Getting Frank! Day 4



Day 4 of Surprise!Baby Frank's Bachelor Challenge

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Welcome to Day 4 of the Bachelor Challenge featuring Surprise!Baby Frank. Last time, Tempe went home because she was scared of Frank’s creator, namely me. Mary is still in the lead and doesn’t seem to want to relinquish it to anyone. Although, it is still very much anyone’s game.

Shall we get started?

“Hi! So… I’d like to announce the results of the most recent poll I’ve conducted,” I said with a giant smile on my face. “So who’s ready?”

A series of groans and moans came from the table.

“What?” I asked. “You like my polls. You all voted in them. It’s not my fault that you all found Doc here way scarier than me. I’m just a fluffy kitten compared to her. ”

“But Lark, you didn’t say you were going to be using our votes against us. And I would like to point out that some of us did vote for you,” Jo said from the end of the table. “Even if it was by mistake.”

“If I’d known that this was going to come up here, I would have voted for you, Lark!” Fire protested then looked at the simself sitting across from her. “Um. No offense, Doc.”

“None taken,” the blonde said with an evil grin. “So where is your home universe again?”

The young simself eeped and cowered in her chair.

“Now, Lark,” Orikes said with a long suffering sigh. “What did you want to accomplish but doing this?”

“Yeah! I mean Doc may eat the heads of babies while going for the simultaneous kidney grab and ear nibble, but that doesn’t mean that you are any less frightening in your own way,” Fuzzy pointed out.

Doc sighed dramatically. “I don’t eat baby heads.”

“Okay, so I was exaggerating. Don’t kill me.”

“I see an epic plot volcano in your future.”


I ignored the various threats and screams coming from the far end of the table. “I just don’t want people to get the wrong idea. I know Tempe was scared of me and I didn’t like that.”

“Well do you blame her? If you can kill off the sims you like *coughWallycough* then isn’t it reasonable to think that you would be even more cruel to sims you don’t like?”

“But it’s an apocalypse! And-”

“Um, Lark,” Cee interrupted hesitantly.


“Where’s Yakko?”

“Aw crap on a stick! I left him alone in the other room!” I exclaimed in chagrin.

“Lark, you didn’t!” Jo called from the end of the table. “You know what a short attention span he has.”

I winced. “Well, I’m sure he didn’t get into too much trouble. I left him with the TV.”

“Did you remember to pay the cable bill?” Ori asked.

“Um… Maybe?”


“I’m booored!” Yakko complained staring at the TV. “All that’s on are reruns of the Mickey Mouse Club and Hannah Montana. If I wanted to make fun of the Disney Channel, I would have done that back when the Wheel of Morality still worked. You know I never did get that trip to Tahiti.“

The former cartoon character watched more poorly scripted family programming before changing the channel. “I may have signed up for this challenge, but I didn’t sign up for torture.” Then a slow grin spread across Yakko’s lips. “I wonder how Frank’s doing. I’m sure no one will notice if I sneak a peak. After all that would be the doing of a responsible parent!”

Back at the bachelor challenge house, Frank checked his email like he did every morning and found nothing.

He frowned and checked again. Still nothing.

“What the hell,” he muttered to himself. “What happened to the help I was supposed to be getting? Talk about short attention span. And I thought Dad-doo was bad. Well, the director person mentioned there were rules. I suppose I could look them up for myself.”

The young man searched the internet, finding a few likely rulesets before giving up. “Screw it! I’ll wing the thing and if I mess up. What’s the worst that could happen? Another day of rejection. Not really scaring me at this point.”

Remembering that the last two days started with a hot tub soak, Frank climbed into the warm waters.

Where he was joined a few moments later by Mary, Star, and Ruby Mae.

“What? No comments about my body today, Frankie-boy?” Star asked climbing into the water

Frank just shrugged , trying not to blush or even look at the nude woman.

“I think he’s no longer titillated by your forwardness,” Mary observed.

“Hush you!” Star shot back splashing the regency woman with hot water.

“It looks like you can open your eyes now, dear,” Ruby said with a smile. “It looks like your creator took pity on you.”


“You shouldn’t have told him.”

“Why not? You shouldn’t tease him so much, it’s not nice!” Ruby Mae accentuated her words with a splash of water.

“Dammit! I never said I was nice!” Star protested.

“So do you think we should let them go at it?” Mary asked her eyes twinkling. “We could get out at play some red hands.”

“Heh, that could be fun. Although I kinda think I’d rather stay here.”

“Why? After all they are ignoring you.”

“I know. But it’s fun to watch.”

“So you like watching scantily clad women in wet clothing make a spectacle of themselves?”

Frank shrugged. “Well, yeah. I’m a guy.”


“Look, I’m not going to lie to you and pretend to be someone I’m not. Yeah, I think it’s funny that Star and Ruby Mae can’t stop splashing each other. And yeah, I find it kinda sexy. I’m sure you like it when men fight over you.”

“I concede you may have a point. Although I have yet to have two men battle over me in such a wet and frivolous fashion.”

“You take what you can get.”

“True. Still it looks like they are not going to engage the rest of us in conversation and as entertaining as you may find it, I am sure that there are other things that we may do which are equally entertaining. “

“Probably. I’m getting hungry anyway.”

Ruby Mae and Star managed to notice that they were left alone in the hot tub and scurried into the house to grab food as well.

“Glad you could join us, ladies,” Mary said with a gracious nod of her head.

“I would have joined ya earlier, darlin’, but this well, I don’t know what to call her, kept me away from you.”

“You did that yourself, Belle-of-the-Ball. You didn’t need my help.”

“See what a horrible person she is, Frank!”

“Actually I kinda agree with her.”

“See!” Star stuck out her tongue at Ruby Mae. “I knew he would side with me. And why in the hell are you hovering over me, Orla?”

“No reason,” Orla said quickly backing off a bit.

“I think she was trying to be the first to sneak a little lip action.”

“Lip action?” Mary asked.

Star rolled her eyes. “Kissing! God where are you from, the dark ages?”

“No need to be rude.”

Ignoring the other woman, Star turned to face Frank. “So how about it? Are we going to be smooching today?”

“Um. No.”

“Awww. Come on. It’d be fun. I’ll even make grilled cheese for you.”

“Are you trying to bribe me?”


“The answer’s still no.”


“That looks painful,” Ruby Mae observed.

“It is,” Mary replied. “Sir, if you would kindly remove the china from my skull I would most appreciate it.”

After lunch, Frank decided he would talk to each girl and get to know what they liked and disliked . After all, he reasoned, he would like the woman he chose to be someone he had something in common with. Since, Orla didn’t make it into the hot tub, he decided to start with her.

“I haven’t really had much of a chance to talk to you, Orla.”

“Well you know where to find me?”

“The Mahjongg table?” he guessed.

“Yep, I really like playing games with people. It’s a great way to get to know people in a non-threatening way.”

“You think a competition is non-threatening?”

“That’s something that you bring to the table. I play for fun.”

“But where’s the fun in that?” Frank scoffed.

“I don’t think I can make you understand,” Orla replied turning and walking away.

Frank moved on to Mary next.

“So what do you like, Miss Austen?”

“Oh I am ever so open to new things. I love travelling-”

“Really?” Frank interrupted. “I like going places too! Or Well, I would if I ever got the chance to go anywhere.”

“Oh?” she asked with a large smile on her face.

“Yeah, when I was little. I used to read the old magazines that belonged to my siblings. I really loved seeing the pictures in them.”

“Then why not make a voyage to these far away locales?”

All of a sudden Frank felt a spurt of frustration well up inside him. “Because I was a mistake and couldn’t go anywhere! I didn’t even get a chance to explore the university before I got sent here.”

Mary let the anger wash over her. “That is unfortunate,” she sympathized. “Mayhap when this is all over you can travel to your hearts desire.”

“Yeah, maybe. If the director-person and my parents let me.”

“Why does their opinion matter. You are a man grown. You are quite capable of making your own choices.”

“I guess. Thanks though.”

Frank turned to Star next but before he even got a word in Star was talking. “I couldn’t help overhear your conversation with History Britches over there.”

“That’s because you were stalkin’ the boy,” Ruby Mae drawled.

“Like you can talk! Anyway. I decided to take pity on you and break the ice first.”

“Thanks,” Frank said in relief.

“So, vacations are cool. They’re like mini-adventures! A chance to get away and get into a little or a lot of trouble. My best friend’s mom and dad went on this one adventure that ended up being like some giant quest out of the movies. Complete with damsels in distress and a giant ape.”

“Okay, now you are shitting me.”

“No really! It’s true! Lou’s dad got the cutlass to prove it.”

“A cutlass doesn’t prove anything. Anyone could pick one up at a tourist crap shack,” Frank scoffed.

Star’s eye’s narrowed. “Okay I bet you this. If I win this thing, we go to Twikki and I’ll show you that the tourist shacks don’t carry cutlasses.”

“You’re on!”

Frank was still a little cranky when he found Ruby Mae in the other room.

“What kind of bee’s gotten in you’re bonnet?”

“What?! I am not wearing a hat!”

“Easy, darlin’, I don’t mean nothin’ by that. It’s just a figure of speech,” she soothed. “So what’s botherin’ you?”

“I don’t know! I just feel like this is a giant mistake and I shouldn’t be there that no one really wants me.”“Oh Frank, sugar, I want you.”

“You do?”

“And if you hadn’t guessed the whole passel of us like you. You just gotta loosen up and go with the flow. All of this stressin’ is gonna give you wrinkles. And you’re far too cute to get wrinkles yet, so smile, darlin’.”

“I don’t feel like smiling.”

“If you don’t wipe that frown away, I’ll do something really drastic. Like start singin’.”

“And that should scare me, why?”

“You obviously haven’t heard me sing.”

Unbidden a smile came to Frank’s face, followed by a laugh. “Okay, you win! I’m smiling.”

“Good, so how about a nice game of mahjongg?”

Frank followed Ruby Mae over to the table and joined Orla and Mary in their game.

It was fun, he decided. But he was getting tired. So after only a few rounds, he bowed out seeking his bed and this time, he made sure to lock the door behind him.

“Get the hell out of my bed before I plant my foot in your southern ass.”

“Mmmm, Frank, you don’ need to be so mean,” Ruby Mae muttered sleepily.

“I am not Frank!” Star ground out.---

Frank rose early again and grabbed a shower. Since the house was still silent, he puttered around the kitchen making grilled cheese. He didn’t really feel like experimenting that morning, so he stuck with the old tried and true of cheddar.

He sat down and Mary soon joined him.

“This meal reminds me of home,” the woman started.


“My sisters and I used to curl up by the fire in winter and Mama would break out the toasting sticks. We would toast cheese and bread until we were stuffed.”

“That sounds like a good memory,” Frank said around a mouthful of sandwich. “I don’t really have many of those.”

“Many of what?” Orla asked sitting down at the table.

“Memories of my family,” the young man replied. “Most of my brothers and sisters were out of the house by the time I was old enough to remember anything. And Oz, mostly did his own thing.”

“Don’t you have any good memories?” Mary queried.

“A few. Mostly of Oz and Dad-doo, Mum too once she figured out who I was. But we were never one of those family game night kind of families.”

“I see,” Mary said. “Perhaps you wished had that?”

“I don’t know,” Frank replied truthfully. “I wanted something. What that was, I couldn’t say.” He looked down at his half-eaten sandwich and didn’t feel like finishing it. “If you’ll excuse me.”

Finishing her sandwich quickly, Orla followed him into the kitchen. “Hey , are you okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, I am. Thanks,” he responded leaning in toward her.

The brunette took a step back. “It’s no problem.”

“You know, I think that if you were like this all the time, I could really fall for you.”

Orla smiled but didn’t say anything.

Frank stepped back looking a little confused. Reaching down to take the woman’s hands, he asked, “What?”

Orla’s expression became somewhat pained. “I like you, Frank. You’re a good guy. But let’s not rush things. Okay?”

Frank nodded and dropped her hands. “Sure, I can do that.”


Frank found Ruby Mae getting up from breakfast and slid up to her. “You don’t think I’m moving too fast, do you?”

“Oh, lands no!”

“Good, because I would rather not have you shoot me down again.”

“No worries about that.”

Frank smiled. “That’s good.” His fingers tracing small patterns on her palms.

Ruby Mae excused herself to take a shower. And Frank found himself back in the kitchen with Star this time.

“Hey, I missed you this morning. Breakfast wasn’t quite the same without the little snarks and snipes.”

Star grinned. “Sarcasm tastes good, huh?”

“When it comes from you, it does.”

Like with the other girls this morning, Frank reached down to take Star’s gloved hands.

The alien laughed and gave them a quick squeeze before pulling away. “Okay, this hand-holding thing. Far too sappy for me.”

“Okay. How does the buttgrab sound?”


“What? I never said I was nice,” he imitated using Star’s tones.

“Just surprised me, that’s all. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy it or nothing.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You’re cute when you’re in denial.”

“I am not in denial!”

“Whatever!” Frank called out as Star stomped from the room.

“Did I hear Miss Walton in here?” Mary asked, walking in from the dining room.

“She left a moment ago.”

“So I am not disturbing you?”

“You never disturb me, Miss Austen.”

“That is kind of you to say.”

Frank shrugged and took her hands. “I don’t know if I would call it kind. But it is true.”

“Now you will cause me to blush.”

“Well, can’t have that,” he started.

“At least not without good reason!” he finished goosing her soundly.

“Mr. Warner!”

“If you want to smack me you’ve got to catch me!” he cried running out into the dining/living room.

Frank was diverted from fleeing the regency woman by Star who offered him a backrub.

He accepted on the condition that she not throttle him.

Then he was diverted by Ruby Mae who drew him into a warm hug,

And then into a heated kiss, much to the others’ chagrin.

“Okay if this gets any more cloying, Belle-of-the Ball over there is gonna steal Frank away.”

“But if she is who he wants, then who are we to stand in the way?” Mary protested.

“But what about our wants?”

“That is immaterial.”

“Immaterial, my ass!”

Emboldened, Star jumped in with a joke. While Mary distracted Ruby Mae with an admire.

“When he knocks you on your ass, History britches I will laugh.”

True to her word, Star started laughing at Mary’s bruised arm while at the same time helping the woman to her feet.

Ruby Mae wasted no time. “Frank, darlin’, why don’t we head back to your room?” she asked.


“Oh why honey, you’re blushing!” she cooed lifting a hand to stroke Frank’s cheek. “Your face is all warm.”

“Dammit! I am not losing a bet this way! Not because of her! Mary, you’ve gotta back me up here.”

“Are you certain this is what you wish?”

“I haven’t lost a bet yet. And I ain’t losing one now!”

Mary hummed noncommittally. “I see.”

“Great! Come on!”

“When you are done pummeling Ruby Mae, I want you next.”

“Huh? Oh sure!” he said ending the game with one solid punch. “What’d you want?”

“This!” Star crowed capturing his lips with her own.


“You may want to leave them,” Mary counseled.

“Oh hell no! This southern girl is not going down without a fight!”

“I admit that I haven’t given up on Frank selecting me. However, I do not like watching him kiss another woman.”

Star released Frank and immediately started teasing him. “That is for grabbing my butt earlier! You can look at it, but touching, that’s another matter.“

“But its really a tempting target.”

“Tough cookies! Every time you grab my ass, I’m gonna grab yours.”

“Can I hold you to that?” he asked huskily, sliding his hands toward her bottom.

“Fingers up, if you want to keep breathing.”

The moment that Star stepped away, Ruby Mae swooped in. “How horrible of you to be threatened by that woman!”

“I didn’t mind!”

Ignoring his protests, the southern woman engulfed him in a tight embrace rubbing her body against his. “Here let me make it all better!”

“Uh, thank you…”

“No problem, Sugar,” she said with a triumphant smile on her face.

While Mary distracted Ruby Mae, Star jumped into action. “Did that Prissy Prissy Princess get her claws in you?” Star asked shooting a glare in Ruby Mae’s direction.


“Turn around and let me check for gouges.”

“Um, Okay.”

Star stepped away from Frank to collect her thoughts, while Mary covered her retreat. At the rate things were going, Ruby Mae would win and Star would lose the bet she proposed earlier. That thought was untenable, it was time to step up her game.

Biting the bullet, Star reached forward to caress Frank’s face.

The man reached up to grab her hand. “Star…” he said softly.

“I don’t want you to think I don’t have a soft side.”

Frank felt his heart thump against his ribcage. “I didn’t. I mean…”

“You’re cute when you’re flustered.”

Noon rolled around and unlike in previous days there wasn’t any doubt in Frank’s mind about who was going home, so he didn’t even bother making a show of thinking things over. It felt too dishonest.

“So you’ve made a decision, Mr. Warner?”

“Of course, he’s made a decision. That’s why we’re all here.”

Frank nodded. “I have. Orla…”

“You don’t really need to say anything.”

“Actually, I do.”

“So say it.”

“I like you. You’re gorgeous and smart. But I don’t feel my heart race with you like I do with the other three.”

“Way to tell a girl they’re not wanted. But you’re right, we just never clicked. Did we?”

“No. We didn’t. It was nice meeting you, Orla, I hope we can be friends.”

“Me too.”

“Well I better go, I’m sure that there is a sporking in my near future.”


The simselves all ran into the room to catch the camera shot of a cab pulling away.

Throwing myself onto the couch next to my creation I asked, “Yakko, did you watch the challenge without us?”

“Yep! It was fun too! Lots of surprises.”

“But why didn’t you wait for us?”

“I was bored!”

“That’s not an excuse. Can you at least tell us who got sent home.”

“Oh I think you will find out momentarily, I wouldn’t want to spoil the revelation. It will be faboo!”

“Orla! Why am I not surprised to see you?” Fuzzy said, getting up to greet her creation.

“Because you are a good creator.”

“Aww thanks.”

“It’s true. We miss you back home.”

“Um, yeah. I can imagine. But enough with the guilt trips. So what happened?”

Orla shrugged. “Frank and I never really got along. He was a nice enough of a kid, but very young. I like my men more mature, you know.”

“I know. But that’s not what I asked. We missed the day’s events because someone felt the need to hold a meeting about how unscary she was.”

“Would that someone be the person making scary faces over there?”


“I see.”

“So spill! I want all of the juicy details!”

“Well, I wasn’t around for a lot of it…”

“What do you mean you weren’t around? What were you doing?”

“There was this really nifty mahjongg table in the other room so I played that a lot. Frank, well, I think he got cornered in the other room by the rest of the girls.”

“So who was she playing with?” Ori asked.

“Why are you looking at me?” Caffie shot back. “How would I know?”

“So let me get this straight. You spent the whole day playing Mahjongg while the other girls stalked Frank?”


“What am I going to do with you?”

“Send me home, I hope.”

“Yeah, sure. Say ‘Hi’ to your siblings for me.”

“I will! Don’t be a stranger, FuzzySpork! We miss your cackling at the clubhouse!”

Fuzzy smiled. “That’s kinda cheesy, you know.”

“We’re just a cheesy bunch! “ Orla chirped. “Well, I’m gonna go. I think I see some Lobster Thermidor in my future.”

After Orla left, the three simselves with girls still in the competition all turned to Yakko and started shooting questions at the man all at once.

“So what happened?”

“Who’s in the lead?”

“Were there any red hearts?”

Orikes made a shushing motion with her hand. “That wasn’t very nice of you. Now all of us are wondering how our girls did. You’ve got to give us something!”

Yakko grinned and got up from the couch.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“I’m going to get them something. I’m a little hungry so I figured a nice cheese sandwich would be perfect.”

“Oh Yakko! Stop being so literal. Don’t make me use my director powers to make you talk…”

“Fine. Here are the scores.”

“Thank you.”

“But wouldn’t you rather have a nice cheese sandwich?”

“Yakko!!!”-----The scores:

Star: 100/75 – Mutual loveRuby Mae: 100/73 – Frank in LoveMary: 100/72 – Frank in CrushOrla: 100/42 – 100/42 – Frank in Crush

Thank you to the authors who let me borrow their characters and to Charris for making my awesome cover.