Learn How to Effectively Install Windows


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Learn How to Effectively Install Windows

All the personal computers have different specifications and to properly install the windows on the

computer is not so easy. You need to make sure that you learn all the basics to effectively install the

windows. Windows operating system works on a very complex architecture and a person who wants to

pursue a career in the information technology sector needs to understand the basics of the windows

system. There are many certifications offered by Microsoft that can help you to learn the windows

operating system fundamentals. One such exam is exam 98-349.

The developers have made the installation process of new windows fairly easy as compared to the

previous versions. However; no one can just start installing windows on their own. You need to have a

proper plan when starting the process of installing the windows. There are certain steps that need to be

met for the process to be completed effectively. These processes are comparing different windows

editions, checking the system requirements, checking application compatibility and understating the

installation types. In this article; you will understand the importance of these steps in windows

installation and you will also get the information of how these steps helps in knowing the windows

operating system fundamentals.

Comparing Windows Editions

Windows comes in different set known as the editions. All the window bundles have same basic

functions but as the level of edition increase; it becomes more complex and more features are involved.

There are five basic window editions in Windows 7 and these are Starter edition, home basic edition,

home premium edition, professional edition and enterprise edition.

Checking System Requirements

System requirement plays an important part in installing the windows. This will help you to determine

whether the system is capable of running Windows 7 or not. For the basic and home edition windows; a

system should have a minimum of 512 MB of Ram and 1 GHz processor. The space required by the

windows varies as the basic version need only 16 GB of free space while home basic needs 20 GB of hard

disk space. When you are installing the enterprise and professional edition; you will need minimum 1 GB

of ram and larger free space.

Understanding Application Compatibility

The most widely recognized issue that happens subsequent to introducing another adaptation of an OS

is application disappointments. An essential assignment for the establishment professional is the trying

of utilizations for similarity with the new OS. The uplifting news is that Microsoft gives a few devices to

help you in this procedure. These instruments are packaged together in a download called the

Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT).

After reading this chapter and preparing for the windows operating system fundamentals test; you

cannot easily install windows on any system. Installation process is complex and if it is not conducted

properly; you will face problems in the interface afterwards. Some problems that you can face are that

the applications will not perform correctly and the system will be slow. So; by choosing the right bundle

of windows and by completing the step by step process; you can install the windows correctly.
