Deconstruction music mag


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The picture in this music magazine is a big bold picture of Kanye West, this picture stands out away from the page because it is in front of the title. The title in this music mag is in a light blue which doesn’t give the impression to the reader of a hard-core metal magazine. Instead it gives the impression of the pop genre which will attract the right audience for the topic in the magazine. The magazine includes a skyline which attracts the audience into the magazine. On the left of the page in the middle there is a sweet spot which emphasises what will be in the magazine. In this case it will be “Kanye West” which also incudes a quote from him to attract more readers. The background in the magazine is a pale purple to make the titles and other important features stand away from the background. On the right of the page the magazine includes lots of puffs which help to show the user what will be coming up in the magazine.

The picture of Kanye West is a simple picture which says exactly what the magazine is about. Kanye West is showing a stern face which shows how his lyrics mean to him. The colour scheme that has been chosen in this magazine is a simple but effective shade. The colour scheme is a shade of blue which really emphasises the artist is male or even that the topic of the article is for males. Although there is blue there also is a range of pink to also show that the magazine can be for females. Another feature is the “+ 50 greatest songs” this will attract more people because they would want to see who's at what position in the charts. Also the magazine has puffs at the side of the magazine which adds more information to the magazine and gives the reader information on what is going to be in the magazine. In this case the puffs list artists.

The picture in this music magazine is a big bold picture of la roux, this picture stands out away from the page because it has the title next to the main image. The title in this music mag is in a white which doesn’t give the impression to the reader of a hard-core metal magazine. Instead it gives the impression of the techno/pop genre which will attract the right audience for the topic in the magazine. The magazine includes a skyline which attracts the audience into the magazine. On the left of the page at the top there is a puff which emphasises what will be in the magazine and what the reader should expect. In this case it will be “la roux ” which also incudes a quote from her to attract more readers. The background in the magazine is a textured black with bobbles on it to make the titles and other important features stand away from the background. On the right of the page the magazine includes a large puff which helps to show the user what will be coming up in the magazine. Which in this case is the top 50 future bands.

The picture of la roux is a complex picture which says many different signs. La roux is showing a stern face which shows how her lyrics mean to her. The colour scheme that has been chosen in this magazine is a simple but effective shade. The colour scheme is white which really emphasises the artist because she has pale makeup on which is to emphasise her eyes. Another feature is the “future 50 top bands” this will attract more people because they would want to see who's at what could be the new trend that could be a number one in the charts. The image that has been used to represent la roux and also is the main image is one of her looking sideways at the camera. This is a really good shot because it gives a good angle to the audience.