2.2812 classwork tuesday


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  • 1. Explain what you would do if you found out your bestfriend lied to you about something. Draw a picture at theend of your writing. Tuesday February 28, 2012 Linder AdolfoJoshuaRyanNatalieRamonDavid Eric Cameron Massire AngelJoseRicardo Cincere Alan R Carlos Johnny NyashiaMitzyGia Elizabeth AndresSualeeBriannaAlan GJoey Matthew Christian Christopher Roxana BrianEmma Max

2. Morning WritingImagine that you couldbe a guest actor on anyTV show. What showwould you choose, andwhat would you like yourrole to be?Write neatly, skipping a line, and use looseleaf (lined) paper. Hand in once you arefinished. The work will be graded. 3. Daily WarmUp #10The2.13.12MorningReadingJuneBugsKoalaTake a handout from the binin the front of the classroom.Use your SMART Clickers toanswer the questions.Return the handout (withyour name written on it) andthe clicker once you arefinished. 4. Reading Lunch Counter Encounter (p. 394)HomophonesHomophones are wordsthat sound the same buthave different meaningsand spellings. Forexample, the word farehas a different meaningthan the word fair. 5. Reading Lunch Counter Encounter (p. 394)Story StructureCharacter SettingCharacter and SettingA Character and SettingChart can help you listimportant details aboutcharacters and settings. Thesetwo features are part of thestory structure. Use yourCharacter and setting Chartas you reread "Lunch CounterEncounter" to figure out thecharacters traits andinformation about where andwhen the story takes place. 6. Reading Lunch Counter Encounter (p. 394)Reading Homework Practice book,page 113 7. Math Fractions (p. 206)Equivalent FractionsEquivalent fractions have the same value, even thoughthey may look different.These fractions are really the same: 124 248Why are they the same? Because when you multiply ordivide both the top and bottom by the same number,the fraction keeps its value. 8. Math Fractions (p. 206)The rule to remember is:What you do to the top of the fractionyou must also do to the bottom of the fraction! x2 x2 124 248 x2 x2 9. Math Fractions (p. 206)And visually it looks like this: 1 2 4 2 4 8 10. Math Fractions (p. 206)DividingHere are some more equivalent fractions, this time bydividing: 3618613612 2 36Divide the numerator and the denominator by acommon factor. 11. Math Fractions (p. 206)Equivalent FractionshandoutWrite your name and enterthe answer using theSMART clickers. 12. Math Fractions (p. 206) 13. Math Fractions (p. 206)Math HomeworkTextbook, page 239 16 (bottom of page) 14. Spelling Words of the Week 15. Spelling Words of the Week 1. slogan 11. global 2. woolen 12. bushel 3. listen 13. marvel 4. heron14. barrel 5. frighten 15. practical 6. lengthen 16. pretzel 7. captain17. fable 8. mountain 18. chuckle 9. sandal 19. angle 10. signal20. nozzle 16. Spelling Word SortsSort each spelling word by finding the sound and spellingpattern to which it belongs. Write the spelling words withthe / l/ spelled:eel al leWrite the spelling words with the / n/ spelled: eon an enain 17. Spelling Word Sorts Spelling HomeworkABC Order, five timeseach 18. Language Arts Quiz 19. Religion Quiz 20. Homework Summary Tuesday, February 28, 2012Reading1. Practice book, page 113Math1. Textbook, page 239, 16 (bottom of page)Spelling1. ABC order, five times each 21. Range: Mode:5Median: Mean: 22. Attachments imgres