


Kyle is FORTY!

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Celebrating his life thus far…

Kyle was born Japanese! to American parents, on 10.12.1968

Philip and Louise’s baby boy

Baby Kyle was not able to digest correctly

Baby Kyle had delicate surgery to fix his innerds

Surgery was dangerous for a little infant only a few days old

Baby Kyle was left healthy -- with a rakish, cool scar on his belly

Kyle was not born Texan, but he got here as fast as he could

Kyle loved adventure as well as reading

Kyle admired his parents; looked up to his big brothers

But Kyle played a lot with his big sister

sometimes even with knives

Kyle had an active kid’s life

He loved visiting his grandpa and grandma in the country

And visiting his grandma and relatives in Chicago

Kyle once had appendicitis. He thought he had pulled a muscle.

Dr. Eckhart convinced him it was more serious.

So, Kyle acquired another cool scar

Kyle thoroughly enjoyed his teen years

Kyle has been blessed with many nieces and nephews who love and adore him, and he adores them back

Kyle has worked hard from a very early age, showing responsibility and self-reliance

Kyle is a good neighbor and friend, always leading by example

Kyle is so well-regarded that friends and family name their babies after him

Matthew KyleChristopher Kyle

Kyle was so serious about college that it took him 7 years to finish!

Kyle made time for recreation -- he was eager to try everything

(except smoking and illegal substances!)

Kyle still had time to meet a girl in the library

Kyle and library girl fell in instant love

And then they split up

Kyle went on to open a hotel

Kyle won many awards and accolades in his field

Kyle went places; saw things

Then, Kyle moved far far away to Florida and ran a hotel there

But paradise was not all it was cracked up to be

Kyle missed Texas, but kept working hard, making friends, and one day on the computer, he re-met the library girl

They spent many hours emailing and calling --At Thanksgiving, he flew home to Texas to visit

Kyle was visited by her, for Christmas. They celebrated, saw the sights, enjoyed the seabreeze

Kyle had a very merry Christmas and happy new year that year

In 2005, Kyle moved home to Texas!

Kyle made new friends, met old friends, worked at home, enjoyed his family and life

Kyle got a house

Got a dog

Got a cool new job

Got a wife

And then Kyle turned 40 and his life was exactly perfect

And highly successful.

We celebrate Kyle’s milestone today by remembering the best definition of success…

“To laugh often and love much; to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure

the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one’s self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a

garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with

exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—this is to have succeeded”.

quote most likely by Bessie Anderson Stanley , not by Ralph Waldo Emerson, (according to scholars)


from nancy, who thinks he hung the moon