Gives you hell


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All American

RejectsGives you


Andrew Goodwin Theory

Genre Characteristics

Lyrics and visuals

Music and visuals

Demands of record label

Notion of looking/voyeurism

Intertextual reference

Genre Characteristics

• Falls into the rock genre – the video contains things you would expect to see from a rock video; some kind of performance, fooling around, partying.

• There is also a storyline which seems to appear across different genres.

• It is classed as alternative rock, which is why the video is bright coloured.

Genre Characteristics


Messing aroundPartying

Link between lyrics + visuals

• The visuals illustrate the lyrics throughout.• ‘wake up every evening’ – shot from outside and it’s

dark; the house’s lights turn on. Also, the clock shows 10.30, which linked together, you assume it means p.m.

• ‘where’d it all go wrong?’ – He makes the red light come on during a game of Operation.

• ‘You can look me in the eyes’ – makes his eyes bulge slightly to emphasise it.

Link between music + visuals

• Cuts are in time with the beat.• More lengthy shots during slow parts of the

song, quicker cuts during faster parts of the song.

• There’s a bit where the bland clap in time with the music.

• There are also shots where members of the band are playing instruments to the music.

Demands of the record label• It was the lead single from their 2008 album.• There are quite a lot of close ups in this video,

which may have been to get the band noticed. It seemed to work, as it ended up being their best single to date, with the video being the most watched video of 2009.

Notion of looking/voyeurism

• We are put in the point of the blonde woman in a scene, where we are looking over her shoulder at the man, whilst playing Operation.

• There is also a small part where we are looking through the window at the man holding a mirror.

Intertextual reference

The only reference I noticed was the fake tattoo that the main singer had on his chest of the All American Reject’s logo.