A Boolprop Monster Mash Challenge: Chapter 4


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I awoke with such a fright, something wasn’t right…there was no light. I feared that my family had somehow lost valuable insight.

Carmen: I’m so glad you came Branch, I was afraid. Everyone was gone, my parents, my siblings, even my old house.

Branch: You know I only talked to your dad like once right?

Carmen: Yes but you knew him, I was barely a toddler. What happened?

Branch: All I know is that there was something called a Crash.

Carmen: A crash? A crash of what?

Branch: I don’t know. Everything was different for me when I woke up too, my girlfriend was not my girlfriend anymore and Dayvid my vampire roommate was still living with

me and not Linda.

Carmen: You’re my only friend, maybe if you stay here with me it won’t happen again. Please stay with me.

Branch: Wow, that’s some rock…how did you afford it?

Carmen: I kept the family money, I just lost my family in the process. I want to make a new

family, with you.

Branch: Now that the creepy mascot is finally gone, let’s do this.

Carmen: Oh Branch…of course. Does it bother you that I want five kids?

Branch: No, not at all.

Branch Pryce (nee Timberly) Green Thumb

Handy Eco Friendly Couch Potato Charismatic

Carmen: I feel much safer now.

Branch: Mmm, let’s see about those five kids hmm?

Carmen: You read my mind!

Carmen: It’s time! It’s time!

Branch: Well let’s go then! No time to waste.

Carmen: I’ll float out to the front, you follow on the other broom.

Branch: Will do.

Carmen: I’m floating as fast as I can baby, stay in there for a bit longer…

Carmen: Oh look at you little Jason, you’re a Ghost-Fairy! That is so adorable!

Branch: Wait up, I want to see what colour wings he has!

Carmen: You can see him at home dear, I have to get him out of the cold.

Branch: They’re blue! Blue is a nice colour.

Carmen: There, you saw can we get going now? That witch Stalker-Ratzi behind me is making me nervous.

Branch: The downside of being famous my dear, you have no life.

Carmen: They grow so fast, little Jason’s wings are already strong enough to let him hover, I’m so proud. Now if I could only get him to talk…

Jason: *stares*

Carmen: Branch!! It’s that time again!

Branch: I’mma comin’!

Carmen: There’s no time to find a sitter for Jason, it’s happening now!

Carmen: I don’t know what to do with a home birth! Where’s the book?

Branch: We never got one, I’m sorry.

Carmen: What?!

Carmen: Too late! Get ready to catch!

Branch: What, no I can’t catch! I have no coordination!

Carmen: Well aren’t you a surprise my little Grape? You’re human, your brother Aaron is another Ghost-Fairy and your other brother Kylo is a Ghost. But don’t

worry my little Thera, mommy loves you all.

Carmen: Big brother Jason will take good care of you, you’re my only girl so far. I still think one more will make this family complete.

Carmen: And he can teach Aaron all about being a Ghost-Fairy as well. I hope the four of you will always be close…I don’t want to see the same thing that happened to me and my

siblings, happen to you four.


For those of you reading who missed it in the SimNaNoWriMo thread, I thought I had lost this challenge because every time I would try to open it, it was crash the game. I tried moving it to my laptop and the same thing happened so I can only figure that it was the two Plumbots that were making it crash, though I don’t know how or why it

was happening. Maybe because there were two of them at the same time, in my Rainbowcy I had two Plumbots as well Spectra and Prism but not at the same time so maybe that was it. I suppose there can only be one Sentient Plumbot in a family at one time, oh well live and learn. I still count them as Occult Achieved for this challenge.
