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The Dragons PlaygroundBy: Inga, Joanna, Nico, Alan, Yaritza, Narlly

One day in a park called “The giants home” is where it all started. Giraffe was feeling perplexed .Giraffe didn’t know why the swing couldn’t budge he was feeling preposterous,because other times the swing could swing and Giraffe could’ve swung itself.

Dragon was an inevitable creature he was pessimistic and never EVER! optimistic. So when Dragon saw Giraffe in the swing he hesitated holding the swing so it wouldn’t budge. Afterward, Dragon pushed Giraffe and all Dragon heard was a loud thudding sound, but Giraffe was ignorant about who did it until he saw dragon holding the swing.

Giraffe was indifferent and he was going to confront the dragon. He was frightened by the thought that dragon can burn his tail. Then he’ll be walking alone because he was going to smell like burnt tail.

Giraffe turbulently escapes to the top of a sky scraper. And the dragon is pursuing him. The Giraffe was scared of falling so he couldn’t move.

At this point Dragon is so mad that he detests Giraffe and pushes him off the sky scraper! While he was falling he can hear his heart beating like a basketball dribbling.

There’s a stranger named Mr. Teddy who saves the day at the playful park. Giraffe is stunned and baffled about the oblivious actions that happened… he saved.

Giraffe confronts Dragon, by scaring him away. Dragon leaves and the Giraffe is relived by the booming sound of his laughter.

After all their problems ,Giraffe and Mr. Teddy play on the swings. While they were swinging they felt tranquil for not having to be afraid of Dragon anymore.

The giant placed Mr. Teddy and Giraffe in a backpack and took them without fear of the Dragon coming back. On the way Giraffe remembered feeling the regret of laughing at Dragon.

Three weeks later…….. The giant decided to go back to the “home.” Giraffe and went to the back to play while giant took a nap.

Dragon was there waiting for Giraffe , thirsty for making someone feel bad. Giraffe wasn’t afraid of Dragon anymore. So, Giraffe rushed in and slapped Dragon for all that he had done to Giraffe.

Mr. Teddy and Giraffe didn’t know what beautiful place they were in. However the sweet aroma of lilac flowers, the music that came from chirping birds, and the wind making leaves party made them not want to leave.

Three days later Giraffe met Mr. Teddy in the park again. Mr. Teddy was so glad and thankful to see Giraffe. Giraffe was intrigued by the bears appearance and the smell of fresh roses that jumped off the swings.

Mr. Teddy and Giraffe then sat on the rubbery swing and swung till twilight. That’s until the giant put them back in the backpack.

However Giraffe and Mr. Teddy escaped and they played on the swing once more. After a while the giant came back and found them, and took them home for good…….UNTIL the next day.

After many solemn days, Mr. Teddy comes back to the park, and tells about his adventures to little kids. The little animals are wide eyed by Teddy’s riveting tale, and are saying” ohhh” and “ahhhh.” The little kids were so amazed by Teddy’s elaborate adventures that they would all come back tomorrow for more, but they had no idea that Mr. Teddy would not come back again.

Mr. Teddy is oblivious that he is being sold. He will not see the little animals again. In the background Teddy listens carefully and hears kids coming to the “home” to play. He will be sold to a smaller giant and he hopes for many more adventures with that giant.

Mr. Teddy is waiting for the little giant to come. He hums a jolly tune. Mr. Teddy feels anxious and cant wait for the giant to come. Teddy feels a chill, and realizes that its getting a little late, but he doesn’t care. He knows that the giant will come soon to pic him up. He’s getting hungry and wants some sweet honey.
