Chinese Dynasties


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1. Shang Dynasty (1650 – 1027 BCE

a. supervised flood control projects

b. developed form of writing


c. developed an accurate calendar

2. Zhou Dynasty (“Joe”) 1027- 256 BCE

a. Mandate of Heaven- divine right to rule

b. Philosophies of Confucianism, Legalism and Daoism developed

c. Economy grew (because of iron) population grew

d. Broke into warring states

3. Qin Dynasty (“Cheeng”) 221 BCE

a. believed in Legalist principles

b. united China

c. built Great Wall

4. Han Dynasty 206 BCE – 220 CE

a. Civil Service Exam based on Confucian ideas

b. achievements in medicine (acupuncture), science and agriculture

c. overthrown by foreign invasions

5. Tang Dynasty 618 -907 CE

a. spread Chinese culture

6. Song Dynasty (Sung) 960- 1279 CE

a. China experienced a “Golden Age” b. Stable governmentc. rich culture flourishedd. Silk Road established- trade route between China and Fertile

Crescent- many ideas and goods transported- 4,000 miles of harsh terrain

7. Yuan Dynasty (Mongol) 1279 -1368 CE

a. Kublai Khan (non-Chinese) ruled China

b. Marco Polo visited China and stimulated

European interest in Chinese products.