5 games to play in life


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5 games to play in life

By Rebecca Young

1. Getting ready in the morning Time yourself each day and try to get dressed

as fast as possible


Just like in games before you go into battle you must be wearing the right armour and have the right weapons.

Armour = coat

Weapons = pens, wallet etc

Make sure you have eaten a proper breakfast

Loose points if your bag is too heavy or if you’ve forgotten a needed item.

Loose points if you didn’t take a shower or brush teeth.

2. Getting to college

Race your friends and see who gets to college the quickest

One person gets the bus

One person cycles

One person drives

One person gets the train/Luas

Avoid obstacles

Push pedestrians out of the way, jump over puddles, avoid people working for the Hanlycentre etc

3. Lectures

Try to write down all the notes on the board before the lecturer takes them down

Bonus points if your handwriting is still neat.

Write down what you can remember from that class when you get home without having to look at your notes.

The more you can remember the more points you get

4. Nights out

Main objective

Getting to the club and having a good time

You will need

Alcohol – however if you drink too much and make a fool of yourself this will give you minus points

ID – if you don’t have a valid ID and you can’t get into the club then game over


Avoid the creeps

If you wake up the next morning and you have lost your phone/wallet this gives you minus points

4. Cooking

Objective is to cook a meal that is cheap, tastes good and doesn’t take long to make

Loose points if food is burnt/undercooked