Blair Witch Project 1999 vs A2 Media Remake


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This presentation will evaluate the trailer for the horror film Blair Witch Project (1999) and the remake the my group and I created.

This is the first title that appears in the trailer. The title brings in the audience by stating the narrative of the film. The key themes that is noted in the title is ‘disappearance,’ ‘woods’ and ‘students.’ These are typical themes and locations that are associated in horror films, therefore it lets the audience know straight away what are the themes that will be explored in the film and that it is all shot by them, therefore we are watching it through their eyes rather then in third person.

We recreated certain scenes from the original trailer.

This is the first scene where the audience is introduced to one of the characters that we can deduce will be one of the victims in the horror film.

Ellie played the role of the girl. The similarities in both clips is the colour of the top as we tried to keep it as similar and effective as the original.

This was a mid shot as it shows Ellie’s body language and facial expression as she is excited about going on the investigation.

We also did shot our teacher who played the role of an old lady in the footage who is describing the day she saw the Blair Witch. This was effective because Ms Silver put on a creepy old lady voice.

We also edited the clip using imovie and made the clip effect black and white to make it more vintage and dated to capture the essence of the past, as we are aware from watching the original trailer the Blair Witch is something that has happened in the past and has been around for a very long time.

Being lost is a iconic horror scene, therefore we thought it would be relevant to add this scene into our remake. A horror scenes draws the audience closer and makes it clear that the horror is about to commence .

In this scene we shot in Hampstead Heath and used a rucksack for our prop to make it seem like we have really been camping.

The body language in the this scene is also similar to the original trailer.

The effectiveness of the extreme close-up of the protagonist face is that the audience cannot see what is behind her, therefore it brings in the fear of the unknown. In our remake the we had to shoot in daylight, therefore we had to cover our hands over the flip camera in order to block any sunlight coming through. This was successful done as it seems like our protagonist is in the woods alone and in the dark, which makes it frightening for the audience to endure.

The use of the flip camera is that it makes the trailer seem like it is a real horror that has happened. This makes the audience feel uneasy the fear of horror is presented in real life, which is something most people would not like to confront.