Ada photo album


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Ada Fenn when she was young

Lee and Ada

Ada’s and Lee’s home in Pacheco

Church and School house in Pacheco – Burned about 1943

The building was burning, everyone was watching it. Ada Fenn rushed in to save the piano. The men followed her in and the piano

was saved.

Music was important to Ada. She and Lee loved to sing together while Lee played the guitar. In the later years, they had a piano and

Ada encouraged her children to learn to play it.

Ada at back door in Pacheco about 1947

Lee and Ada on their favorite horses, headed out on a fishing trip on Rancho Verde, Mexico 1959

Ada made beautiful quilts for her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren

Ada and one of her


Ada and one of her children

Lee holding Marvin, Ada, Verla, Moroni, Alvin Fenn

Verla remembers many evenings spent on this door step. Men with guitars and all joining in singing, after a hard days work at the gold

mine – 1936.

Ada, MarvinAlly (Allred) & Verla

Lee, Ada, Marvin, Verla


Lee, Ada, Marvin & Verla Fenn, Ally & Cohn Allred

Lee, Ada, Alvale. Lee was working at a mine in San Luis Potosi, Mexico

Verla, Marvin, Benny, Ada & Alvale

Verla, Billy, Lee, Ada, Alvale

Ada, LeeMarvin, VerlaAlvale, Benny

BillyIn Matawala

Back: Marvin, Rose, Verla &

Margarita Rodriguez

Front: Benny, Ada, Alvale

Back: Benny, Verla, Lee, Ada, AlvaFront: Verl, Minnie, Hazel

Ada, Verl, Lee, Verla & son Jay, Alvale, Hazel

Ada’s Driver’s License

Alva’s Graduation May 1957Lee, Alvale , Ada

Camping:Hazel, Elva, Ada, Benny,


Ada Fenn and Irene

Martineau, Librarians at


Brothers and Sisters --Back: David, Leroy, Front: Rose, Cora, Ada

Verla, Ada, Alvale, Benny, Minnie, Hazel, Shirleen, Verl

Ada Fenn, 1966Colonia Juarez

Shirleen, Verlene, Ada, Alvale, Verla1971

Back: Verl,Verla, Benny

Middle: Minnie,Hazel, Alvale

Front: Ada,


Ada at Pioneer Day church picnic in Lordsburg

Ada at Pioneer Day Picnic

Ada with Kids & Grandkids:

Back:Jay, Verl





Back: Elva, Hazel, Alvale, Verla Front: Shirleen, Ada, Minnie

Ada with Grandchildren Lillie,Leslie and Ada Lee

Ada Fenn, and Grandchildren James Peeler, Shirlena Six, & Gail Jorgenson1970

Ada and Granddaughter Shirlena

Lilly, Adrian, Grandma Lilly Whetten, Ada Lee, & Grandma Ada

Ada and Shirleen – at baby shower 1976

Ada & her Granddaughter Debbie Six - 1972

Ada Fenn, David Johnson, Cora Judd, Donna Johnson

Ada moved to the US to help take care of her Grandson, Lee Ray (1 yr. old here carrying his Easter basket) . Taking care of him brought her great joy.

The baby in the picture is a little girl she babysat part time.

Ada and her grandson Lee Ada and her grandson Lee Ray Zimmerman

Christmas 1977 at Verl

and Petunia’s house

Shirleen, Lee Ray & Ada

Bobby, Harold, Verla, Ada 1978

Ada & Benny (Lilly Whetten and Adrian in background) 1978

Ada and Verl 1978

Thank you to everyone who provided pictures and information for this slide show.

A special thanks to Leora Farnsworth and Floyd Sabin for all their work on the flip album

where we got many of these pictures.

If anyone has other pictures they want added, please send them to Shirleen.

The End