Humanoid robotics


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Humanoid Robotics

Matt Hristovski Michael Di Nicola


Humanoid Robotics

•WTF is Humanoid Robotics?•Why is it so popular?•What are Advantages/ Disadvantages?•Where are we going with it?

What is it?• Robots that look like

or mimic people• Like an android? Humanoid refers to any

being whose body structure resembles that of a human: head, legs, arms, hands.

It resembles a human both in appearance and behavior.

Characteristics of Humanoids

• Self-maintenance

• Avoiding harmful situations to people, property, and itself

• Safe interacting with human beings and the environment

• Legged locomotion

• Arm control and dexterous manipulation

History of the Humanoid Robot• Karel Čapek coins the

term “Robot” – 1921

• 1930’s to 70’s: theory of humanoid shapes, electronics, and movement.

• Not until 1970’s until a practical autonomous Robot of this type

• Boom in development from 1980 to present

WABOT-1 (1970~1973)

• Waseda University• The first fun-scale humanoid

robot developed in the world• Able to communicate in

Japanese and measure distances and directions to objects using external receptors, artificial ears and eyes, and an artificial mouth

WABOT-2 (1980~1984)

• Waseda University

• Plays keyboard

• Not as versatile, considered “specialist”

• Able to read sheet music and play it

Further Development• 1985 - Hitachi’s WHL-11 (walking 13


• 1986-1991 - Honda’s E series

• 1989 - Pacific Northwest Laboratories’s Manny (42 degrees of freedom)

• Present day: Honda, Hitachi, Military intuitions, NASA compete with designs

Why the popularity?• Looks and feels more “Human”

• Easier for integration in applied role

• Can perform some tasks better

• Good in science fiction (especially Eastern Anime)

• Looks cool

Advantages• Performs some tasks better

• Self interacting

• Makes good villains

Disadvantages• It hard to implement

• It little-bit complex with every function

• Terrible at performing tasks suitable for wheels (landscape or high speeds)

• Technology (gyros, advanced servo designs)

• Not trustworthy

ASIMO - Honda’s heavy hitter

• $1million a unit

• Can go up stairs

• Run 6km/h

• Carry 1kg

• 51.8v Lithium-ion

30 mins endurance

HRP-4C• Sings and Dances

• Androidish/ Gynoid

• Demonstrates human


NASA and General Motors Robonaut 2

• Intended for space

• Designed to work

side by side with people

• Can carry 15kg

• Wheel chair design

/mounted platforms

Where’s the limit?• Large advancements in both interest and


• Competitions between large corporations

• Can do many tasks that were once near impossible to implement (play soccer?)

• Still a ways off from popular sci-fi films like Terminator or I Robot

Latest version• Honda's new

Asimo robot can run, jump and sign

• It change its actions depending on what happens around it

 The future• ASIMO may serve as another set of eyes,

ears, hands and legs for all kinds of people in need. Someday ASIMO might help with important tasks like assisting the elderly or a person confined to a bed or a wheelchair. ASIMO might also perform certain tasks that are dangerous to humans, such as fighting fires or cleaning up toxic spills.

