Engineer as a Leading Role


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Engineer as a Leading RoleDODA Tech Live - Sep 11 2015

Satoshi Tagomori (@tagomoris)

Satoshi "Moris" Tagomori (@tagomoris)

Software Engineer Treasure Data, Inc.

OSS: Fluentd, MessagePack-Ruby, Norikra, ...

We are hiring!



Collection Processing/Analysis


Satoshi Tagomori @tagomoris

Software EngineerNot CxO, Not manager, Not founder,

But programmer, But OSS developer, But tech blogger

1. an ISP Java programmer for internal systems

2. a system integrator System consultant sales, pre-sales eng., project lead eng., team manager, tech consultant, ...

3. livedoor - NHNJ - LINE Infrastructure engineer Data analytics platform engineer

4. Treasure Data




1 2

3 4


Startup - Traditional

• Startup company • It's not "Venture", "Small"

• Traditional company

Tech or Non-tech?

• Tech person: professional of technologies

• Non-tech person: professional of something else

Tech or Sales?

• "Treasure Data" is an IT Service company • CTO: "Treasure Data is a Sales company"

• "IT Service" is made from many parts: • Software engineer, Support engineer • Sales, Sales engineer • Marketer, Product manager, Manager, ....

Product or Service?

• "Service".

• "Product" MUST be "served" to customers.

Japan - Silicon Valley

• No difference between these

• But a bit - English • It depends on size: • Large company&branch - almost only in Japanese • Small company&branch - English everywhere

What is the your branch for?

• Only for sales & support?

• For all? • Testing, operation, development, planning, ...

What do you want to be?

• Sales? Sales engineer?

• Programmer?

• Programmer who does all? • from system design to operation


Tech or Not?

Tech: Open or Not?

1. an ISP Java programmer for internal systems

2. a system integrator System consultant sales, pre-sales eng., project lead eng., team manager, tech consultant, ...

3. livedoor - NHNJ - LINE Infrastructure engineer Data analytics platform engineer

4. Treasure Data

Blogging, OSS

Tech presentation,Event organizer, ...


Business: Provide values, Make money.

Business: Provide values, Make money.

Business: Provide values, Make money.

Super tricky way: Promise to provide values, Make money, Then provide values :P

Sales leading business :(

Super tricky way: Promise to provide values, Make money, Then provide values :P

Tech leading business

• Find business seeds and potential customers

• Create something to provide values

• Provide it to customers

• Make money

Tech leading business

• Find business seeds and potential customers (Marketer, Sales, Engineer)

• Create something to provide values (Engineer)

• Provide it to customers (Engineer, Sales, Marketer)

• Make money (Sales)

Tech leading?

• Find business seeds and potential customers (Marketer, Sales, Engineer)

• Create something to provide values (Engineer)

• Provide it to customers (Engineer, Sales, Marketer)

• Make money (Sales)

Finding business seeds

• Requirement side: Marketer, Sales

• Product side: Engineer • Treasure Data created Fluentd • Many developer started data management • Some of them use Treasure Data service

Finding potential customers

• "Finding customers": Battlefield of marketers/sales

• "Finding someone who has troubles" • At meetups, conferences, ...

Creating something valuable

• It's our mission!

• But wait, is it really "valuable"? • Hear well from your co-workers

Providing values to customers

• Let's deploy and publish it!

• But wait, do our customers use it in right way? • Hear well from your co-workers

Business lifecycle

1. Finding seeds

2. Create and improve services/products 1. Create something valuable 2. Provide it to customers 3. Get metrics and feedbacks 4. Improve services/products 5. repeat 2. - 4.

Business lifecycle1. Finding seeds

2. Create and improve services/products 1. Create something valuable 2. Provide it to customers 3. Get metrics and feedbacks 4. Improve services/products 5. repeat 2. - 4.

3. Make money anytime you want :D

Improve your business1. Finding seeds

2. Create and improve services/products 1. Create something valuable 2. Provide it to customers 3. Get metrics and feedbacks 4. Improve services/products 5. repeat 2. - 4.

3. Make money anytime you want :D

Repeat 2.-4. AS FAST AS POSSIBLE By Engineering

What is Engineering for?

• Create something valuable & provide it to someone

• Someone: Customer? or, ourselves? - Both!


Enjoy Engineering!


