How effective is the combination of your main




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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

Rose Newbury

The Ancillary Tasks

I think that both my advert and my digi-pack go well with my video because they all connect in some way whether its the colour theme , the images included from the video on the other tasks and overall the tasks set the rebellious teenage tone of the video.

Digi-pack Front Cover

This is the front cover of my digi-pack and by research I used the ‘Muse’ album as inspiration to create this cover. A s you can see I have used the same straight cut angled, stain glass effect as on this Muse cover but have used this effect as the background of my cover with the house colours of the band. I felt that it looks attractive and eye-catching for the target audience and I thought I went well with the overall style and house colours of the video, with some element of the artist Pablo Picasso which is also other inspiration I used for my tasks. For the colouration of the fingers.

Digi-Pack Front Cover(Continued)

The colours that I have used for the cover of my digi-pack are also colours that can be seen throughout my video like the blues which can be seen as the background of the performance based scenes of my video and the blacks and greys can be seen in other scenes that have been emphasized by using the luma key effect on the edited clips . By having these colours not only included in the ancillary tasks but also in the video means that it has become the house colours of the video and will then be recognisable for the band itself. I have also done this with the image of the fist which is also included in my video and on the front of my advert and with this also connecting with the message of the song means that it will all become recognisable and familiar for the audience and therefore the band becoming popular.

Digi-pack back Cover

This is the back panel of my digi-pack and the final product was much different from my designs because I thought this would look more appealing. As you can see I have placed the same stain glass effect on the background which is the same as on the advert and on the front cover of the digi-pack and I placed it here because I thought it looks effective with the colour contrast of the song list and the fact that the background is white means that they stand out while having the stain glass effect through the tasks. I have also placed the name of the band on the back cover do that the name stands out for the audience that are likely to buy they CD and the name I have used the same effects and fonts as on the advert and on the cover of the digi-pack so that it is like a house style for the band. Also seen on this panel is the record label of the band which appears on other real media products so that the label also gets recognition with the band when the digi-pack is bought.

Digi-Pack CD Panel

This panel is where the CD would be placed and for this panel I have taken a still from my video and have changed the brightness and contrast in order to turn the image to black and white . I felt by doing this it made the image more edgy and suits the rock genre style of the band. This was also inspired again by the ‘Muse’ album cover where you can see that they have placed a similar image behind the silhouettes of the band.

Top middle and right Panel

As shown above the image is spread over two panels and to create this panel I placed stills from the video onto each panel which are the two members of the band that I have edited and placed each recurring image behind and filled them each colour that is included on the cover so as to keep the theme running through the digi-pack. I have also placed the lyrics of the chorus on these panels to give the message of the video and the song more clear which is one of the main selling points and I thought that this was an interesting idea that would appeal to the audience. This idea was inspired by the Mr Hudson album cover that I have viewed (shown below) and as you can see it has the same reflections from his main image which draws the eyes to him.

Bottom left Panel

This is one of the bottom panels of my digi-pack and for this panel I gained inspiration from the artist Pablo Picasso and his Guernica painting and as you can see I have used the same colour tones from this paintings because I thought they would go well either the ret of the colouration of the digi-pack and I thought it gave this image an edgy rock look which would go well with the genre of the song and the tone of the video. I have also placed key lyrics on this panel like the on the other panels and I chose these lyrics because it is the beginning line form the song so it is memorable for the audience and it also realtes to the overall message of the video and the other tasks.

AdvertFor my advert I wanted to have the design near the same as my digi-pack cover because by research it showed that most other adverts had either the actually album image placed on it or it looked like the cover so that the audience recognise it instantly which is what I have done. Although there are some differences between the two designs which are the background which in the advert is white and I did this because it makes the other elements of the poster such as the band name and the quotes stand out more which is important I think for an advert because it needs to catch the eye of the target audience therefore selling the digi-pack.

Advert Digi-Pack

Continued....Also shown on the advert it shows that again I have added quotes from other magazines which are MNE and Q and are known for advertising popular music in the same genre as the band I have chosen which means it is a good selling element for the album to have popular magazines having positive quotes about the album which is why I chose to have these placed onto my advert.

How they link to the video

When creating these tasks I wanted to make sure that there were elements of the video created within them and I have done this by including stills from the video, such as the eye shown above placed on the advert and digi-pack. eye. which is a recurring motif so it is recognisable and has become part of the logo for the band. I have also made sure that all the colours used are the theme that I have used in the video by having dark blues and grey colours throughout the tasks which go well with the rebellious teenage tone of the video and the rock genre of the music. The selling point of the video is a teenage girl standing up to her controlling boyfriend which is something girls may be able to relate to and I have incorporated this by overall tone and imagery of the video and the ancillary tasks.

Conclusion Overall it think that my ancillary tasks and my video sell the band and the song well and I think that I did this by targeting the specific audience I set out to target like by giving the video a narrative element that most of my target audience could relate to which is the being in a controlling relationship. I also think that my tasks help sell the band because the tone and overall style of all of the tasks are kept throughout so that they all link together giving the band a noticeable style and memorable image as a new band, this is shown by different elements such as the eye that I have placed on the cover of the tasks and in the video as a motif and like the image of the fist which summarises the message for all of the tasks.