the role of the goalkeeper

Class 5

-Obligation to perform up to 5 steps before the shot on goal

-Each player will have a role

- Delimitation of the shooting area


- The rules change depending on the age of the players; each team before making a shot in the direction of the opposing

goal line must perform a certain number of steps: 3 steps for classes 3 , 4 steps for classes 4 and 5 steps for classes 5

- Each player is required to hit the ball once for a pass or a shot, and this rule varies according to the class--> in classes

3/4 no two consecutive touches, in class 5 never two touches consecutively in the same action, and the ball must be hit

with one hand.

- In the hit ball is forbidden to use legs and feet to hit the ball by the players, differently from the goalkeeper


- In the field roles vary depending on the age of the pupils:

- in Class 3 two goalkeepers are requested

- in class 4 is only a goalkeeper for team is inserted

- in class 5 figures of attackers and medians are inserted


- Any misconduct is punished by a ball change (class 3) or with a free throw (grades 4/5)

- A player can be reprimanded for various reasons (unsportsmanlike, foul play, dangerous play, unsportsmanlike conduct,

etc. ...), the expulsion is applied only after a second warning or following a particularly serious behaviour.

In case of expulsion the team will continue the game outnumbered.

An expelled player may not return to the field for the duration of the match

- Tap the ball with two hands or invade the opposing camp- 1 free throw made by the opponent median

- Double-tap or receive with two hands- the ball is giving away to the opposing team

- Indiscipline- the player have to stop for two minutes
